Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Tours, Martel and the Catholic Church funding a Mosque

Other than Muslims burning down Notre Dame, no more poignant symbol of decline.

by Ferdinand III


  (Steubens, 1835, Martel and the victory at Tours in 732 AD against Muslims)


If anyone believes that France’s most important landmark, one of the greatest engineering and artistic masterpieces in world history, Our Lady or Notre Dame, a colossal achievement of Catholic piety and genius, was accidentally destroyed by an ‘electrical short’, than quite likely that same person believes that the financing of a huge Moslem mosque by the Catholic Church in Tours, the site of one of history’s most important battles, that of Charles Martel against the Muhammandans, is a grand idea, a wonderful gesture, a testimony to the cult of the multicultural.  These two events are linked.  They demonstrate the resounding collapse of French confidence and cultural vigour, especially that of the French Catholic Church.  Appeasement, rewriting history, ignoring the on-going low-grade Muslim civil war against the French state and non-Muslims, whites in particular, and the 2-3 churches vandalised daily, is unlikely to result in a stronger society.


“French Diocese Finances Mosque,” Gloria.tv, April 17, 2021:

Tours Diocese donated money for the construction of a local mosque, LaNouvelleRepublique.fr (April 13) reported.


Tours Bishop Vincent Jordy justified his donation on April 15 with the fact that for John Paul II’s 1996 visit to the city, the local Muslims made a symbolic donation which the diocese wanted to reciprocate. Riposte-Catholique.fr adds that in 2015, Auch Diocese – where John Paul II never visited – donated €5000 for a mosque.


In 732, Charles Martel won the famous Battle of Tours against Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi’s large army of horsemen preventing an Islamic conquest of France. Today, Tours city has 5 well attended mosques, and 17 mostly overaged parishes.”


The contribution is not in itself an extraordinary amount just 5000 Euros.  It is the symbolism of that investment which is significant.  Instead of demanding that Muslims reform their book Recital, protest against the never-ending onslaught by Muslims against the Church and the French secular state, and point out the crime, welfare, polygamy and rape issues which dominate a large minority of France’s Muslim population, the French Catholic Church is ready and willing to aid in its own destruction.  There is nothing in the Muhammadan cult which preaches tolerance of Christians or their Church.  There is nothing in the Muhammadan books which identifies charity, forgiveness, or cooperation with Christians as important ideals.  The exact opposite demands are preached monthly and weekly from mosques, better known as Jihad centres.  Yet here we are, the Church funding the base camp of its enemies.  Al Qaeda support is next perhaps?  Or Boko Harem?  Or ISIS?


Charles Martel, Tours and 732

It is argued among historians that Charles Martel’s victory was one of the most important events in European or even world history.”


-October 25 732 AD, the Mayor of the Franks, Charles Martel and his heavy infantry and cavalry eradicated an invading Muslim army of about 40.000

-Western historians and apologists for the Muslim cult, routinely call this invasion a ‘raid’, a raid is not comprised of 40.000 men, arrayed for permanent conquest

-The Muslim leader Rahman Al Ghafiqi had led many invasions of France, targeting wealthy Catholic abbeys and Cathedrals

-White Catholic slavery along with booty and loot, was a prominent driving force for the Muslim attacks into France

-Muslim forces had already wiped out the Duke Odo’s army at Bordeaux, sacking, pillaging and raping their way through the city forcing Acquitaine to seek the protection of Martel and the Franks

-The invasion of France was simply the next logical area of conquest for the Muslim hordes, after annihilating the Visigothic forces with only a Catholic and Christian rump remaining in Spain under Don Pelayo (Navarre)


Tours contained the shrine of St Martin’s and the Abbey and Cathedral complex was among the richest in Europe.  The Muslims were plundering Tours for its wealth, and given the city’s central location in France, it would have been used as a base of future operations to conquer the Frankish kingdom and beyond. 


Today the Diocese of Tours represents much of the French Church.  Aging, brittle, lacking confidence, afraid, impecunious.  Tours and its environs comprise some 600.000 people.  Of that maybe 50.000 are practicing Catholics.  There are about 40.000 Muslims in Tours and its environs, increasing weekly; and most will pray and publicly demonstrate their Muslim separateness.  This means that within 10 years the Muslim cult and its public demonstrations including the current 5 mosques (each mosque usually caters to 5000-8000 people); will become more obvious and present than the expressions of Catholic faith. 


When you destroy your culture, your heritage, your faith and your legacies, your civilisation simply dies.   


[Meanwhile, May 4th 2021, in Lille France, yet another Catholc Church is set on fire.  Cause is yet unknown, but given that Muslims and to a far lesser extent Atheists and Christophobes desecrate and attack 2 churches per day on average, it is unlikely to be an accident.  Will Muslims done money for the repairs?  Of course not.]