Sunday, April 1, 2007

Jews are the victims, not the Arabs

Jews were in Israel 2000 years before the Arabs.

by Ferdinand III

A significant event occurred on March 13th that most news media ignored. The Jewish state had finished airlifting the first refugees out of the Darfur area to Israel. These were not white Jews that were saved. They were black animists, Christians and Muslims.

An Israeli official said it best, ‘As Jews, who have the memory of the Holocaust embedded within us, we cannot stand by as refugees from genocide in Darfur are knocking on our doors.’ Question: How many Arab states are airlifting Christians and Jews out of danger? The Jews have airlifted Ethiopians, Sudanese and saved Lebanese Arabs and Arab Christians from obliteration. Their thanks? None from the moral, vaunted and much hailed, ‘international community’.

Arabs don’t help people in need. Arabs don’t airlift 40.000 Ethiopian Jews like the Israeli’s did in the early 1990s and resettle them in their country. Arabs don’t help Iraq attain a stable and peaceful democracy. Arabs could care less about the 750.000 Palestinian refugees, sent out of Arab states it should be noted, living in squalid UN camps. Arabs don’t send money to Pakistani earth quake victims. Arabs don’t help wounded Christians in Lebanon survive. Arabs don’t send money to Indonesia for Tsunami relief. Arabs don’t care about life. They and their pagan fascism called Islam, focus on death.

Arabs engage in slave trading. Arabs fly to India to have sex with 10 year olds on the weekend. Arabs mutilate female genitals. Arabs send billions to madrassas to brain wash the young. Arabs erect statues and museums to tyrants like Hussein and Arafat. Arabs glorify death and hate life. In short Arab culture is the premise of Islamic hate.

Arabs are also good at lying. Lies, deceit, hatred and ridiculous pride are the cornerstones of Arab culture. These in turn create an ideological fascism such as Islam. It is no accident that Islam flows from pagan Arabian culture. The two inform and reinforce each other. Yet to hear the pitiful, fainéant Western media and academia, the Arabs [poor little things] are the victims, the oppressed, the discarded and the culturally mutilated and humiliated.

The series of psychotic Arab lies begins with the vicious and disturbed assertion that Arabs were in Israel ‘first’. This is insane and reflects an inability to see reality. Israel became a nation in 1312 B.C. two thousand years before the rise of Islam. About this time Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt to Jewish lands. The Jews conquered territory in what is now Israel forming a nation state, distinct and prosperous by 1272 BC. For over 3.000 years Jerusalem was the Jewish capital. The first Jewish temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by Babylonian invaders in 587 BC. Jerusalem and Jewish Israel are mentioned over 700 times in the Bible. Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran. Jerusalem and the lands of Judah and Israel had been under distinct Jewish occupation for 2000 years before the Arabs invaded in 635 AD.

The ‘Palestinian people’ as a distinct group of Arabs was first used in 1967. The claim that the Philistines of the bible were somehow Palestinians has been refuted and disproved numerous times. The Philistines were early Phoenicians and were Greek tribes with some Semitic blood lines. They were not Arabs and had nothing to do with Arab clans, blood-lines or race. Indeed most of the Near East stretching from Alexandria to the Bosporus was in ancient times a Jewish, Greek and Christian civilization. When the Arab pagans attacked in 635 AD they eventually destroyed the Jewish state, the Byzantium Christian empire, and various Greek and Jewish cities that dominated the coasts and trade routes of the eastern Mediterranean.

To repeat the Arabs invaded, and conquered Jewish and Christian land. They were not naturally resident in these lands.

Now fast forward to 1948. At this time there once was a vibrant presence of nearly 1 million Jews residing in 10 Arab countries. Today, however, fewer than 12,000 Jews remain in these countries. In Iraq for example no Jews exist. Approximately 150.000 Jews were either forced to leave post World War II Iraq, or were exterminated. In total an additional 800,000 Jews from nine other Arab countries were also compelled to leave after 1948. In Iran the Jewish community in 1948 numbered about 400.000. Now it is down to less than 30.000. Almost a million Jewish refugees were forced out of Arab and Islamic countries, yet the much beloved ‘international community’ did nothing but clap and applaud.

Of course, as we all know it is the Jew that is the fascist destroyer of civilized Arab ‘culture’. Didn’t those nasty fascist Jews steal Arab land?

Since 1949, the United Nations has passed more than 100 resolutions on Palestinian refugees. Not a single U.N. resolution has been introduced recognizing the maltreatment of hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees. Arab governments also instituted policies that forced 750.000 Palestinian refugees and their descendants to remain in impoverished refugee camps, refusing them citizenship and denying them hope. Yet the Jew is to blame. Not a single UN resolution has been enacted telling the Arabs to help their ‘brethren.’ The Arabs could care less about the refugees. They are able to use them as PR tools to further inflame ‘international opinion’ against the dastardly Jew.

Fascist Islam is the export of Arab culture. Arab nations are dictatorial, patriarchal, intolerant, racist, supremacist, and anti-reality. They export nothing except Western discovered, recovered and refined oil. Illiteracy is still rampant and education poor in the Arab world. Women - half the workforce - are ill-treated and excluded. Pervasive Islamicization has replaced earlier militant ideologies in stifling creativity and growth throughout the extended Arab empire. Worse yet, these heathen now export terror and are intent on destroying not only Israel but the West in general.

Yet we only hear about how terrible the Jews are. Israel is a state with 1 million Arab citizens out of a total of 5 million. Israel’s problem is that the Arabs will have 4 children per woman whilst the Jews have 2 or less. Jewish destruction will come from domestic demography not an Arab military victory. The signal challenge for Israel is to come to grips with this reality.

Israel must survive as a Jewish state. The Jewish community outside of liberal Israel has all but been destroyed. A real danger is that the Western elites, its academia and other useful idiots who read the New York Times, will blame the world’s woes and the plight of the Middle East on the Jews and let the Arabs or the Iranians wipe out the Jewish state. How this passes the intelligence, morality or compassionate tests, which so titillate liberals and socialists is beyond me. Yet sadly this is what passes for intelligent thought in today’s post-modern, low culture and decidedly cowardly world. Let the Jews hang, than maybe the Arabs will love us. Good luck with that proposal.