Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Bearing False Witness, by Rodney Stark, #1.

Debunking Centuries of Anti-Catholic History.

by Ferdinand III


The ‘Science’.  The ‘Enlightenment’.  The age of ‘Rational, Humanism’.  The ‘Dark Ages’.  Nonsense all of it.  Precious little ‘science’ exists in today’s world if one views the scientific method, transparency, free speech and actual experimental-observational data.  Too much outside of applied technology is simply dogmatic philosophy and religion.  The ‘Enlightenment’ gave us abiogenesis, materialism, wars, witch burnings, socialism, a-historical revisionism and now gender-climate confusion and derangement syndromes.  Hardly a blessing.  Being a ‘rational humanist’ does not mean anything since the words, like the philosophies and religions they support, are empty jargon.  Irrationally believing that bacteria can build a human brain is neither a demonstration of rationality nor of humanism.  Quite the opposite in fact, it is irrational and human hating, debasing human exceptionalism and equating you with nothing.


Screaming ad infinitum that the ‘Dark Ages’, themselves a myth, produced only superstitious hairy idiots who inter-alia invented eye-glasses, mechanical clocks, complex farming technology, blast furnaces and the printing press, but who of course so the propaganda states, were certain of a ‘flat earth’ (hence the sorry lies about Columbus), does not make the claim or its attendant propaganda true.  It simply denotes the bigotry and ignorance of the professor of such illiteracy.  Stark:


“By the fifteenth century (and for many centuries before) every educated European, including Roman Catholic prelates, knew the earth was round.  The opposition Columbus encountered was not about the shape of the earth, but about the fact that he was wildly wrong about the circumference of the globe.  He estimated 2,800 miles from the Canary Islands to Japan.  In reality, it is about 14,000 miles.”


The earth’s sphericity was known in the ancient world and by the 2nd century AD, Ptolemy and many Greek-Roman Christians were busy formulating astronomical observations and related mathematics to explain size, circumference, and even rotation.  These ideas were kept, improved upon and debated during the Middle Ages in Byzantium and Europe.


As Stark explains much of the Enlightenment ‘thinking’, evinced in over-rated individuals such as Gibbon or Voltaire is simply anti-Catholic propaganda.  When the state erected national Protestant Churches in Germany, Holland and England, the intense hatred of ‘Popery’ and of Catholic Institutions, many of which were painted as corrupt and self-serving, was manufactured.  Gibbon blaming Catholics for the fall of the pagan, slave-based and quite crude Roman Empire.  Voltaire mocking the great engineering projects of Cathedrals as ‘Gothic’ or Barbarian.  Diderot and Hume declaiming against Scholasticism and Medieval learning including universities, naturalism and even optics, moving such innovations into their age.  The calumnies, distortions and lies were endless, all based on a hatred of the Catholic Church.  None of these thinkers invented a single thing.  Nothing.  Yet they felt free to condemn 1000 years of complex history which preceded them, referring to their own good selves as experts and of course, the enlightened.


Stark, ‘…the notion that Europe fell into the ‘Dark Ages’ was a hoax perpetrated by very antireligious intellectuals such as Voltaire and Gibbon, who were determined to claim that theirs was the era of the ‘Enlightenment’….perhaps the most important factor in the myth of the Dark ages was the inability of intellectuals to value or evern to notice the nuts and bolts of real life.  Hence, revolutions in agriculture, weaponry and warfare, nonhuman power, transportation, manufacturing, and commerce went unappreciated.  So too did remarkable moral progress for example, at the fall of Rome there was slavery everywhere in Europe; by the time of the Renaissance it was long gone.”


The modern age is no different.  Largely obese people, squinting into small screens or watching streaming soft-porn, have likewise pronounced themselves as ‘scientific’ and ‘data driven’, above the superstition of a Church, focused on Dark Matter and ‘evolving structures’.  Whatever. 


The Romans had little water or wind power.  Slaves were sufficient to run their agricultural economy until the inevitable implosion due to political corruption, civil wars, inflation and economic stagnation, not to mention immorality, licentiousness and a strain of fatalism and self-doubt.  It was Christian Europe which created the wind and waterpower to generate manufactured items from clothing to cutting timber and providing consistent irrigation to water agriculture.  Reclaimed lands from marshes and the sea, improved agricultural tooling, crop rotations, new crop introductions, homeopathy, hospitals, hostels, clocks, improved roads and bridges, parliaments, writing, scriptoriums, libraries, universities, Cathedrals, stained glass, chimneys, fireplaces, glass windows….the list of improvements is quite endless, including the ending of slavery.  With the coming of the pagan Muslims, Avars, and the White-slave trading partners of the Muslims, the pagan Vikings, the necessity for strong local defence, feudalism developed as the only reasonable response, in essence, a contract between the local population and a strong-military leader for protection.  Given human nature this rational mode of survival was corrupted and extended negating many centuries of freedom and movement, but not curtailing or ending the inexorable development to the free farmer and citizen.  It was of course, as any objective historian would confirm, far better than what existed under Rome, and given the three-pronged attack and the Viking-Muslim white slave trade which enslaved millions in Western Europe (another fact you won’t hear anything about), an entirely legitimate organisation. 


In their religious intolerance of Catholicism, we now have the ‘moderns’, mostly Atheist, certainly ignorant, now declaiming that Medieval Moorish-Muslim Spain was the apogee of civilisation, overshadowing that of anything Christian Europe could throw up.  This ridiculous and untrue claim is taught of course as consensus-science and fact.  The opposite is largely true.  Muslim Spain was an intolerant Muhammandan occupation which destroyed, raped, and squatted on Christian lands.  If it was such a paradise why would Christians spend 750 years reconquering it?  If it was such a nirvana, surely they would have gladly participated and converted to Muhammad’s moon cult?


Stark, “Maimonides (1135-1204) (the most famous of Jewish philosophers in the Middle Ages), makes a travesty of these claims.  In 1148, the Maimondes family pretended to convert to Islam when the Jews of Cordoba were told to become Muslim or leave, upon pain of death….after eleven years of posing as converts, the Maimonides family became so fearful of discovery that they fled to Morocco where they continue their deception…His story clearly reveals that, as Richard Fletcher has put it so well, ‘Moorish Spain was not a tolerant and enlightened society even in its most civilised epoch’”.


The Muslim Inquisition, which predates the Spanish Catholic, killed some 50.000 or more impious Muslims, Jews and Christians, often in raids, wars, or pograms.  Cordoba and Granada alone saw more than 7.000 Jews killed in pograms.  By contrast the Spanish Inquisition killed 3.000 conversos or recent converts (Jews, Muhammandans) to Catholicism, over 250 years, mostly for treason.  Given 750 years of warring against Muslims and their Jewish allies in Spain, this is not an entirely unreasonable action.  You will not hear about the Muslim Inquisition.  The incessant war cry from the academics and ‘science’ is that the Catholic Inquisition was sat on every corner, scrutinising every movement, torturing every person, raping every comely female to extract confessions and satiating those uncontrollable monks, and murdering millions in large auto-da-fe’s.  No more than 200 Dominicans at any time were involved with the Inquisition and it was always the state, not the Church which killed the heretical.  It is thus unlikely that a black hooded friar was squatting on every corner.


The rewriting of Catholic history is political and theological.  It seeks to demean the European-Christian past.  In this age of anti-White racism, the hatred of the Middle Ages is linked to the racist-project to debase and if possible eradicate the history of White Civilisation.  The fantastic legacy of Christians and Whites are now to be abolished.  I have even read from the more demented and lunatic, that European Whites were actually Black and there is no White race per se.  Other anti-White racists provide a constant stream of false narratives that Ameri-Indians, Chinese or Hindoos, or of course the favourite pets the Muslims, were the real progenitors of anything that is great and good.  The White Christian, far from producing anything of value, simply raped, stole, murdered and infected his superiors.  Such animistic hate for real history is now fed to the populace in the de-education programs of schooling, news and ‘science’.  The outcome is going to be the end of civilised progress. 


When you demolish your heritage, you wipe out your future.