Sunday, August 18, 2024

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Who is this Al Lah?

The moon idol of Mecca

by Ferdinand III

islam-allah-moon-god-kristiann1 « We Are Human


Allah has nothing to do with the Christian idea of God embedded in the Holy Trinity.  Main Koran is quite clear that the Christian Trinity is a polytheism and belief in polytheism and blasphemies is punished by death.  Sura 5:33 states that those who make mischief by not obeying the cult of Muhammad, must be killed, executed, humiliated and crucified.  This is a direct threat to Christians.


Al Lah or The Lord is a celestial God, called Baal.  Depending on your source and viewpoint, the Near Eastern Baal Gods for millennia represented the weather, thunder and lightning, or the moon.  Some maintain the Arabian Baal or Al Lah might be the Sun with the moon as its consort.  In historical fact the opposite true, and it is pretty clear from archaeology and historiography that the Meccan Al Lah was the moon god, and its consorts was the Sun. 







When a totalitarian UK elite and ‘legal’ system imprisoned an English man for asking in a demonstration ‘Who the F is Al Lah?’, we are witnessing a complete societal implosion and disavowal of the pagan, atavistic and savage nature of the Muslim threat.  The UK courts and elites, corrupted and ignorant as they are, have no idea what the Al Lah is.  Those who are educated and use critical thinking skills, know that the Arabian Al Lah was the ‘Lord’ or main god in the Arab pantheon of celestial worship.  It is quite right to ask, ‘Who the F is this pagan idol?’ worshipped by millions of Muslims in the UK. 


Allah is the moon idol of Mecca.

In the last 200 hundred years prominent archaeologists have discovered throughout the Arabian peninsula thousands of inscriptions which prove beyond any doubt that the dominant religion of Arabia during Mohammed's day was the cult of the moon-god. Hub'Al[lah] was the chief god of Mecca, responsible for instance in repelling the Ethiopian invasion of 571 AD [the year of Muhammad's birth perhaps, though the dates for that do range from 570 to 580 AD].


For many generations before Mohammed was born – his full name was Muhammad ibn Abdullah or Muhammad the son of the slave of the 'one' or Hubal -- the Arabs worshipped some 360 pagan gods housed at the stone temple in Mecca called the Kabah. According to archaeologists, the chief deity of Mecca was the moon-god called Hubal or 'the one' [Al-Lah, El-Lah, i-Lah]. Independent historians have long confirmed that the pre-Islamic Arabs worshipped the moon-god by bowing in prayer toward Mecca several times a day. They would also make a pilgrimage to Mecca, run around the crude stone Kabah seven times and throw stones at the devil and the 'sunset' demon. They also fasted and were at 'peace' for one month, giving each other a respite from the interminable raiding, cattle thieving and caravan destruction which were the full-time jobs of most Arabs. This period of Ramadan or quiet, would begin with the appearance of the crescent moon and would end when the crescent moon reappeared some 4 weeks later on. This Arab cult of ritualization existed centuries before the 'great man' Muhammad was born.


We know who Al Lah was.  We want to know why is ‘Western Civ’ so intent on becoming slaves of Al Lah (abd-ullah)  and his cult?