Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Moslem Jihad in the UK, the cult of enrichment, and the Low IQ destruction of Civilisation

As the Moslem population continues to double in the UK, Sharia is just a matter of time

by Ferdinand III

Good article below from Seneca III from Middle England writing in The Gates of Vienna Blog about yet another Moslem terror attack in London.  He is perfectly correct that about 25% of Europe’s Medieval population or about 15 million, were enslaved, killed, or forcibly converted by Moslems, to Muhammadism.  At least 10 million Whites have been enslaved by Moslems from the Ural Mountains to Iceland over 1400 years as the Jihad sought to conquer Europe from the East and the South.  

One important factor in the Viking invasions of the British Isles and France, was the slave trade and linkup with the Moslems.  Dublin was founded as slave-trade centre.  Many British slaves ended up in North Africa or the Middle East.  There will never be a Fake News remonstration on this point; or any lessons taught in the (mis)Education systems.  Nothing can criticise the State’s 2nd favourite pets (the first is the LGBT cult, the third are the Green Nazis).

Keep in mind that the London Metro Police and Scotland Yard state that they prevent on average, 1 attack in London each month, many of these targeting the Transport network, others, shopping malls or shopping streets like Oxford Circus.  Over £800 million pounds per year is spent in the UK on ‘anti-terrorism’, or against the Moslem Jihad.  At least 1/3 of this would be for London alone.  This is a fantastical sum for protection from a cult which now has 2000 Mosques across the UK and most likely, 10 million adherents (vs. the 5 million of ‘official’ government statistics), which will double in 10 years.

So, thanks to the cult of the Mulit-Kulti, the low IQs who maintain that carpet bombing the UK with Moslems, Africans and East Europeans is ‘harmonious’ and ‘just’, we have:


-Extraordinary increase in taxes and spending for ‘security’

-Still the highest level of crime ever recorded

-45 to 90 knife attacks each day on average just in London

-Worst gang violence on record in London

-Highest drug usage on record (per capita) in London

-70% of Moslems unemployed in London

-NHS, Schools, and the Welfare state implosion in both quality and budgets in London

-Random Moslem attacks which result in dead and wounded in London

-Literally hundreds of millions of £ being spent on ‘security’ – from Moslem attacks



But if you oppose any of this, you are a racist-fascist-KKK-Phobic-Trump supporting-degenerate-Nazi.

The Lost City of Londonistan

by Seneca III

Before the perfectly naturally angry and precisely directed response to today’s atrocity on and about London Bridge is officially designated ‘wrongthink’ and generates the inevitable screams of ‘Islamophobia!’ from the collective entity ultimately responsible, perhaps a little dose of facts and history may help level the playing field.

The noun ‘Islamophobia’ is a compound oxymoron concocted to obfuscate historic reality, and it is the reverse of the same propaganda coin the obverse of which reads ‘Religion of Peace’. Consider: how could such a long, fully documented record of fourteen centuries of relentless Islamic aggression during which Muslims launched jihad after jihad spreading death and atrocity far and wide across the globe now be ignored in order to enforce a revisionist dialogue totally contrary to recorded facts?

Europe itself was assaulted on every quarter from Iceland to Ireland to Scotland and England to Scandinavia and the Low Countries; from Spain to France to the Balkans and Austria. The devastation caused by this incessant slaughter and the after-effects of Islam’s scorched-earth policy was immense, and rendered vast swathes of Europe uninhabitable. According to some sources it was during these periods that approximately 15 million Europeans, close to 20% of a population of roughly 78 million, were either killed outright, starved to death, died of diseases spread through displacement or were taken and sold into predominantly sexual slavery in the souks of Arabia and the Barbary Coast.

The Italian scholar Franco Cardini wrote: “If we ask ourselves how and when the modern notion of Europe and the European identity was born, we realise the extent to which Islam was a factor (albeit a negative one) in its creation. Repeated Muslim aggression against Europe between the seventh to eighth centuries, then between the fourteenth and the eighteenth centuries was the ‘violent midwife’ to Europe.”

That we Europeans became less involved in internecine conflicts and more militantly oriented beyond our borders is not an indictable action but a natural product of the will to survive and a growing awareness that offence is the best form of defence. It was not a case of the West being the aggressor and Islam the victim, as the cultural relativism narrative would have us believe; if anyone has a grievance to air it is the West, not the demented slaves of Allah in the occupied territories now established from Londonistan to Glasgow and blighting the whole face of Europe like a human pox.

Remember, nothing in Islam changes. In the final analysis we would be mad to accept the claim that we Westerners are in any way responsible for the current state of affairs, other than that in our sublime stupidity and fear of being labelled ‘Racist!’ we have allowed our corrupted academic and political classes to physically impose this pre-medieval abomination upon us without much more than a fearful murmur of disapproval.

Thus, now we are fighting another battle in a war that has rumbled on for 1,400 years. It is a battle we are losing, because those who should be defending us — including the Church and the State and its executive arms — are instead close-ranking with the enemy and conspiring to prevent us from fighting back with the ruthless efficiency that, thanks to Islam, became an abiding and sustaining characteristic of our culture.

Furthermore, when examining the motivations of the stabby-stabby enricher (now thankfully amongst his virgins) who is purported to have heroically killed two woman, probably because they simply were women, it is worth bearing in mind that in 1631 the Muslim Pirate Murad Rais led a group of raiders to the village of Baltimore, Ireland, and abducted over a hundred women and children bound to be sold as sex slaves on auction blocks throughout the Umma (shades of Rotherham etc., anyone?).

Later, in 1627, Murad occupied the island of Lundy in mouth of the Bristol Channel, using it as a holding pen for captured Europeans prior to sending them on to the slave markets of Barbary. Thus it came to pass that in 1632 a small English force stormed the Island and put the pirates to the sword, a practical solution to the problem and a solution worth bearing in mind, considering Lundy is the only place where the black flag of Islam has ever flown over English soil — until recently, that is — and that is why we need to respond to today’s events in a similar manner before it is really is too late. There is nothing new in the Great Game.

(bold is mine)