“I have been commanded to wage war against the mankind until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah….If they do so, their blood and property are protected.” Muhammad bin Abdullah, ‘Prophet of Islam’
The conflict between the cult of Muhammad and the rest of the world, and with its most detested enemy namely Christianity (Mein Koran is more Christophobic, than anti-Semitic), is based on the ‘principles’ of its founder. As quoted above Muhammad the slave of Allah (Abdullah) was a warrior chieftain. He was no prophet of peace, but a profiteer of war, brigandage, sex slavery, destruction and violence. His mission, given to him apparently by the archangel Gabriel, was to spread the cult of Allah, or the worship of the moon deity of Mecca, around the globe with the sword and scimitar.
The message delivered to the mentally unstable Muhammad in his meditation cave in 610 A.D when he was 40 by the archangel Gabriel was simple – make sure all humans ‘submit’ to this Allah deity. Muhammad a former caravan leader for his wealthy older wife spent 12 years trying to spread this message in his hometown of Mecca, winning fewer than 100 converts. The Meccans allowed Muhammad to freely preach in the polytheistic, celestial worshipping city.
When Muhammad became more brazen and preached against the existing idols worshipped by the Meccans, including the Sun and Venus, he became a threat to the pilgrimage trade. This centred around the Kabah shrine which housed a black asteroid and 360 idols. Many surrounding tribes journeyed to the shrine as a votive of cult duty which brought economic benefits to Mecca. Muhammad’s ramblings about submission only to the Al-Lah or main deity of Mecca, and his demand that all other idols and cults be disbanded, was bad for business.
Muhammad and his small band were forced to flee to Medina. With his gang of ruffians, he inserted himself into Medinan politics, became an arbiter in disputes between city factions and eventually a sort of prince of Medina. With many men at his disposal, he began his career of violence, launching raids against other cities, villages and caravans.
Muhammad’s principle of ‘religiosity’ can be summed up in one of his earliest commands given to his men in Medina, “Fight them (non-Muslims) until they testify that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger; if they do so, then their blood (lives) and possessions are denied you.” Notice the conflation between the Arab celestial idol or Al Lah, meaning the Lord who was the moon, and Muhammad. Only Muhammad is the mediator between the moon deity and mankind. Only Muhammad can wield absolute power because only Muhammad has access and insight to the desires of the moon deity.
To convert to Muhammad’s cult and partake of the spoils of raiding and small-scale warfare, all one had to do was confirm that there is only one god named Al Lah, and that Muhammad is his only messenger. This is called the sha-ha-da and is the first pillar of the Muslim cult. The name Islam simply means submission to Al Lah and most importantly, to his only messenger, Muhammad.
The primary impetus to join Muhammad’s gang in Medina was the spoils of war and raiding. Arabs were famous even in the days of the Roman empire, for being raiders and thieves. It was a part of the culture. Now Muhammad was offering criminals, brigands, rapists, cut-throats, the violent and the mentally unstable, divine sanction, absolution, redemption and upon death in battle or after conversion to the cult, a paradise of virgins, wine, food and entertainment. It was a winning stratagem. As Edward Gibbon no friend of Christianity drily wrote, “(Muhammad) employ(ed) even the vices of mankind as the instruments of their salvation.”
On average Muhammad led 9 military expeditions each year between 622 and 630 A.D. The success of pilfering, sex slaving and wanton destruction had attracted some 10.000 men into a resolute and violent army. As Muslim historians of a later date admitted (such as Ibn Khaldun in the 14th century), these Arab tribesmen following Muhammad were illiterate, savage, brutal and atavistic. This was no religiously inspired crowd of devotionals and penitents. These were cruel and barbaric men, plundering, raping, stealing, murdering and converting people at the point of the sword. So it came to pass that in 630 A.D. Muhammad with 10.000 men attacked Mecca where he was previously rejected and forced the Meccans to submit to the Al Lah cult.