Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The 6 Pillars of Muhammad’s cult (not 5, there are 6).

Jihad is the second most important duty in Muhammadanism.

by Ferdinand III



Jihad is the most vital pillar for the never-ending expansion of Muhammad’s cult:


“Allah’s apostle was asked, ‘What is the best deed?’  He replied, ‘To believe in Allah and his Apostle.’  The questioner then asked, ‘What is the next (in goodness)?’  He replied, ‘To participate in Jihad (religious fighting) in Allah’s cause’


The Hadith, Al Bukhari, Volume 1, No. 25. (in Peter Hammond: Slavery, Terrorism and Islam, p. 69).


Those who deny the pillar of Jihad and its centrality for the Muslim cult are deluded ignoramuses. 


Peter Hammond’s excellent book ‘Slavery, Terrorism, and Islam’ will not be taught in ‘schools’ which en-masse present a Marxist-beatified, mendacious and illiterate view of Muhammadanism – the rightful name of the Muhammadan cult.  Jihad or war is the central feature of Muhammad’s cult, its genesis originating in Muhammad’s leadership of 80 or so military campaigns over a mere 12 or so years.  Every 2 months on average, Muhammad was leading a group to war.  As Hammond relates, slavery was not only accepted by Muhammadans, but it was also a central galvanising imperative which propelled Muslim war, conquests and Jihad across Asia, Africa and Europe.  A core central element of Islam is slavery, a practice that Muhammad actively pursued with 20 odd sex slaves in his harem and various other slaves in his retinue. 


Yet we are told by sundry ‘experts’, ‘academics’, ‘scholars’ and the self-proclaimed clever people, that Muhammad’s cult named submission, which demanded the submission of others to Baal or the Al-Lah of Mecca (the main idol of Muhammad’s Mecca was Baal, whose shrine was maintained by his family); and most importantly, submission to the only prophet and spokesman for Baal, conveniently being Muhammad himself, is peaceful and even ‘liberating’.  As Hammond notes, the core tenets of Muhammadanism, along with its 1400 years of endless slavery, blood, Jihad, and terror, are plainly at odds with the Mohammadophiliacs who declare the Baal-Muhammad cult to be a ‘religion’.


Hammond summarises the core tenets or ‘Pillars’ of Islam.  No wisdom here.  Just Bronze and Iron age savagery.


1-Daily confession of the Supremacist Shahada, which affirms that only Allah and Muhammad rule (see below).  This is deemed the most important pillar because the supplicant confirms his submission to Muhammad and reiterates the intolerance of the Muslim cult and affirms that it will be victorious over non-Muslims.  It is in effect a declaration of supremacism and war.


2. War and Jihad.  This is the second most important pillar (according to Muhammad).  The most vital aspect of Muhammadanism is the submission of everyone to Muhammad and the confirmation that non-Muslims will be either converted or destroyed.  War and Jihad flow from the Shahada and Mein Koran with its 1600 verses of hate speech.  The Shahada is found in Qu’ran 3:18.


3-Five daily prayers of the Salah to Muhammad and Baal reinforcing the Shahada and submission to Baal and Muhammad.


4-Keeping of the fast-during Ramadan in which Muslims are only allowed to eat or drink between sunset and sunrise (a practice emanating from the Bronze age long pre-dating Muhammad, and imitating the Catholic lent).


5-The giving of alms to Muslims and only Muslims.  Islamophiliacs and self-proclaimed clever people, apparently cannot name a single Muslim charity which helps non-Muslims.


6-Pilgrimage or Hajj to Mecca performed at least once during the Muslim’s lifetime (this obviously indicates Muslim imperialism, where the conquered Muslim must go and pray at the Arab-Muslim shrine the Kabaa, which long predated Muhammadanism.)


The pagan origins of Muhammadanism’s 6 pillars are rather obvious.


The Shahada

This statement of Muslim supremacism is almost directly expressed in Qu’ran 3:18.  A good critique of the intolerant nature of this Shahada, and its implications is found here. 


“I bear witness that there is no deity but Al Lah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Al Lah.”


Do not believe Wikipedia and other corrupt sources and Muslim apologists.  They replace ‘Al Lah’ with God.  The two concepts have nothing in common.  Baal the Meccan moon deity is not God.  These sites are duplicitous in their content, erasing for example all mention of the pillar of Jihad and war.  Muhammad was very clear that Jihad was the second most important pillar (see quote above at the top).  


The implications of the Shahada are obvious.  There is Al Lah and only Al Lah.  There is Muhammad and only Muhammad.  Muhammad states that you must follow the Qu’ran and follow his instructions.  There is no other organising principle in life.  This manifest supremacism leads to a cult which by its design will be intolerant and atavistic.


As Hammond writes, there are 5 fundamental practices that Muslims must follow, based on the 6 pillars.


1-Muslims must believe only in the Al-Lah (though they are ignorant as to what Al Lah actually is), and Muhammad.  You must never question either, with such doubts constituting a mortal offence. 


2-Muslims must believe in angels who will help only Muslims.  This is probably purloined from Catholic doctrine.


3-Muslims must believe in the ‘revealed’ books namely; the Taurat which includes the 5 books of Moses, and some of the Old Testament), the Psalms, the New Testament, and the Qu’ran.  Given that the Qu’ran is violent declaring war and Jihad on the Infidel, it stands to reason that Jihad is not only a pillar of Islam, but its most important defining feature.


4-Muslims must believe in the Prophets send by Al Lah which number about 124.000 with the last and most important being Muhammad.  Given this ‘fact’ it is blasphemous, punishable by death to question or criticise Muhammad.


5-Life after Death based on pre-destination, in which pious and submissive (to Muhammad and Al Lah) Muslims are rewarded and non-Muslims, or Muslims who are insufficiently submissive and pious, regardless of how they lived, condemned with ‘Black Faces’ to Hell.  This reinforces the blind obedience to Muhammad and his dictatorial demands one finds in the Qu’ran and Hadiths.


Given that one of the greatest existential threats to civilisation is the cult of Muhammad, it is terrifying that most people in the Western world are completely oblivious of its foundations, motivations and pillars, including the second most important pillar and imperative of Jihad.