Sunday, September 15, 2024

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Tariq Ramadan, just another Moslem supremacist and rapist

Sex slavery is condoned, admired and applauded in Mein Koran. So too is rape.

by Ferdinand III


Ramadan is just following Mein Koran.  Sex slaves and women who  are 'possessed' by his 'right hand'.  Page after page of Mein Koran extols the rape and sex slavery of women, especially infidel women.  To the half wits who populate modern academia and the fake news, sex slavery means liberation, and if you are wife #3 you are empowered and free.  Ramadan is just another Muslim rapist imitating the insane totalitarian Muhammad, who raped a 9 year old. 

Tariq Ramadan, “Europe’s leading Islamic scholar” and “towering intellect” and one of the “100 top global thinkers” who was once a professor of contemporary Islamic studies at St. Antony’s College, Oxford University? As Jihad Watch noted briefly here, he has just been convicted by a Swiss Appeals Court of the rape and sexual coercion of a woman known as “Brigitte” in Geneva.

Brigitte was not one of the four students he taught years ago at a lycée in Geneva. who have accused him of seducing them when they were his trusting pupils, aged between 14 and 18. No, she’s “in addition” to those former students, a victim of Ramadan’s predatory ways. It’s not known if those four Swiss girls-now-women will be bringing charges against him, but this first conviction in Switzerland should encourage them to move forward in pressing their own claims.

More details about his first conviction for rape, just announced by the Appeals Court in Geneva, can be found here: “Tariq Ramadan, disgraced former star of European Islam,” AFP, September 10, 2024:

Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan, convicted on appeal of rape and sexual coercion by a Geneva court, is a Swiss intellectual accused of masking violence and radicalism behind a mild facade.

Ramadan, 62, is the grandson of the founder of the Islamist movement the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and wrote his doctoral thesis on his ancestor.

Ramadan is the grandson of Hassan al-Banna, a Muslim fanatic who was the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Asked repeatedly to condemn his grandfather, Ramadan always tears up and mournfully replies that “he was my grandfather” — presumably we are meant to understand that filial piety precludes him from distancing himself from the man who founded the Muslim Brotherhood, that group of fanatics and killers.

Ramadan’s accusers all earlier testified to his modus operandi: “Tariq Ramadan Accused of ‘Seducing His Teenage Students,’” by Noor Nanji, The National, November 4, 2017:

…One, known as Sandra, was 15 when Mr Ramadan made advances towards her. She said he told her: “I feel close to you. You are mature. You are special. I am surrounded by many people but I feel lonely.” She started spending time with him outside of school, and “two or three times we had intimate relationships. At the back of his car”. She added: “He said it was our secret.”

Another, Lea, said she was 14 years old when the teacher approached her during a trip. “He put my hand on my mouth telling me he knew I was thinking about him in the evening before falling asleep. Which was wrong. It was manipulation. He said he thought of me but he was married.”

In her case, she says nothing physical happened. She described him as a “crooked, intimidating man who used perverse relational ploys and abused the trust of his students. There was such an impression on us.”

A third woman, known as Agathe, was 18 and described being “captivated by the speech of this charismatic teacher”. She said Mr Ramadan invited her for a coffee outside of school, “and then I had sex with him. He was married and a father. This happened three times, especially in his car. It was consented but very violent. I had bruises all over my body.”

Agathe says the scholar threatened her and demanded she tell no one about the encounters. “It was an abuse of power, pure and simple.”

The fourth woman, Claire, was 17 when the pair started a relationship and 18 when they first had intercourse. “I was fascinated, under his control. He took me, threw me, established a relationship of dependence.”

None of these incidents was made public before now, with one of the women expressing feelings of “disgust” and “shame” which made her stay quiet.

How many more non-Muslim women in Geneva remain too “disgusted” and “ashamed” for what they allowed themselves to endure as schoolgirls from their respected “‘prof” Tariq Ramadan to come forward even now?

How many more Muslim women in Paris, who were once admirers of the famous “scholar” Tariq Ramadan, were invited after his lectures to discuss further the subject of “Islamic ethics” in his hotel room, only to be choked, beaten, raped, and then threatened if they were ever to report him?