Ya-Sin, or Obey Sin who was the Meccan male moon deity, or Lord [Al Lah].
Follow the Koran and whatever 'Al Lah' via Muhammad has declared dear pious Moslem:
““Verily, when He intends a thing, His Command is, “Be”, and it is !” [36:82]
So when the moon Lord Sin or Al-Lah says 'let there be light', there is. When he says, 'kill all the Jews', or issues other violent intolerant messages, they too must be come to pass.
Jews and Christians are cursed:
“...Did you not, then, understand? You embrace the (Fire) this Day, for that you (persistently) rejected (Truth).” [36:64]
Jews and Christians rejected the Fascism of Muhammad, the theology of sex slaving, Jihad, blood, war, false prophets, demented claims and plunder. That makes them bad people and deeply offends Ya-Sin.
Don't forget the Jihad;
“Verily, We give life to the dead, and We record that which they send before (them), and their traces [their footsteps and walking on the earth with their legs to the mosques for the five compulsory congregational prayers, Jihad (holy fighting in Allah's Cause) and all other good and evil they did, and that which they leave behind], and all things We have recorded with numbers (as a record) in a Clear Book.” [36:12]
Out of 83 verses, 19 threaten the Unbeliever. This is about the average in the Koran [22%]. Unbelievers are linked to Satan, making it easier to both vilify and kill them. Adam was of course a Moslem and Jews and Christians are Satanic since they refused to follow Muhammad and his cult of sex trading, slaving, Jihad, plunder, rape and killing:
Did I not ordain for you, O Children of Adam, that you should not worship Shaitan (Satan). Verily, he is a plain enemy to you. |
And that you should worship Me [Alone Islamic Monotheism, and set up not rivals, associate-gods with Me]. That is a Straight Path. |
And indeed he (Satan) did lead astray a great multitude of you. Did you not, then, understand? |
This is Hell which you were promised! |
Burn therein this Day, for that you used to disbelieve. |
This Day, We shall seal up their mouths, and their hands will speak to Us, and their legs will bear witness to what they used to earn. (It is said that one's left thigh will be the first to bear the witness). [Tafsir At-Tabari, Vol. 22, Page 24] |
And if it had been Our Will, We would surely have wiped out (blinded) their eyes, so that they would struggle for the Path, how then would they see? |
On the Judgement Day Allah will pronounce them guilty of not following the Sharia path. They will burn in Hell and be punished. Verses 5-10 outline the punishment for Jews and Christians including:
Verily! We have put on their necks iron collars reaching to chins, so that their heads are forced up. |
Jews and Christians enslaved and then killed. This is what you read in Mein Koran. But according to the MSM and various Quackfessors, this has nothing to do with Islam.