Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9-11: Just another day! Don’t offend the multi-cult club by ascribing significance to it!

Why remember something that Bush and the 'Joos' did?

by Ferdinand III

9-11 again. A signal event that forever destroyed, in the minds of the thoughtful, any quaint notions about Islamic pacificsm, multi-cultural tolerance, or isolation in a globalising world. The culture clash, which for 40 years had been in bloody train, was trumpeted for all but the most ignorant and deaf to hear. 9-11 is the most important event since 1989 and the 2 year domino collapse of the ghoulish and ghastly Soviet empire. It is remarkable that perhaps half our society does not understand just how dramatically things have altered or worse – just don’t care. These are the enemies within – those beholden to socialist dogma, conspiracy theory and anti-reality posturing.

For the socialists in our world, including the serpents of hate at moron or moveon.org; the cadre of cavilling politicians and professors; and those other numerous anti-American and anti-Joo bigots and racists; 9-11 is of course one large yawn. There are so many more interesting topics to discuss: the terrible economy, the 0.5% of children’s toys made in China which are defective, Bush’s lies about Iraq, Republican racism, Gay sex, the latest gay comedy, or the latest Hollywood anti-American, anti-reality lowest common denominator visual junk-for-the-hard-of-thinking-film. 9-11 is well, just so old. Who now cares about December 7th 1941 [how many know what that date represents one has to wonder?].

Flip through the 500 channel universe and very little will be said on 9-11 about 9-11. Sad but not unexpected. This is not to say that we need to endlessly recite the names of the dead; show repeatedly the collapse of the Twin Towers; or breathlessly and fatuously intone ad nauseam about heroes and saints. Six years on one would expect some intelligence to be applied to the event. 9-11 spawns some obvious issues and debates. These would include arguments about how to defeat the extremist elements of Islam; how to secure our borders; how to drag the Arab empire centered on the Koran into the modern world; and how to win the clash of cultures and ideas. Further questions should center on why we are funding Arab and Islamic schools and mosques with tax dollars; and the reasons to allow Saudi money to sponsor pro-Islamic curricula after such an event as 9-11. To even posit such Diogenic musings is to be branded a whole variety of names – none of them complementary or relevant. 9-11 in short changed everything and every assumption we had on 9-10.

Why the amnesia over 9-11? Most of it has to do with two factors both of which are related. Cultural Marxism reigns in the media and the educational establishment. Cultural Marxists are the creators of post-modernism and the idea that nothing is real or matters. 9-11 is a construct of interpretation not a reality. Do we really know that Bush did not order the destruction of the Twin Towers and did not give advance notice to the Jews in the Towers? Are we really sure that Bin Laden and Bush are not in partnership or that the Joos and Texans are not inventing the war on terror in order to destroy liberty and increase the price of oil?

The rank uncouthness of such statements barely elicits mainstream media condemnation. In fact in the case of NBC, the CBC, and the BBC they are heartily embraced. 1400 years of Islamic warring on everyone else apparently is to be tolerated and not discussed. One wonders if the 300 million dead Hindu’s and Buddhists, victims of Islamic expansionism in the sub-continent from 800 A.D. to 1500, would be more than a little chagrined to know that we have a modern world where criticisms of Islam’s immoderate ideology are magically equated with intolerance and uncultured stupidity. Only the Bush-Joo axis of lying evil is anti-Islamic! Everyone knows that Islam is a peaceful ordering of society with much in common with Christian fundamentalism! Or failing that if you blame Islamic doctrine for violence then what about the Crusades [a reaction against the Muslim invasion of Europe]; the fascist Joos on the West Bank, or the killing Christians of Bush’s brigades?! Come on, all religions are terrible [see Christopher Hitchens], reality is nuanced and US foreign policy is to blame for 1400 years of Islamic aggression and the fact that Muslims are killing other Muslims in Iraq!

9-11 is an event which has its place in the long train of Muslim historical savagery. Its impact on the world should be obvious. Profound changes in all areas of life – military, immigration, education, foreign affairs – and the concomitant change in perception that cultures, people, history and occurrences are not relative, should be obvious and mandatory. Yet a large segment of the ‘West’, refuses to acknowledge reality, and dares to be enslaved to conspiracy theories, anti-Joo/American contempt; or tortured Marxian theoretics in which the primitive sick actions of radical Islamists is somehow our fault. In the place of reasoned logic and historical fact, there is for many people, guilt, self-loathing and historical rewriting.

9-11 is not just another day. It is not some calendar date we mark off and forget. It is probably the most significant generational event we will witness. Yet the analysis, gravitas, intelligence or even a recognition of what 9-11 means is already fading. For cultural Marxists the West is beyond contempt and 9-11 is a deserved tragedy. This once fringe and deeply disturbed line of thinking is now more than mainstream. Fuelled by the media, the educational systems and by rich merchants of hate and cowardice, the anti-West group, once muted after 9-11 are in again in full roar. This is how civilisations collapse. Once you believe the twisted lies of those who deny reality, then submission and slavery are acceptable options. If you really hate America that much, then why not embrace Islam? Or why not rip apart the market system? Or why not disembowel the military, your foreign policy and what is left of your high culture?

9-11 is an important cultural artefact related to our culture; our beliefs; our fears and our civilisation. Not to stress this in our workplace, schools and media is to do our own history, achievements and the blood of those taken on that date a gross disservice. 9-11 has reshaped all facets of how we view the world and our mission in it. Gone should be the facile, romantic even imbecilic concepts about cultural relativity, Islam’s benignity and the blessings of trying to be a great power while not exerting great power influence and control. 9-11 is the root and core of who and what we are, and what we aspire to. No surprise then that most schools and media outlets could care less.