Friday, March 4, 2016

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Sura 40 and more Christian hate.

Quackademics and politicians are confused by Jihad, rape, plunder and the destruction of Infidels.....

by Ferdinand III

There are only 30 verses of Kuffar hate and bile in this chapter, or a mere 35% of the total. Phds are being manufactured at this moment, explaining that 35% of hate speech within Mein Koran really means that 65% is full of love and happiness. The hate speech verses against the Untermensch Kuffar are: 5-7,10,17-18,21-22,33,35,41,46-50,52,58,60,63,69-75,78,82 and 85.

In actual fact the non hate speech part of Mein Koran is dedicated to dogma around being a slave of Muhammad-Allah [the moon deity Baal]; managing your women properly; and being nice to Moslems [but 'ruthless to the Unbelievers'].

We see the truism of the above in the 3 main concepts forwarded by this Sura; 1) obey Baal; 2) if you are a good slave of Baal-Muhammad you might get rewarded and 3) Islam will dominate the Kuffar apes and pigs.

Obey Allah and get rewarded.

Those who sustain the Throne (of Allah) and those around it sing Glory and Praise to their Lord.....enter the Gardens of Eternity, which You have promised to them....And preserve them from (all) ills;” [40:7-9]

Allah is supreme, you are nothing.

Verily it is Allah (alone) Who hears and sees (all things)....He is full of Strength, Strict in Punishment.” [40:20-22]

It is He Who gives Life and Death; and when He decides upon an affair, He says to it, 'Be' and it is. [40:68]

Islam will dominate – it is just a question of when:

So persevere in patience; for the Promise of Allah is is to Us that they shall (all) return.” [40:77]

Mein Koran demands complete self-abasement and slavery to the Muhammad-Allah deity as given in the following verses in this Sura:


And not equal are the blind and those who see, nor are (equal) those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism), and do righteous good deeds, and those who do evil. Little do you remember!


And your Lord said: "Invoke Me, [i.e. believe in My Oneness (Islamic Monotheism)] (and ask Me for anything) I will respond to your (invocation). Verily! Those who scorn My worship [i.e. do not invoke Me, and do not believe in My Oneness, (Islamic Monotheism)] they will surely enter Hell in humiliation!"

What happens if you are a pious Catholic [named a polytheist in the Koran for Trinitarian worship]; and don't want to submit to the Meccan moon deity ? Your reward is hellfire and humiliation:


This Day shall every person be recompensed for what he earned. No injustice (shall be done to anybody). Truly, Allah is Swift in reckoning.


And warn them (O Muhammad SAW) of the Day that is drawing near (i.e. the Day of Resurrection), when the hearts will be choking the throats, and they can neither return them (hearts) to their chests nor can they throw them out.There will be no friend, nor an intercessor for the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.), who could be given heed to.


See you not those who dispute about the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allah? How are they turning away (from the truth, i.e. Islamic Monotheism to the falsehood of polytheism)?


Those who deny the Book (this Qur'an), and that with which We sent Our Messengers (i.e. to worship none but Allah Alone sincerely, and to reject all false deities and to confess resurrection after the death for recompense) they will come to know (when they will be cast into the Fire of Hell).


When iron collars will be rounded over their necks, and the chains, they shall be dragged along.


In the boiling water, then they will be burned in the Fire.


Then it will be said to them: "Where are (all) those whom you used to join in worship as partners


"Besides Allah" They will say: "They have vanished from us: Nay, we did not invoke (worship) anything before." Thus Allah leads astray the disbelievers.


That was because you had been exulting in the earth without any right (by worshipping others instead of Allah and by committing crimes), and that you used to rejoice extremely (in your error).

The concepts are simple, clear, and quite fascist. Christians and Jews are going to be destroyed – led 'astray' by the Moon deity. They have rejected the Muhammad-Allah nexus of worship und oder Mein Koran. For that 'crime' they can be killed, executed, humiliated and crucified [5:33] in this life and the next. And quackademics and the media wonder why Moslems are so violent ?