Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Running away from Iraq is easy. Dealing with the consequences is not.

Losing in Iraq, and losing the war against fascist Islam

by Ferdinand III

Before last November’s US elections I wrote the following which rings even truer today, “…once the Democrats win control of the house, [there will be] a victory for terrorism as the US winds down its commitment and leaves Iraq in chaos. The widespread contempt for America in the Middle East is the result of the American unwillingness to utterly efface those who are fighting against US forces in the region. This includes border infiltrations by Iranian, and Syrian arms, money and jihadists.” Three months later on and the situation has worsened with the US Congress getting ready to stop funding the Iraq war and already no doubt making plans behind the scenes to leave during 2008.

De-funding Iraq and running away from our interests in the Middle East might please the left wing feminists and Marxists, but it is a signal defeat for the West. It is clear that the Democrats intend to take the US out of Iraq in 2008 or 2009. Chaos will result. The situation will be far worse in 2010 than today. I will bet anyone $10.000 on that claim. Once we leave Iraq we will also be out of Afghanistan within 12 months. The energy, investments and heroic dead we have poured into securing our interests in a geopolitically vital part of the world, since 2001 and 2003, will be wasted. It is depressing.

Losing a war does not garner you respect or make your enemies ‘softer’ and pliant. Soviet expansionism during the Cold War accelerated after the US defeat in Vietnam – a defeat not brought on through military setbacks [the US won the war] but by de-funding the war. If the Americans had funded and supported the South Vietnamese regime the Communists would not have conquered Saigon. By cutting off money and supplies the US Democratic Congress allowed the murders of 4 million people in Cambodia and Vietnam and the creation of 3 million refugees. I wonder how that supports the Democratic holier-than-thou vision they have of themselves.

As the Americans were humiliated in Vietnam the Soviets were emboldened. Soviet activity was rampant in post 1975 Asia, Africa and Central America. In 1979 they invaded Afghanistan as a first step to indirectly influencing and controlling the Persian Gulf and its oil resources. For 200 years a key Russian aim had been to have a port and influence in the Gulf area. With the US humiliated in South Asia the Russians took their chance in 1979. [It was for this reason that the British invaded Afghanistan in the mid-19th century in order to create a buffer zone and protect their Gulf and Indian holdings]. American weakness in one country – Vietnam – had shocking consequences across the globe.

A main consequence of US perfidy in running out on their Vietnamese allies was of course the Iranian revolution and the rise of fascist Islam in Iran. Like the Russians, the radical Islamacists in Iran saw their chance, took it and succeeded where the Russians failed, by deposing the US backed Shah. We are still living with this nightmare today. Iran is a main supplier of funds, bombs and training for Islamic jihadists across the globe. Their fascist state wants to destroy the Jews and Anglo-Saxons and ensure that the democracy project fails in Iraq. It is hard to see how leaving Iraq allows us to deal with Iran. Much like 1975, a failure in Iraq will only empower Iran and our enemies.

American weakness in prosecuting the Iraqi war has had serious consequences. The US is viewed in the Arab-Muslim world as a bumbling idiot, unable to fight to win, and hampered by domestic politics. The lack of respect shown by Arab and Muslim regimes towards the US is reflected in many ways: openly allying with terrorist gangs [Palestine]; ignoring US demands to stop infiltrating Iraq [Syria and Iran]; developing nuclear weapons [Iran]; attacking Israel [Lebanon] and sending money all over the world for mosques, schools, and propaganda organizations [Saudi Arabia]. By not fighting the war properly in Iraq, the US is viewed as weak. With high oil prices pumping up the jihad movement, such sentiments mean larger and bloodier future wars or terrorist attacks.

And this is the problem for the anti-war cabal that now controls the US Congress. They should explain why leaving Iraq is good. They need to explain how leaving Iraq will help us win the war against fascist Islam. They need to explain how leaving Iraq is different than the 1975 de-funding of the Vietnamese war with its gruesome world-wide consequences. They need to explain how a country that spends just 3.5% of GDP on the military is going to protect itself and civilization against a rampaging fascist paganism. They need to explain in detail why it is moral to allow a future sacrifice and carnage amongst our allies in Iraq as we pack up and head home. Running away is easy. Dealing with the consequences is not.

We are on the verge of a colossal defeat. But for most US and European politicians focused on their campaigns, polls, and securing the touchy-feely feminist-marxist vote, such a consideration is unimportant.