Thursday, October 18, 2007
Turkey is not our friend, nor ally.
If Turkey invades Iraq there must be severe consequences visited upon the Muslim Turks.
by Ferdinand III
So Turkey wants to invade Iraq. Big surprise. Okay let me try to understand. Turkey is Islamic. Turkey wants to lead the 'Turkic' nations. Turkey is getting richer. Turkey cooperates with Iran. Turkey is becoming more fastidiously Islamic. Turkey supported Hussein. Turkey denied invasion routes in the 2nd Gulf War. Turkey is Sunni...oh okay i think i got it. Turkey is an Asiatic-Muslim country with nothing in common with Western civilisation. Yeah that sounds about right.
But what will the morons at the US State department twitter on about? Or the Euro-Fems with their one-world-we all love Turkey- model? Secretary of State Con-da-least-ah Rice and her Euro-wimp friends will whimper that Turkey is an ally, a great bastion of secular humanity, a shining example of Islamic tolerance, a bridge between Europe and Islam, blah blah blah.
All nonsense. Turkey has nothing in common with Europe. It is Asiatic. Its history is one of unfettered despotism and racism along with the niceties of genocide and mass murder. It is profoundly Islamic, and it is in alliance with Iran and it will illegally [oh where are those Liberal UN-law givers when you need them] invade and rape Iraq, even as a NATO ally pleads 'please don't do it!'. Such is a Muslim state of affairs with the great, dear and good 'ally' Turkey.
Turkey became an ally of convenience during the Cold War. The Turks needed protection from the centuries old Russian imperial habit of wanting to take Constantinople, renamed Istanbul after the Turks slaughtered the inhabitants in 1453. Moscow as the new Rome coveted a warm water port, and to put its one-time Orthodox patron and trading partner – Constantinople – under New Rome's control. This 'great game' was a centuries long dance. During the Cold War, the Turks appealed for Western military, monetary and technological aid. After sending the 4th largest contingent to Korea to fight the godless Communists, they got what they wanted. A good deal for all concerned.
But times change. Turkey is a part of NATO but only in so far as the Turks prove to be of some use against Iran, fascist Islam and Russian imperialism. The second the Turks talk about invading Iraq and destroying that nation's ascent to normalcy must be the same minute that talks of kicking Turkey out of NATO should commence. After all, the US is running Iraq, and how on earth can one NATO ally attack another?
Ok ok, we all know that those terrible Kurds are blowing up Turkish assets in their bid for a Kurd run state. But the Kurds do have legitimate problems with the Turks, and the Kurds have been massacred en masse by those fun-loving Turkish military personnnel. Undoubtedly the Kurd rebels in Turkey are using Iraq as a base. Equally clear is the Iraqi-Kurd reluctance to do much about it. But does this mandate an invasion of Iraq by Turkey?
Seal off the border. Regulate trade. Help the US in Iraq proper in exchange for tigher border security. Appeal to the US for more money to beef up border and terrorist tracking technology. Arm twist the brains at Brussel's NATO HQ for more cash to stiffen Iraqi-Kurd courage in restraining their brethren [nothing like some palm grease amongst those honest Kurds and Arabs]. Why not focus on quelling domestic violence in exchange for US assurances that cross-border raids will stop? Why not give the Kurds some autonomy in Turkey?
Why? Why bother – that is not the Turkish or Islamic way. For the Turks the time to invade is now. The deeply anti-American Turkish state can assert its Turkish-ness through an opportune invasion. Oil awaits in Kirkuk and northern Iraq. Rampant domestic violence and murder is made easier with a foreign incursion. After all, the world will not care about a few thousand more slaughtered Kurds. After invading Iraq surely more US concessions will be offered to broker peace? Turkey will ride high in Turkic and Islamic opinion after humbling the Great Satan.
Therein lies the issue.
Turkey is not our ally. She is a jackal. A jackal which picks off the carcass of Western largesse what she wants. She receives money, aid, technology, military help and status by being a member of NATO. Here is something for the Con-da-least-ah Rice and her Euro-wimp friends to consider. If Turkey invades Iraq then fine – out of NATO, out of all talks about joining the EU and rush 50.000 US marines to defend Iraqi Kurdistan. The Turks can't fight – so let's prove their thesis that they are the heirs of Suleiman the Magnificient or Mehmed II. Let them fight US GIs and see what is what.
Turkey is unworthy. It is planning to attack an 'ally'. This planned invasion of Iraq is just another example of Turkish perfidy. One has to wonder what role Iran is playing in all of this.