Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Palestinian Delusion: The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process, Robert Spencer

There never was a Palestine. There is always the Moslem Jihad and racism.

by Ferdinand III



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An anodyne to the Fake News media, Fake Education, Fake Moslem-victimhood cults, which caper and scamper over the information landscape, like diseased baboons, braying and howling their toxic falsehoods.  Mr Spencer is the author of over 20 books on the Moslem Jihad, an expert, erudite, urbane, factual, unemotional, equipoised.  His site is an indispensable account of the modern Moslem Jihad, a continuation of 1400 years of Infidel-Kuffar slaughter, rape and domination and associated societal destruction. 


Very few real facts about Muhammadism (as ‘Islam’ was rightly called up to the end of the 19th century) are to be found in schools, universities or the Fake News MSM.  The truth about the cult of Muhammad can be found however in reality and in the endless, ceaseless Jihadic violence of the Meccan cult, which is on full display every day around the world.  1500 verses of hate speech against Jews, Christians and non-Moslems permeates their book ‘Recital’ (Koran).  There is no peace until Muhammadism rules over the Jews and Christians.


To state this truth, is as Orwell wrote, now a revolutionary act. 


Robert Spencer explains the Moslem Jihadic reality in Fake ‘Palestine’, in a book full of facts and history that there never was a Palestine, why there has never been a Palestinian ‘people’, state or empire; and why there never will be ‘peace’ in the Middle East until every Jew (and Christian we should also emphasise) is dead or a dhimmi-slave.  This is what Muhammadism means by submission and peace.  The Kuffar is dead or under complete Moslem domination. 


An uncomfortable fact for those who advance the claim that the Palestinians are the indigenous people of the area is that they have no history: there was never a state of Palestine, never a king or president of Palestine, never (until quite recently) a Palestinian flag, and nothing that distinguishes the Palestinians culturally, linguistically, or otherwise from the other Arabs of the region.


In 1946, the Arab American historian Philip Hitti testified before the 1946 Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry: “There is no such thing as Palestine in history, absolutely not”—meaning that there had never been a nation bearing this name.


the KGB (the Soviet Committee for State Security) invented the “Palestinians,” an even smaller people who were, the propaganda insisted, oppressed by a powerful and ruthless Israel. The French historians Guy Millière and David Horowitz, authors of the book Comment le peuple palestinien fut inventé (How the Palestinian People Were Invented), explain that the Palestinians were invented in order to “transform a population into a weapon of mass destruction against Israel and the Jewish people, to demonize Israel, and to give totalitarianism and anti-Semitism renewed means of action.”


Syrian President Hafez Assad once told Yasser Arafat: “You do not represent Palestine as much as we do. Never forget this one point: There is no such thing as a Palestinian people, there is no Palestinian entity, there is only Syria. You are an integral part of the Syrian people, Palestine is an integral part of Syria. Therefore it is we, the Syrian authorities, who are the true representatives of the Palestinian people.”


Prince Hassan of the Jordanian National Assembly put it simply on February 2, 1970: “Palestine is Jordan and Jordan is Palestine; there is only one land, with one history and one and the same fate.”


King Hussein of Jordan put it most succinctly of all in 1981: “The truth is that Jordan is Palestine and Palestine is Jordan.”


Palestine never existed.  The original Balfour declaration and land assigned to the Jewish state was eventually split into two parts - one Moslem called Jordan, the other Jewish called Israel.  


Philistinia (Greek) did exist along the coast of Israel into Lebanon.  This is a historical and archaeological fact witnessed in the Old Testament as well.  Judea, Judah and Samaria existed, likewise proven and without debate.  The Romans in AD 130 renamed Judea and Judah ‘Palestine’ (Latin for Philistine), the hard enemies of the Hebrews and Jews, who lived along the coast, represented in the Old Testament by the 8 to 9 foot tall Goliath and his 5 brothers, with Goliath improbably slain by the Jew Shepherd David.


Such facts are apparently quite shocking to the majority of low-information ignoramuses who suffuse our ‘modern’ society.  The same half-wits who vote for the Moslem invasion of their Western state, who chant their ‘Palestinian’ slogans in howls of Jew-hate and racism; and who are completely ignorant about the 1400 year Moslem Jihad to control the globe with 250 million victims the result of history’s most baleful Fascism.


Spencer: “Jihad,” Arabic for “struggle,” in Islamic theology primarily means warfare against unbelievers in order to establish the supremacy of the Muslims over them, and the hegemony of Islamic law. This is a religious imperative, based on the Qur’an’s command to fight against the People of the Book and ensure that they “feel themselves subdued” (9:29). It makes it impossible for Muslims to accept a Jewish state in which Muslims live,


The Jews have always lived in Israel dating back to 2000 BC.  Even after the Roman-induced diasporas of AD 70 and 130, the Jews persisted.  The Moslems conquered the area in 637 AD and when the Ottoman Moslem empire withered and died, the land of Israel was depopulated, poor and without a Moslem presence.


The desolate area began to show new life. In 1900, a British consulate report stated that “there can be no doubt that the establishment of the Jewish colonies in Palestine has brought about a great change in the aspect of that country.” Four years later, another British consular report declared that “the Jewish element is spreading all over Palestine and represents today the most enterprising part of the population.”


The Jews who made aliyah in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries didn’t come as armed marauders, seizing land from its owners by force. They obtained the land in a far more conventional and prosaic way: they bought it.


The Jews overpaid for the land in Israel from absentee Moslem owners in Ottoman lands and Egypt.


When the emigration of Jews to Israel began in the late 19th century, the land was desolate, unpopulated. When the Jews rebuilt civilisation and wealth, which did not exist prior the 5 waves of Jewish resettlement, Arab Moslems began arriving to partake of the success, and as always, immediately claimed victimhood, suffering and angst at the growing Jewish presence in a land they had long forsaken.  Arab Moslem riot and violence against Jews continued until the Jewish state was proclaimed in 1947, then the official Jihad began.  Israel has been attacked by Moslems in 6 wars and 3 major ‘intifadas’ or uprisings, all the while giving up land and security for ‘peace’.


Islam is still Islam. Its Qur’an has not changed; neither has its theology. The imperatives that led the Muslim Arabs to reject a two-state solution in 1947, and to go to war to destroy the nascent Jewish state in 1948, still exist, and are still believed by millions of Muslims worldwide. It is only by ignoring this, or by remaining in blissful willful ignorance of it, that diplomats and presidents and kings could ever have thought that a negotiated agreement could be hit upon that would enable Israelis and Palestinians to lay down their arms and live side by side in peace.


All that happens with ‘peace talks’, is that the Jewish state shrinks, its borders become insecure, the Moslems increase their numbers and population on the ceded territory to launch yet more attacks.  The Moslems called ‘Palestinians’ are swelled from UN Refugee camps, dating back to 1948.  At one time there were maybe 50.000 ‘refugees’, now the number is climbing to 2 million – some 70 years after the first Moslem Jihad against the Israeli state.  The ‘Palestinians’ are kept poor, uneducated, for a reason – to provide cannon fodder for the Jihad and the Ghazi or Moslem warriors.  Palestinian education is Koranic propaganda, much of it hate against Israel and the West, with declarations of Jihad and Jew genocide.  Even the Fake News has documented these facts. 


None of the great worthies feted by the Western media – Sadat, Arafat, Abbas – leaders of the Moslem Arabs in Israel (or Palestinians), were dedicated to peace.  As Spencer so accurately writes, all of these ‘great’ personalities were dedicated to Israel’s destruction using different means.  The ‘Palestinian’ leadership is of course corrupt and extremely wealthy, even as the average Moslem in their territory suffers.


Particularly maddening to many Palestinians is the vast corruption of their leaders. Mahmoud Abbas and his two sons control a business empire worth four hundred million dollars. Two of the Hamas leaders have done even better. Dr. Musa Abu Marzook, the number-two man in Hamas, has a net worth of two to three billion dollars. The leader of Hamas’s political wing, Khaled Mashaal, is also a billionaire. Dr. Moshe Elad, a colonel in the Israeli army and a lecturer in the Middle East Department at Western Galilee Academic College, says: “Estimates around the world are that Mashaal is currently worth $2.6 billion, but the numbers mentioned by the Arab commentators (based on their many sources) are much higher, varying from two to five billion dollars invested in Egyptian and Persian Gulf banks, and some in real estate projects in the Persian Gulf countries.” Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh has an estimated four million dollars.


The Palestinian delusion is about Jihad, money, power and destroying Jews.  Anyone who buys into it, is abetting Moslem fascism and racism.  Any student, teacher, armchair general and expert who expounds support for the ‘Palestinians’ against the Jewish state has not bothered to read Mein Koran, Moslem history, or the absurd fantasy surrounding the ‘Palestinian state’.  They need to read this book to re-educate themselves and get a firmer grasp on reality.