Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Iran: the fascist menace which must be destroyed through war

It is 1938 all over again so what we will do about it?

by Ferdinand III

Jaw-Jaw was Churchill’s description of diplomacy. Sometimes however it is better to war-war. In 1936 the Nazi’s strolled into the French occupied Rhineland and took it over with under-manned, under-equiped and poorly led divisions. They could have been easily routed. But the French and British media were emphatically for appeasement and made nary a murmur of Hitler’s aggression which broke various international agreements and norms. In 1938 no democracy stood with the Czechs as they were sold out to Hitler. Ditto for Austria which did nothing to defend itself when the Nazi’s crossed the border. Now the West faces another racist, genocidal and fascist power – Iran. Jaw-jaw for 27 years has been proven useless in dealing with Iran. It is time to prepare for war-war. The fact that only the Americans will fight is a given. But that should not deter them and the Israeli’s from doing what needs to be done.

I wrote earlier this year about the 10 fundamental tenets of fascism which are common across time and place in history; from the Nazis, to the Communists to the jihading Islamacists. Two stand out and make a case that war is all but necessary. The first is the nature of the dogma itself. Islam is not a religion so much as it is a way of life and an all purpose ideology. ‘I submit to Allah therefore I am’, is the Islamist’s perversion of Descartes summary of rationality. The ideology which is not a religion but a fascism, is bad enough by itself. It is worse when under the control of the state. Islamic-state managed doctrine leads to a Nazification of life in all areas – personal, societal, commercial, spiritual – and the reduction of the human to a political toy. The second aspect is the destruction of domestic politics and economics and the breakdown of civil and moral society which mandates expansionism, war, and the demonisation of other peoples [the Jews, the Americans, the Infidels etc.]. This reduction of others to beasts coupled with domestic failure forces the state into external aggression and destruction. Such are historical facts.

The fascist ideology – be it Nazism or Islam - is immutable and anyone who doesn't believe it, is outside the group and labeled as a Jew; a non-Aryan; a capitalist or an infidel. All totalitarian states claim their ideology is world-applicable and gives them the right to subdue others. Iran has tried to export its ideology to other Muslim countries and funds terror worldwide. Iran is now engaged in filling the ‘Hussein vacuum’ – attempting to create and lead an Arab-Islamic bloc, much like Nasser or Hussein attempted to do. Iran has no interest in having either Iraq or Afghanistan democratized and allied with the US. As such it will use all powers of persuasion from guns to money to ensure that neither state succeeds. That in and of itself should force the West to attack and regime change Iran.

A pre-emptive strike will be necessary since Iran’s domestic polity is a mess. In spite of higher oil prices Iranian society is poor and misinformed. Per-capita GNP is less than half what it was under the Shah, despite having had 20 years to grow. A truly independent economic sector that can oppose and defy government power, as in the US, has not been permitted. Control of the economy also includes the pseudo-mobilization of the poor. The mullahs took power with vast promises to the poor of their country, and in the first years of the revolution could use the mob as a battering ram against anything that stood in their way. They have, of course, never delivered on these promises. Hitler and Lenin did similar things, even if people forget the heavy proletarian emphasis of early Nazism.

To keep the domestic polity from imploding everyone is constantly lectured, by every available means, on how great the regime is. The Nazis, with their sick brilliance and populist instincts, were the best at it. The mullahs exercise heavy control over Iranian media. They arrest and kill those who condemn the regime. They use democracy to give the appearance of openness without permitting its chaotic reality. Indoctrination also includes the corruption of education. The Nazis destroyed the finest university system in the world. The Soviet Union accomplished absolutely zero in 70 years of intellectual life outside the hard sciences. The Iranian regime has driven out scholars who wouldn't support the Mullah’s line, debauched admissions standards to favor pious mediocrities, and gutted curriculums to stuff them with Islamic theology that is about as useful to its students as endless readings from Marx and Engels were at Moscow U. That such a stupid system eventually implodes is a given. In order to sustain such a perverted system an external war of national emotionalism against ‘enemies’ is necessary. It is only through war that the fascist regime can survive.

War provides the excuse to turn attention away from the domestic disaster to foreign affairs and establish the regimentation of society. War enables the regime to make certain that loyalty to the ruling party is justly rewarded. Those who criticize the regime can be more easily liquidated in the ‘fog of war’. War justifies the regime's world wide jihad against the Jews, the US and civilization. War allows the overt funding, arming, and abetting of terror across the globe distributing all manners of aid to further the view of fascist Islam and the establishment of a world wide caliphate, with its capital centered of course in Teheran. War allows the complete subjection of society to the whims and fancies of the ruling elite and allows the elite and their friends to enrich themselves while their people suffer and are slaughtered.

War is the reason why the Mullahs exist. War is how we will wipe them out and destroy yet another fascist threat and insult to civilization. The Mullahs and their fascist ‘clericocracy’ is why we need to replace jaw-jaw with war-war. You don’t jaw with fascists, you simply kill them.