Monday, May 25, 2015

Moslems target Christianity for destruction. Multi-culti cult blames the victim.

Rape, kill, tear down churches, sex-slave....but never equate Islam with Islam....

by Ferdinand III

The Koran very clearly states that non-Moslem assets are to be destroyed. The Kabaa shrine or Cube, in which the Lord or ilah was Baal the moon deity [and Muhammad's family were his caretakers]; was one of 360 idols. Baal was uber alles. Muhammad's first action [besides killing his enemies], when entering Mecca was to smash all the Kabaa idols save that of Baal. He was the ilah. Only Baal can be worshipped. Jews and Christians, and indeed all non Moslems are to be terrorized and killed. Part of the acts of terror committed by Muhammad and his men was the devastation of villages, farms, fortresses and centers of Jewish and Christian, as well as Pagan, worship:

[8.12] When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.

Throughout history Moslems have wiped out non Islamic artifacts. Churches, shrines, libraries, monuments, statues, domes, places of veneration – all eradicated because the Koran and Muhammadism does not allow for any association of any article, image, or non-Moslem building which stands in direct contradiction to either the Koran, or the worship of the Allah-Baal deity.

In Iraq alone over 250 churches as of 2015 have been destroyed. In 2014 it was reported that;

"There used to be 300 churches in Iraq, and now they are only 52, which means the Muslims have destroyed 248 churches in the country of Iraq, alone. While the modern minded people (who think they are intelligent), give seemingly pious objections against Russia’s anti-sodomite laws, they do not lift a finger against the real and blood oppression that are occurring every day in nations like Iraq and Syria.

As one commentator has said:

The U.S. and U.K., which oversaw the transition of Iraq from a dictatorship to a democracy, did nothing to ensure the protection of Christian minorities there. Now, Christians face persecution and death, and most have fled ancient communities.”

But the morons of the world will cry that Islam is peace, Christianity the real terrorist threat, and that 90% of all terror attacks are by non-Moslems.....Since 9-11 Moslems have committed some 25.000 Jihadist attacks, meaning that according to the witless academics, politicians, and multi-culti; non Moslems have carried out 250.000 similar attacks. Of course there is no evidence for this; not even for 25 similar attacks by non Moslems on Moslems. Nor is there any evidence that non Moslems are aggressively targeting Moslem assets, mosques and Masjid for destruction. Only Moslems are allowed to wipe out Christian and Jewish places of worship, some of them 2000 years old and not be criticized.

Below is a video of Moslems destroying Christian churches in Serbia in 2014. But remember NATO and the US 'had' to help the little Moslems against the vigorous 'cleansing' by the Serbians. The Balkan genocide was bi-directional, and it was of course started by the Moslems. Similar UK-US actions in Iraq have ensured that Iraqi Christians are being raped, murdered, forcibly converted to the moon cult, or ostracized and exiled from Iraq