Monday, May 16, 2016

Ban Moslems from the US? Of course, and why stop there?

Islam is Islam. There are no 'sects' of love and hope within Muhammadism.

by Ferdinand III

Should Moslems be banned from the USA pace Trump ?  Or for that matter the UK, Canada, Australia, France, Russia and any serious nation state ?  Of course.  Islam and Moslems do not assimilate, they conquer.  1400 years of history, and the lurid, insane and violent supremacism of Mein Koran, make that rather obvious.  The EU[rinal] has lost swathes of its urban core to Muhammadism, surrendered from ignorance, illiteracy, cowardice and apathy.  Its culture is being eradicated.  Western Moslems for instance, overwhelmingly support Sharia Barbarism according to a recent Pew study.


But what of the favorite Cultural Marxist term, ‘nuance’?  Everything is ‘nuanced’ according to these ‘political scientists’.  Consider the ‘nuance’ of a vast cult system named Submission, comprising 1.6 billion acolytes and deluded devotees of various stripes and hues.  Surely there must be a moderate Islam in that complex accumulation ?


In short, there can never be a ‘nuanced’ version of Muhammadism.  Islam is Mein Koran and Mein Koran is Islam.  Muhammad is Islam, and Islam is Muhammad.  There might be mild variations on these themes, some differences in cult emphasis, or in the pure understanding of Mein Koran; but Islam is in-toto, simply Islam.  As Turkey’s PM Erdogan has often stated, ‘There is no moderate Islam’.  A belief held by most Sunnis.  But what of non Sunnis ?


Timothy Furnish Phd in ‘Sects, Lies and the Caliphate’, makes the following rather clear-headed explanations as to why Islam is the issue, not just the Sunni brand of Muhammadism.  He does however, propose that Trump’s ban should not be imposed on non Sunnis.  This seems rather ridiculous, since Mein Koran and Muhammad-worship are the key problems within Islam.


‘….a literalist reading and application of the Qur’an and the Hadiths (the alleged sayings and practices of Islam’s founder, Muhammad). This means that canonical Islamic endorsement of beheading, stoning, and violent jihad, inter alia, must apply across space and time; they are not subject to, say, allegorical interpretation or chronological consignment to the 7th century AD.


‘There are minority sects of Islam which do not take the Qur’an 100% literally and are thereby not yoked to slavish imitation of the texts, with all their problematic repercussions: the Ahmadis of South Asia; the Isma’ilis, the second-largest Shi`a sect; the syncretistic Alawis and Druze of Syria and Lebanon; many Sufi, or Islamic mystical, orders (which are actually not sects so much as, in a sense, charismatic Muslims); and, believe it or not, the Twelvers—the Shi`is of Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, Lebanon and Azerbaijan—who unlike the Sunnis never abandoned ta`wil, or “(allegorical) interpretation” of the Islamic texts.’

More discussion and points from Furnish here

The Moslem groups mentioned by Furnish, are persecuted, even within Western Europe, by Sunnis.  However, Shia violence, and general Moslem violence against non-Moslems, is of course not confined only to Sunnis.  Consider Iran, a Shia state which will try to obliterate Israel and has exterminated Christians within Iran and would have little problem in committing faithocide against a Christian population elsewhere.  Or Lebanon, where Shias supported by Iran have destroyed Christianity and the once-largely Christian culture of that state. 

The problem with Islam is Muhammad-worship, Mein Koran and Moslem culture.  Whether the cultural contagion is virulent, or less than virulent matters not.  Culture is indeed King, and when you allow a Bronze Age fascist-supremacism, which should be called Muhammadism, into your culture, you are allowing a bacillus to be poured into your blood.  The end result will be the same as the Germans smuggling Lenin into the failed Tsarist state in 1917.

The hatred of the Infidel runs throughout the entire width and breadth of Muhammadism.  There is no ‘moderate’ Islam.