“The god Il or Ilah was originally a phase of the Moon God....Similarly, under Mohammed's tutelage, the relatively anonymous Ilah BECAME Al-Ilah, The God, or Allah, the Supreme Being. (C. S. Coon, "Southern Arabia, A Problem For The Future", Papers Of The Peabody Museum Of American Archaeology And Ethnology, 1943, Volume 20, p. 195)”
For many Islam is not 'pagan' because it claims to be monotheistic and the Moslem God is the 'same' as the Judeo-Christian God, if not superior. Historically Allah was of course Hub'Allah the male moon deity of Mecca and has nothing in common with the God of the Old and New Testaments. Sura 54 or 'The Moon' makes that clear.
The only miracle [besides drinking camel urine as medicine which appparently worked], which can be ascribed to Mad Muhammad, is his 'splitting' of the moon. Since his family deity was the ilah Baal or the moon deity, this seems rather convenient;
The Hour has drawn near, and the moon has been cleft asunder (the people of Makkah requested Prophet Muhammad SAW to show them a miracle, so he showed them the splitting of the moon). |
The Meccans knew Muhammad was mad and labelled him insane. Mein Koran does not go into detail into how the moon split, or even what the above phrase really means. It is the only supernatural event linked to Muhammad during his Jihadic ministry of misery, death, murder, rape and war.
An entire chapter devoted to the 'moon', might give people a clue about the celestial origins of the Meccan 'ilah'; and the centrality that the moon and sun played in their pagan rites. It is clear that in pre-and-Muhammadan Arabia that the moon was a central object of worship. Muhammad's own grandfather was a caretaker at the shrine of Hub'Al[lah], the Assyro-Babylonian moon idol venerated by the Meccans as the 'one' or 'Lord' of the 360 idols housed in the Cube. His red carnate statue dominated the entrance to the shrine. These facts has been covered up by Moslems in the early formation of their fascism, and almost forgotten by modern quackademics, so eager to prove that Islam is love and reasonableness.
Almost half of this Sura is hate speech against non Moslems.
There are 55 verses, with 26 preaching hate speech against non-Moslems including: 'unbelieving' Quraish Meccans; Jews, and Christians. Bizarrely even before Allah was created to be the 'Lord' of the universe by Muhammad who appropriated the existing 'Lord' of the Kabaa shrine namely Hub'Al[lah] and conflated it into his own version of the Jewish-Christian God; he or it was busy punishing non-Moslems who did not follow the yet to be [un]created Koran. How rational.
The hate speech verses are: 6-9, 16, 18-19, 21, 23, 26-27, 30-31, 33-34, 36-39, 42-43, 45-47, 48, 51. Some favourites include:
So (O Muhammad SAW) withdraw from them [those who reject Islam]. The Day that the caller will call (them) to a terrible thing. |
Then, how (terrible) was My Torment and My Warnings? |
"Then taste you My Torment and My Warnings." |
Are your disbelievers (O Quraish!) better than these [nations of Nuh (Noah), Lout (Lot), Salih (Saleh), and the people of Fir'aun (Pharaoh), etc., who were destroyed)? Or have you an immunity (against Our Torment) in the Divine Scriptures? |
Their multitude will be put to flight, and they will show their backs. |
Nay, but the Hour is their appointed time (for their full recompense), and the Hour will be more grievous and more bitter. |
The Day they will be dragged in the Fire on their faces (it will be said to them): "Taste you the touch of Hell!" |
And indeed, We have destroyed your likes, then is there any that will remember (or receive admonition)? |
You must follow the moon deity Hu'Baal of Mecca. Not doing so will result in punishment in this life; and an eternity of hellfire in the next. Muhammad and Muhammadans must 'withdraw' from any who do not follow the moon 'god', clearly evoking the supremacist mandate of Muhammadism and the cult's loathing of non Moslems. Further, [54:43], all non Moslems must be destroyed, propitiating the moon god with the sacrifice of Infidel blood, spilling it in a pagan and quite bronze age form of appeasement and veneration. Cults such as Islam are built on blood, and the blood of 'enemies' is seen as a glorious offering to their celestial 'god'.