Saturday, January 21, 2006

Iraq and Iran: time to use our leverage to take out Iran and impose Western imperialism

A cross border Shiite alliance is not in our best interests; neither is OPEC

by Ferdinand III

Effeminate sensitive Europeans, compassionate crying Canadians and the rest of the corrupt Franco-Russian-Chinese UNO membership are preventing the necessary, wholesale change of the Middle East by refusing to recognize the enormity and relevancy of the 2nd Iraq War. For 10 years during the 1990s the UN led by the wonderful transparent democrats in Germany, France, Russia and China made billions of dollars in illegal fees and revenues while 300.000 Iraqi’s were murdered; and the country became a nexus of money, terror, fascism and illegal weapons of all varieties and strips. Iraq was in effect one large munitions dump and a powder keg that threatened the region and our own interests. Now we have the same ponderous League of Appeasers and Gangsters opining that the only way to disarm Iran is through dialogue as the Iranians issue Hitler like statements about wiping out the Jews and Anglo Saxon Capitalists. I wonder how the world would react if we the West declared that we wanted to wipe out Iran and fascist Islam? No doubt the little minds would get busy at the Hague arraigning on criminal charges the ‘neo-con’ complex that would dare utter such dastardly words and anti-human rights sentiments. Yet dealing with Iran is what we have to do; and we better do it sooner as opposed to later.

We now have 100.000 US troops in Iraq and yet incredibly we want [nay demand] their withdrawal from the Middle East. Consider the stupidity of this concept. The US has 500.000 active men in the army and 750.000 in the reserves and yet the US and other Western nations do not have the capacity to leave a strong garrison of say 200.000 not only in Iraq but in Afghanistan to take out the Mad Mullahs of Teheran. I don’t understand this. If the time for the removal of Iran is not now, then when is it? Is it better to wait until the price of oil hits $100 per barrel as hedge fund managers and OPEC manipulate the futures price? Or should we wait until Tel Aviv is hit by a nuclear bomb? Or do we wait until the Chinese, French and Russians have made enough money from the Iranian government in military hardware; communications grids; nuclear power stations; oil refining and other lucrative investments and business contracts? Or should we wait until the Iranians have destroyed Iraq?

Iraq now has a split in its new democratic polis between an Iranian funded Shia group and the minority Kurds and Sunni’s both of whom want to protect their regional interests but also share in the nation’s oil wealth. We have an obligation to the Iraqi’s and to ourselves to ensure the following: 1. That Iran does not control, through bribery and infiltration, the Iraqi political process. 2. That Iraq does not devolve into a civil war, instigated by Iranian agents. 3. That Iran never has the ability to use a nuclear weapon. 4. That OPEC is finally and utterly broken.

One of the worst foreign policy decisions ever made by the Western powers was to allow oil to be managed by independent Arab states. This nonsensical decision has led to misery. By allowing largely anti-Western and fascist regimes to control the primary resource of our economies we have forfeited a key component of national survival. Imperialism in the guise of a Western occupation of the Middle East would have been far more difficult but ultimately better and more secure than allowing petro dollars to fuel fascist Islam and fascist theocratic governance across an important and unstable part of the world. Who could coherently argue that 9-11 would have occurred if we had control of the region’s oil; its money and its political structure?

For the first time ever we have an Iraq tentatively trying to establish a Constitutional democracy and Islamic law which is now threatened by Iranian money and agents. To make matters worse we have the leftists and the post modern EU-Canadian-UNO alliance structure making up more stories about inevitable failure. Remember, these people also foretold that the US would kill millions of babies; Turkey and Iran would both physically invade to seize oil; the Arab street would rise up; we would never win the war; and then never win against the 50.000 terrorists that now lay dead; and that Iraq would never have a democratically elected government. They have been wrong. What the left is really afraid of is that the Americans will continue to do audits in Baghdad and continue to plumb the depths of the UN and the Franco-Russian-Chinese corruption as billions of dollars magically disappeared in the 90s during the Oil for Food scandal. There is little doubt that from Chirac to Yeltsin’s gang, politicians were paid off handsomely. Iran’s problem is that they do not recognize what Hussein knew. Bribing the UN and getting it onto your side is as important as winning any battle in any war. The UN and its useful [or more likely useless] idiots as Lenin would call them, are vital to win the media and PR wars. The left is also terrified that remaking the Middle East will succeed and thus the removal of fascist Islam, much like Soviet Russia, will be seen as a victory for the hated capitalist-imperialists.

As Victor Hanson commented:
“Prewar forecasts warned a worried public that we might lose 3,000-5,000 soldiers just in removing Saddam. Three years later, we have removed him and sponsored a democracy to boot, and at far less than those feared numbers. But we react as if we had faced unexpected numbers of casualties.

Despite the fact that al Qaedists were in Kurdistan, Al Zarqawi was in Saddam’s Baghdad, terrorists like Abu Abas and Abu Nidal were sheltered by Iraqis, and recent archives disclose that hundreds of Iraqi terrorists were annually housed and schooled by the Baathists, we are nevertheless assured that there was no tie between Saddam and terrorists. Those who suggest there were lines of support are caricatured as liars and Bush propagandists.

Apparently, we are asked to believe that the al Qaedists whom Iraqis and Americans kill each day in Iraq largely joined up because we removed Saddam Hussein.”

So the prewar forecasts for Iran will be the same. Millions of dead babies. No war for oil! Fascist Islam loves its children too! No terrorists hiding here, move along now, nothing to see! Widespread ecological destruction! Russia and France will not approve! Syria and the Arab world will no longer respect us! China will militarize its western borders! Oil will sky rocket to $100 per barrel and our economies will collapse!

So what. Let them cry. Our economies are flexible, and we will adjust our supplies and technology to address rising oil prices. In the long term breaking Iran; destroying OPEC and imposing ourselves on the Middle East is a necessity. Our economies, civilization, security and moral standards demand it.

Call it: Imperialism to end Fascism and the pagan Arab empire.