Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Nothing to do with Islam propaganda and indoctrination. Believed by the brain dead.

You have to very dense to dissociate 1400 years of Muhammadan fascism from the cult of Moh.

by Ferdinand III

As Moslems continue to slaughter less than pioius Moslems [this is what Sharia fascism demands, you must follow all of Muhammadism]; and seek out to exterminate Jews, Christians; non Moslems; and engage in rapes, sex-trafficking of whites and blacks [with many sex gangs openly operating in major Western cities in full view of the police]; with Moslem states such as Turkey and Iran openly proclaiming a Jihad against Jews and Infidels in Israel and elsewhere, we can depict the MSM, political-elite and 'expert' reaction, when the next Moslem atrocity, the next 9-11, London 7-7-05, Paris, Brussels, Madrid, Nice, Orlando, Ft Hood, Beslan, Moscow, Bali, attack occurs. They will blame the victims.