Former US President and perjurer-in-Chief Bill Clinton, tearfully asks the world ‘not to replace anti-semiticism with anti-Islam sentiments’. Why are former democratic Presidents so stupid? The pagan Arab-Islamic world has never been very open to discussion; debate; and rational discourse. Yet for Clinton and others any criticism of Islam is immediately equated with anti-Semiticism. The ignorance, idiocy and immorality of this view permeate the mainstream media and diplomatic offices. We the unenlightened mass are supposed to ignore 1375 years of Arab Islamic violence, war, modern terror and the screams of Mullahs to establish a world wide Caliphate and assume that like the Nazi’s and Communists, the followers of Hamas, Iran and Bin Laden love their children too and that sophisticates like Clinton and the United Nations will talk the fascist pagans into common sense and peace. Sure sure. So in other words, don’t war, just jaw-jaw as Churchill said, and while we are jawing we can watch agape while Iran builds a nuclear bomb and Hamas blows up more innocent Israeli’s. Warring against Islam is now equated by the seriously deranged media and left wing blow-hards to be equal to anti-semiticism. Oh please. Hamas illustrates perfectly that a war is necessary. Defending civilization is hardly a statement of racist philosophy.
The violent irrationality of the Islamic movement can be seen in Palestine where the people came out of the closet so to speak, and actually demonstrated that gasp! they support terror. What a shocking surprise. Terror groups don’t survive if the general population does not support them. The Palestinian people have never wanted peace and have always supported terror. This is obvious. The Gestapo ruled Germany after all with about 1 agent for every 20.000 people, meaning the Germans policed and informed on themselves. Bin Laden lies holed up in a cave somewhere, yet around the world according to polls a majority of Muslims support his movement and its ideals of wiping out the Jews and Anglo-Saxons. Iran froths at the mouth and salivates like a wild dog about exterminating the Jews and the Anglo-Saxons, and the UN and the Western media yawn and go back to sleep. As long as Jews and Americans are killed it is okay. The general world view is that Islam is itself not the problem, but only Islamic leadership. Were that to be true. Islam is the problem and has been for 1400 years. Hamas has proven it yet again and the Palestinians have now openly aired their support for a party dedicated to a racist genocide against the Jews and cross-worshippers. Why anyone is surprised is the only truly surprising thing about the Hamas victory.
For those dreamers who think Hamas will suddenly mutate into an IRA like government and become happy with providing drinking water and well functioning bureaucracies maybe drink some coffee and wake up. There is no evidence that Hamas will mutate magically, into a Western style welfare state government. There are zero similarities between the Irish Republican Army and Hamas. For starters Hamas unlike the IRA was not beaten in the field. It also has its enemy surrounded. The IRA was isolated and badly beaten up by British special forces. The IRA had leadership that generally wanted a pacific sentiment. Hamas’ peaceful moderates are those who want to exterminate only most of the Jews instead of all the Jews. The IRA after the Cold War stopped receiving Russian and foreign aid and had financial problems. Hamas gleefully lines its pockets with Western and UNO monies buying guns, munitions and training young men to scream ‘Allah is great’ as they launch missiles against Jewish civilians. Terror money from drug sales pours in across the border with Egypt. Hamas might be pagan, but it is not poor, isolated or moderate.
So one has to question the intelligence of people like Clinton and the UNO do-gooders who will no doubt agitate that we must send MORE money and aid to Hamas to turn them into a modern day Islamic IRA. Good luck. Giving Hamas any money directly equates into attacks on Jews. I would suggest this is murder. The first act against Hamas is to stop all monies to Palestine. The second is to prepare to invade and wipe out Hamas and any other terrorist elements in the Palestine. The Palestinians have a homeland – it is called Jordan. 90 % of the British Palestine mandate went to the Arabs. Apparently this is not enough. There can be no settlement with such a group of pagans. Jaw-jaw is quite useless against fascist paganism dedicated to genocide. The time is now to cut off the connection between Iran, Syria and the terror elements in the Palestine mandate. Waiting will accomplish nothing and letting the UN or other worthies negotiate only allows Hamas and others to receive financial aid and prepare for their own brand of Hitler’s final solution.
Clinton, the UN and the media should read Hamas’ constitution. Inter-alia it states:
"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it."
"The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. "
"There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors."
"After Palestine, the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", and their present conduct is the best proof of what we are saying."
Nice Constitution. Rather clear isn’t it. The Palestinian people gave their democratic support to Hamas and its racist program of extermination. They have spoken and we should listen. They have chosen war and we should respond. Not to wage war in the name of civilization and dismiss Arab rhetoric would be as callous a disregard for our own safety as the political miscalculations in the face of European fascism were in the 1930s.
The last thing we should do is listen to failed former US Presidents like Clinton.