80 innocents dead in Nice France due to yet another Moslem attack. It is not extremist Islam or 'terror', but simply Islam, a cult which commands its immoral, deluded acolytes to murder Infidels.
'A 31-year-old Niçois of Tunisian origin was driving the truck that claimed over 70 people on the Prom in Nice on Thursday night.
The Frenchman was 31 years old.'
You will not find the words Islam, Moslem, or a Tunisian born or origin Moslem. Just that he was 'French'.
As the Eutopia/rinal Islamifies the number of attacks escalates. Parts of Europe by 2050, will most likely be Moslem dominated. An entire civilization is committing suicide. Still against #Brexit now ?
[Tunisian Moslem's Truck, which was used to blow up innocents]