Mein Koran is based on pagan Arab polytheism and what was existing in Mecca, at the time Muhammad started his cult of Jihad. Mein Koran is rife with this reality. Al-Lah for example means the Lord, [not God in the J-C sense], and the Lord of the polytheistic shrine in Mecca was of course Baal, who was the ilah, or Chief of the Deities. Baal, or Hu;Baal, was the Meccan moon deity. Conveniently Muhammad's family was the deity's caretaker. Muhammad's last name was slave of Allah or Abdullah.
Jinns are part of Mein Koran's pagan package and Arab pantheistic rites. Jinns were little devils, believed to be active in the affairs of the world, many were evil, some were benign.
“And we do not understand whether ill is intended to those on earth, or whether their Lord (really) intends to guide them [the Jinns] to right conduct.” [72:10]
Jinns are usually associated with mischief and magic, though it varies within Sharia fasicsm and the locality. Today in Mecca, as a part of the ritual Hajj or pilgrimage, the true believer must throw rocks at these little demons to ward off evil. Nothing could be a more direct link to the late bronze-age and iron ages, than tossing rocks at pagan devils.
Unlike the Jinn, Jews and Christians are always evil. In this Sura of 28 verses only 9 preach hate against non-Moslems. Surely a moderate amount. The hate speech verses are:
'And that the foolish among us [i.e. Iblis (Satan) or the polytheists amongst the jinns] used to utter against Allah that which was wrong and not right. |
'And we think that we cannot escape (from the punishment of) Allah in the earth, nor can we escape (from the punishment) by flight. |
'And of us some are Muslims (who have submitted to Allah, after listening to this Qur'an), and of us some are Al-Qasitun (disbelievers those who have deviated from the Right Path)'. And whosoever has embraced Islam (i.e. has become a Muslim by submitting to Allah), then such have sought the Right Path." |
And as for the Qasitun (disbelievers who deviated from the Right Path), they shall be firewood for Hell, |
That We might try them thereby. And whosoever turns away from the Reminder of his Lord (i.e. this Qur'an, and practice not its laws and orders), He will cause him to enter in a severe torment (i.e. Hell). |
And the mosques are for Allah (Alone), so invoke not anyone along with Allah. [In other words, the Christian Trinity....] |
Say (O Muhammad SAW): "None can protect me from Allah's punishment (if I were to disobey Him), nor should I find refuge except in Him. |
"(Mine is) but conveyance (of the truth) from Allah and His Messages (of Islamic Monotheism), and whosoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, then verily, for him is the Fire of Hell, he shall dwell therein forever." |
Till, when they see that which they are promised, then they will know who it is that is weaker concerning helpers and less important concerning numbers. |
Pagan Arabs, non Moslems, Jews and Christians must submit their worthless selves to the Allah-Muhammad cult, or face hell-fire, 72:14-15 is very clearly stated and bears repeating: “Amongst us are some that submit their wills (to Allah), and some that swerve from justice. Now those who submit their wills – they have sought out (the path) of right conduct: But those who swerve, - they are (but) fuel for Hell-fire'” [72:14,15]
As with every Koranic Sura, there is no higher ethical statement in these verses. It is just a cacophony of violence, rage and demands. This culture of intolerance, so obvious to any objective reader of the Koran, must inform Moslem society. It is impossible to reject the clear linkage between Koranic supremacism and Moslem intolerance and violence evinced and propounded on a daily basis in the real world. It is also ignorant to evade the obvious bronze and iron age pagan rituals, rites, beliefs and stories, which suffuse Mein Koran, and which predate Muhammad, as in the case of 'Jinns', by thousands of years in some cases.