Mein Koran and Muhammad's cult is in large part, a sex cult. It is also of course a fascist-pagan cult of death and violence [see the Moslem world any day of the week for more info]. But sex slavery, the lure of women, concubinage, along with gold and plunder, were the animating forces of Muhammad's cult in its early days. Indeed sheep have more value than women in Mein Koran. ISIS and other barbarians are simply trying to recreate that 'utopia' for Moslem men. Consider a recent spate of rapes of Infidel women by ISIS [many thousands have been sold into sex slavery]:
Reported the Times’ Rukmini Callimachi: [PJ Media]
In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her — it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted.
Both before and after he raped her, he prostrated himself in Islamic prayer:
“He told me,” the girl recounted, “that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God.”
This was no isolated incident. A fifteen-year-old girl who had been forced into sex slavery recalled: “He kept telling me this is ibadah” – that is, worship of Allah. “He said that raping me is his prayer to God. I said to him, ‘What you’re doing to me is wrong, and it will not bring you closer to God.’ And he said, ‘No, it’s allowed. It’s halal.’”
All this is reminiscent of Hamas’ statement: “Killing Jews is worship that draws us closer to God.”
Baal is not God. It is the moon deity of Mecca and in the Old Testament it is associated with evil, and cults of criminality, including the Canaanites who in the name of Baal, performed child sacrifices, condoned sex slavery and all forms of sexual deviancy. [hey, sounds like the modern world!]
But remember, the 97% consensus expert opinion is that ISIS is not Islam, and Islam is not savage, barbaric, or interested in sex slavery, concubinage, or raping Infidel women. When ISIS quotes that raping women is sanctioned by the Al Lah thing, it is a mis-quote and mis-translation. That is all. The fact that Muhammad had sex with a 9 year old, and had between 15-24 wives or concubines must be ignored, as must be the rape and sex slavery of millions of non Moslem women in 1400 years. After all the experts declaim; who is to say that 7th century Bedouin barbarism is not as 'good' or 'moral' as the culture of today ? After all we do abort 3 million fetuses in the West each year....