Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Muslims outraged by Hussein’s death! But not by the 1-2 million he murdered!

The Islamic death cult is aggrieved over the killing of a fascist megalomaniac. Quel surprise.

by Ferdinand III

Michelle Malkin terms Islam the ideology of ‘perpetual outrage’. How apt. Nothing enrages Muslims more than ‘dissing’ or slighting their ideology. Sunnis are expert at being outraged, as Hussein’s hanging demonstrates, but Shias are quite proficient in spinning all events into slights of pride. The fact that any Muslim – Sunni or Shia, moderate or immoderate - would be ‘outraged’ at the death of a man that murdered 1-2 million people is rather fantastic. It proves yet again that Islam is an ideology of power, pride, control and uncivilized emotions. It is about as religious as Hitlerism.

Along with Sunni and ‘moderate Islam's’ outrage, the Euro-effeminates are also non-plussed. Former Italian Prime Minister Berulosconi criticized the hanging as ‘barbaric’. I suppose Berlusconi forgets that Mussolini was hung from a lamppost after being urinated upon in ‘civilised’ Italy – a very apt ending one would say and one without a trial. Fascists who murder should be shot out of hand, the fact that Hussein was given a lengthy 3 year trial and soap box to spew his anti-American venom is quite civilized. One supposes that the Euro-fems are annoyed because Hussein was not put into The Hague for a lengthy 10 year vacation at tax payer expense.

The supposed Sunni outrage and that of many so-called ‘moderate Muslims’ is directed at a cell phone video showing Shias chanting their leader’s Al Sadr’s name as they hang Hussein. Uncomfortable but so what. Any ‘moderate’ thinker in any ideology would look objectively at the 3 year trial; the 40-year history of the man’s barbarism; and the million plus dead lying in mass graves and declare the execution of such a fiend a blessing. Sunni’s should be the first to celebrate the end of fascism since now they can make a new start in freedom and in good faith. Yet they are the first to condemn the hanging as a ‘slight’ on their ethnicity and Koranic interpretation. It defies rationality.

And therein lies the problem in Iraq and throughout the Muslim world. We are dealing with families, tribes, rivalries and an ideology that is pre-modern, irrational and premised on Arabic cultural pride. Arabs and Muslims understand power and death. Beyond that no rationality exists in which to develop and expand abstract notions such as democracy, fairness or transparency. This is what makes the Iraq project so dangerous, costly and such a long-term endeavor.

The headlines in the Arab media after Hussein’s death bear out the irrationality of the Muslim mind. The few positive reviews were Shia based – the vast majority were condemnatory. The Palestinian media was unified in its condemnation and adjured that Muslims in Palestine visit the ‘house of condolences’ to honor their fallen patron, second only to Arafat as a Palestinian hero. In Egypt the leading daily said that “Iraqi authorities hung Saddam to humiliate Muslims.” In Jordan the media whispered that hanging Hussein was meant "to harm the Muslim nation." Libya has a three-day period of national mourning, lowered its flags to half mast and cancelling its Eid celebrations. Arabian newscasts were not much nicer and in Indonesia and India the usual riots erupted following news reports that the Americans had illegally killed Hussein thereby victimizing Islam.

On so it goes with the ideology of irrational outrage and hatred.

Nothing points more clearly to a failed culture than a perpetual cycle of ‘outrage’, violence and expressions of victimization. The black sub-culture in North America suffers from the same illness [see Juan William’s excellent book ‘Enough!’]. You ‘diss’ me and I will kill you. You slight a Muslim and the perpetual rage machine goes into overdrive, screaming, looting, killing, or at least threatening. So it goes with the death of an egomaniacal fascist Hussein. Many Muslims are ‘dissed’ and angry that a maniacal fascist who destroyed his country and started 3 bloody regional wars is dead. It beggars belief.

Islam’s outrage over Hussein’s demise is nothing more than an expression of its perpetual failure and its death cult mentality.