Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Legend of Don Pelayo, by Marian Horvat, Phd.

The Crusades started in 722, not 1095.

by Ferdinand III

Horvat relates the untold story of a corrupt Visigothic Bishop, named Oppas, who allied with other diseased elements within the Romano-Gothic Church in Spain; allowed and supported the Moslem invasion and subjection of Spain from 710 to 712. The craven Gothic Church, riven with intrigue openly fought against its own people. It was left to the Christian knight Pelayo to organize a small band of 1000 Christians in the mountainous north which in 722, miraculously wiped out a force of between 30-60.000 Moslem Jihadists. Thus began the reconquista and the re-civilizing of Spain.

Horvat's unknown point is this: without Church betrayal the Moslem hordes would never have been able to launch their Jihad and reduce Spain to 7 centuries of apartheid, with Jews and Christians reduced to second-class Dhimmi slaves and the region including southern France, cleaved open for sex-slaving, pillaging, raiding and barbarity. Revisionist Marxists term this a golden age of Islamic enlightenment. As with all 'enlightenments' there was precious little which was either redolent or civilized. In any case the Church aided in its own self-immolation. A trend we see in full train post Vatican II with the endless pleadings from Rome that Islam has nothing to do with Jihad, terror, or fascism and indeed, if you oppose Islam in the words of the great John Paul II, you must be a xenophobe or a racist.

Horvat: “...the battle between the Moors and the Christians in July of 711....For two days the fighting went on and the Christians were winning...Archbishop of Seville Don Oppas, the commander of one third of the Catholic forces, turned his weapons against his own countrymen and joined the enemy, the Moors. From that moment, the day was lost to the Christians.”

The 'liberal' rot within the Church has always run deep. The Crusader states were lost to Islamic fascism at the battle of Hattin in 1187 when as the expert Regine Pernoud states, in her first rate book, 'The Templars', Gerard de Ridefort the Grand Master of the Templars, treacherously made a deal with Saladin and the Moslems and marched his army to the barren wasteland of Hattin where it was easily surrounded, denuded of water and cover, and annihilated.

..the master of the Temple, Gerard of Ridefort, was responsible for what happened that day at Hattin, and still more inexplicably he was the only one who was spared...It seems beyond doubt that in his case at least an open betrayal on the part of the master of the Order.” [p. 135]

Much the same happened some 477 years previously with the Moslem invasion of Spain. Indeed the Church connived with Moslems before their invasion, guaranteeing them free use of the port of Ceuta in North Africa, and assuring them of an unopposed landing. The last Visigothic King, Rodrigo, had no idea of the depth and malice within his own court and Church, and the incredible evil that Oppas the Archbishop of Seville and many others were capable of. Fittingly Pelayo captured Oppas at the battle of Covadonga [deep cave], in 722. He was imprisoned for life, fed water and bread, and slowly withered and died.