Moslems have murdered through Jihad and war, some 150 millions. At least as many Jews have been killed by Moslems, as the number gassed by the German Nazis. 10 million or more Christian slaves have been taken over 1400 years, from Russia to Iceland; or the equivalent of the Moslem-brokered Atlantic slave trade of Blacks. The Koran, the Hadith, and Muhammad's own life, make it clear that Islam or Submission, is a cult of war, slavery, death and evil. Read the Koran, read these verses and decide for yourself. Sura 2, analyzed here and here:
From M. H. Shakir, published by Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an.
002:178-179: [2.178] …retaliation is prescribed for you in the matter of the slain… [2.179] …there is life for you in (the law of) retaliation, O men of understanding, that you may guard yourselves.
002:190-191: [2.190] …fight in the way of Allah with those who fight with you…[2.191] And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.
002:193: …fight with them…
002:216-218: [2.216] Fighting is enjoined on you…[2.217]…fighting in it. Say: Fighting in it is a grave matter…persecution is graver than slaughter… [2.218]…strive hard in the way of Allah
002:244: …fight in the way of Allah
25% of Sura 2 is hate speech. Mein Koran, Mein Kampf. I don't see much of a difference. The intent is rather obvious. Fight the Unbeliever Kufar, until they are dead. 'Striving' means to wage war and fight for Allah, the moon deity of Mecca. The world is split and rendered into 'us versus them'. There is no immanent spiritual program within Islam. It is about violence and blood.