Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Christophobia in Mein Koran, Sura 5 as an example

Christianity condemned.

by Ferdinand III


An example of Muslim Christophobia being ‘baked in’ the Koran, is Sura 5 or 'The Table Spread' which is a long, odious, clanging tirade against Non-Moslems. In fact, some 22-25 verses condemn Christianity out of 120. This is approximately 20%. Remember this is the first or second-most important stream of Allah-inspired thought given by Muhammad, Islam and indeed the world's most important human in history. The Christians are clearly cursed in this Sura by a 'superior' Moslem sect which has the blessings of this Allah-thing. The crescendo of hatred towards the Christian is reached in verse 33:


5:33 “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter.”


This is pretty clear. Verse 33 follows about 20 verses which rage against the 'People of the Book' as being criminals who rejected the true word of the Allah thing. The Moslem hatred of the Christian is affirmed in the following hate-speech:


51. O you who believe ! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: they are but friends and protectors to each other.


This is pretty clear – the Jews and their Christian allies are enemies. There is no verse of love or compassion for either group, anywhere in this Sura.


78. Curses were pronounced on those among the Children of Israel who rejected Faith, by the tongue of David and of Jesus the son of Mary: because they disobeyed and persisted in Excesses.


Note: This piece of propaganda would have impressed the Nazis. Muslims are superior to the other 'Peoples of the Book' because they contravened the Covenants and the words of their Prophets and engaged in 'Excesses'. No details are given by Mohammed or the writers of the Koran, of these transgressions. Just a multitude of repetitive propaganda – the Jews and Christians defied their Prophets who were apparently Al-Lah worshippers some 600-2600 years before the Al-Lah cult of Muhammad was invented, behaved badly, rejected the true faith of the moon idol, and therefore are destined to be superseded, punished and destroyed by Islam.


This is nothing more than insane, rambling, ravings – supported by more screaming in verses 79, 80, 81, 82 and 86 – to name just a few.


Humiliating and killing them is the climax of this rage. Here we see yet again the Moslem lie that Allah is the same as the Christian God when in fact the 'one', the Al Lah or Allah, was Hub'Al a moon deity whose rites and rituals were likely formed through the practices of Assyro-Babylonian culture mixed with local Arab practices. Since Jesus or Issu was really a Moslem, the rejection by Christians of the Allah's true 'word' and the embracing of polytheism as denoted in the worship of the Trinity, mark out Christians as evil, criminal, unclean, wayward, and dangerous.


There is not one single expression in this supremacist chapter on tolerance, humility, acceptance, co-existence, love or gratitude, nor of the Golden Rule. Islam rules. Anyone who 'fights' against this 'fact' must be killed or at the very least dominated and humbled. This is not a religion but a cult. Any objective analysis makes this plain.