In an age of Covid Fascism, in which the State and International powers are now forcibly jabbing humans with experimental drugs, which do not stop transmission and have killed 12.000 and injured 750.000, it is apposite to wonder just how fascisms develop? Is the 1930s of Nazi Germany, with 95% of the population supporting the Nazi fascist program, so different from today? When one can read the plans across 120 countries, coordinated by Governments and Pharma, linked to a ‘Great Reset’ to remodel society to save Gaia from the 0.04% gas by weight plant food necessary for oxygen with 95% emitted by Gaia herself, premised on combatting a minor respiratory illness linked to drugs, passports, surveillance and social scores, apparently embraced enthusiastically by 65% of the terrified populace, is there any justification to feel ‘superior’ to those Germans or Russians, who fell victim to the madness of populist left-wing Fascism?
If one views the cult of Muhammad and its very vocal, muscular, intolerant and violent supporters, is there much of a difference in the overall objectives of the program when compared to Nazism or Covidism? Not really. The end goal is always the subjection or elimination of the refusenik, the dissenter, the anti-xxx, the person who just won’t follow the ‘science’, or the ‘facts’, or the ‘evolutionary or Marxist dialectical theory’, or the well-being of the Umma, or the health of the drugged (vaccinated) now at risk from those who are too stupid to jab; or to protect the pious who have been baptised by the High Church of the cult in question from those who are heretics. No real difference exists.
Fascism is the destruction of the individual into a collective. That is what the word 'fascist' means. The bundle of sticks [humanity] wrapped around an axe [the state]. Fascism is not 'right wing', 'conservative-reactionary' or opposed to 'communism'. It is a communal theology, one in which the person must serve the needs of the state, and in particular, the needs of the cult running the state. The attributes, culture and details of the fascist program will change depending on the legacies of the nation or region in question. The aim of the program is clear – personal submission to the idols of the cult and the state.
Mein Koran is clearly similar to Mein Kampf. This fact frustrates the cultural Marxists and Moslem apologists. Yet the facts are clear. Both Mein's postulate what is in effect a program of intolerant, pagan, fascism. There can be no denying this. Neither Mein Koran, nor Mein Kampf can be confused with morality, ethics, the golden rule, freedom, free-will, enquiry, rationality, truth, or common-sense. Both demand submission, slavery, hatred of the other, supremacist intolerance, and Jihad.
Why is Mein Koran the same as Mein Kampf? One only has to go through the 10 primary characteristics of what constitutes a fascist theology [link] to see why.
1) Party and Leader
Muhammad is conflated with the moon deity Hub'Al as the true god of the Moslems. Follow Muhammad uber-alles. Everything the Dear Leader said or did was from divine sanction. Disobey Muhammad and you will be destroyed. Mein Koran is Muhammad's handbook of control and hate.
2) Ideology replaces reality
In Mein Koran fantasy and ideology replace reality. Moses and Christ are now Moslems. History is rewritten to support the fantasy of Moslem supremacy. Lies become truth.
3) The Cult becomes a religion
The cult demands control and violating this premise becomes associated with divine punishment. All cult demands, including pagan antecedents [kissing rocks, throwing rocks at devils, certain prayers and poems, celestial worship etc.] now become a 'religious' expectation. The cult knows that to control men, it must control both the material and immaterial.
4) Terror, control
Muhammad stated he won Arabia and destroyed the Jews and Christians, along with Pagan Arabs using terror, war, violence and murder. This sordid base of Islamic Fascism impels the entire development of Islam over 1400 years. Islam cannot escape its terrorist beginnings – sanctified as holy in Mein Koran.
5) Racism and Supremacism
Islam is both racist and supremacist. Mein Koran is overtly racist against Jews and Blacks. Towards Christians, pagans and 'polytheists', it is supremacist. Moslems must not associate with non-Moslems; marry their women, or be ruled by them. Islam is supreme. Moslems are infinitely superior to non-Moslems. So wrote Muhammad in Mein Koran.
6) Cross Class appeal
Originally Islam appealed to criminals, brigands, outcasts and losers [as it still does today]. However, given that Mein Koran advocates the theft and plunder of Infidel women, property and wealth, Islam will appeal to those who material appetites far outweigh any sense of moral purpose. In that vein Islam is class neutral. It attracts the immoral and the avaricious.
7) Autarchy
Economic, political, social, cultural. Mein Koran clearly states that Moslems having nothing to learn from non-Moslems, who are apes, pigs, donkeys and dogs. Contact between the superior Moslem and the inferior Kufar must be rejected or at the very least, circumscribed. Moslems believe that Mein Koran is the 'uncreated' word of Hub'Al the moon idol. Everything you need to know is in Mein Koran. What could the Infidel ape possibly offer that would be worthy of interest?
8) Illiberal traditions
Ideas around free-speech, freedom, rights, property protection, a fair judiciary, science, enquiry and respect for others; did not exist in pre-Muhammadan Arabia. Mein Koran took the pagan, illiberal and anti-civilizational practices of pagan Arabia and sanctioned them as divine. This is why Islam is such a failure. No reforms, renaissance, or development is possible within its totalitarian system.
9) Jihad
Islam was spread by war. War, murder, the spilling of blood, propitiating Hub'Al the moon deity through human sacrifice, is the basis of Islam. This cultural fact of the fascist Moslem cult makes change to Mein Koran or the Koranic cult, impossible. Islam is simply Jihad. We see that every day in the Moslem world where non-Moslems are attacked, raped, murdered or exiled.
10) Inevitable collapse
Pagan Fascisms always collapse. The internal illogic of the illiberal cult ensures its ultimate demise. The irrationality, immorality, violence and base stupidity of the project will lead to a variety of consequences including widespread social poverty, illiteracy, frustration and confusion. Islam is a failure. Every single Moslem state is a pale imitation of its Western competition. Islam will implode.