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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   


Catholic Legacy - Recent Articles

'Natural law rights' is derived from Medieval canon law

The 17th century did not invent the idea of 'rights'.

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Natural law rights, and Individual rights is a byproduct not only of Church doctrine, but also Scholastic philosophy.  The ‘Enlightenment’ ideals about the ‘rights of men’ were pilfered from Church doctrine dating back to the 12th century.  There were not new or innovative. 


When 17th century philosophes asserted the basic rights of men, they reused what had already existed for centuries.  In the 12th century the celebrated ‘Decretum’ of Gratian was a composition of Church law which included the tradition of natural law rights, and man’s inalienable rights to freedom from arbitrary rule, slavery and poverty.  The Magna Carta of 1215 is a document based on these ideals which elevated the rights of Barons and landowners and guaranteed habeas corpus, freedom from arbitrary arrest and imprisonment and the legal right to the protection of private property and personal sanctity. 


The 10th century witnessed the investiture controversies, or the rights of the Church and the state to ‘invest’ or appoint ecclesiastical positions.  This was the old debate between the boundaries of Church and state.  This was during a recrudescence of urban activity, accelerated by a warming climate, the Reconquista in Spain, and extended terms of trade and credit.  Urban centres also wanted some independence from arbitrary state or ecclesiastical rule. 


These rights were centred on particular interests and groups.  But they were soon extended to members and individuals.  Church canonists realised that ‘rights’ must extend to what is ‘naturally’ given by God to individuals.  Such ‘rights’ were independent of state power and statute.  We see such ideas by 1300 in European legislation and codes.  Property, self-defense, non-Christian marriage, and legal procedure were all deemed rooted in natural law, not state law.


Pope Innocent IV and others defended these natural law rights for infidels as well as heretical Christians.  In the 16th century Las Casas, the Vatican and Spanish Kings would apply the concepts of natural law rights to Ameri-Indians, stating categorically that Ameri-Indians had full ownership of their land and bodies.  Though these various decrees and bulls were ignored, these legal expositions declared that Europeans must buy the land from Ameri-Indians and desist from enslaving the native populations.


Medieval Canon law is thus the ancestor of ‘Enlightenment’ ideals and of the Western concept of God given natural law rights, individual rights, private property, proper jurisprudence and the separation of Church and state. The 17th century philosophes pilloried these concepts at will but refrained from acknowledging or attributing the source.  Such theft is standard practice in modernity. 


Scientism and the Queer-Tranny Fascism

Endless attacks by the perverted and mentally ill on Christianity.

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There are 3 general secular religions within Western Civilisation’s history which are going to destroy it. We see this destruction reflected in the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics in a Satanic display of perversion.

Religion of Reason:  There is the cult of ‘reason’ and ‘rationality’ which leads to the ‘only truth’.  This ‘monism’ of ‘reason’ is the only way to explain the universe, our existence and our lives.  This singular ‘truth’ emanates from the Enlightenment and the Philosophes and finds expression in Positivism, Progressivism and Scientism which demands that the cult of ‘reason’ and ‘science’ rule society.  In this process the immaterial and ‘unreasonable’, including all religions, are to be rejected.

Religion of Materialism:  Materialism and extreme naturalism inform our universe.  Materialism declares that mechanical processes, operating within ‘natural laws’ is all that matters.  Morality, culture, emotions and the immaterial are irrelevant. Evolution, Marxism, most ‘science’, even economics and sociology are materialist theologies.  They posit that the world at large, including society, yourself and nature, is impersonal, mechanical and dialectical.  The Materialist theology is closely aligned with the religion of ‘Reason’.

Religion of Nihilism (and Sexual Perversion): As a fork from both the ‘Enlightenment’ and Materialism and finding expression in the 1960s cultural destruction which still redounds today, is the extreme positivism of hedonism and self-truth, especially as it relates to sex and gender.  Homosexuals, Trans-genders, Nihilists, Benthamites, Fabians, Abortionists, cultural Marxists and others believe that there is no fixed, eternal truth or even ‘reason’ per se, especially about our biological and sexual reality and ‘rights’; and that the Church, and immanent patriarchal structures nullify our sexual and gender expression.  It is akin to biological anarchy and is a form of hyper-irrationalism and is extremely unscientific.  These irrational cults reject both reason and materiality.  It is basically ‘be what you want, do what you want’

The religions of Rationality and Materialism are close allies.  The hyper-irrational positivity of homosexuality-transgenderism, its hedonism and sexual dysfunction is a reaction against both ‘reason’ and materialism as well as institutions which demand sexual morality and boundaries.  Increasingly however as expected, ‘The Science’ along with governments and corporations, are mainstreaming the Satanic perverted cult of sexual degeneracy with a view to money and power.

Perverts and the unreasonable

This unreasonable and irrational cult disavows biological reality including chromosomes, DNA, mitochondria and bone structures and instead, builds its own distorted and quite perverted reality.  In essence this hedonism can be classified as a mental illness given how out of touch with reality its members and theologies are.  It also leads to paedophilia, child abuse and child castration. All of these are supposedly illegal and immoral but are increasingly supported by governments and ‘The Science’.

Much of the sexual perversion industry and monstrosity is now supported not only by immoral corporations looking at profits, but also by ‘Science’ with endless studies and propaganda supporting this immoral evil. This fact proves yet again just how useless much of modern ‘Science’ is.  The ‘uber rational’ defending the bottomless evil and irrationality of sexual degeneracy.

As with most revolutionary furores, sexual degeneracy neither accepts reality, responsibility, morality, nor boundaries or limits.  It was originally just ‘gay marriage’ and ‘love’. Now it is ‘we are coming for your children’. The fact that most of the population has little interest in its dogma, is for the sexual anarchist a call to violence and threats.  Coercion through laws, state protection, endless propaganda and imagery demand that its members be treated as an elect.  It is true to say that using state and corporate resources to elevate such mental illness to a religion is a form of fascism. 

We see one the above reflected in the Paris Olympics opening ceremony, directed by a Gay Jew who obviously is a Christophobe and hates the Christian history of France.  No stars of David in a jar of piss. No mocking Muslims for drinking camel piss or deflowering under-age girls. No mention of Muslim Jihad, rape gangs, or that Jews were all over the Pharma-fascism of Corona. No, just attack Christianity. How brave.

I would guess that not more than 10% of the French know who Clovis was; or can name the year of Charlemagne’s coronation as the Holy Roman Emperor.  Few will know anything about the school of physics at Chartres, the first school of science in Western Europe; nor why St Denis was built and when.  Few will care about Georges Bizet, Pierre Duhem, Descartes, or Saint Louis.  But all will be saturated in the vomit and bile of the perverted sex and gender cult and many will accept it.

The Great Implosion

The importance of medieval and early modern French culture is now forgotten and rubbished.  In the place of France’s long history, they shove sexual mental illness into your face and demand you kneel and obey as they tear down Christianity and the cross and erect a phallus in its place. The perverted queer Gestapo is uber alles.

The Paris Olympics is just another example of Western decline.  A group of mentally ill people, evangelising their church of degeneracy and evil, parading the Satanic in place of the civilised.  French history has nothing to do with such debauchery, promoted by the US empire and its allies as ‘reasonable’, ‘a right’ and ‘normal’.  It is a sickness of the mind and a grand perversion, a modern Sodom and Gomorrah with the same guaranteed result. 

And, it is all planned. It is part of the Cultural Marxist demolition of the West. Western Civilisation is imploding, the detonation set from within.  The Olympics is just another statement of that fact. 

The Church and modern law.

No Church. No modern legal system.

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1591 Corpus Juris Canonici (Body of Canon Law). Gratian, Gregory IX ...


Harold Berman’s ‘Law and Revolution: The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition’, clearly credits the medieval Church for building the foundations and structures of Western secular law.  From the time of Constantine to the 11th century, the legal constructs of church and state were intermingled.  There was no clear separation between the ecclesiastical and the secular.

This changed in the 11th century with Pope Gregory and the ‘Gregorian’ reforms.  Pope Gregory identified that a King was a lay person and had no power to interfere with church affairs including appointing bishops or priests.  The boundaries between church and state were clarified.  Out of this division, based on a common foundation, arose separate legal edifices.


Church law possessed the most coherent body of legal codes in the world, much of it based on the 6th century Byzantine emperor Justinian and his ‘codex’.  From the 5th to 11th centuries however, church law could not be termed a systematic and comprehensive legal code.  It was instead a set of scattered commentaries, Biblical references, various exhortations, papal demands and it was regional in nature. 


Over time, church canon law was produced to regulate ecclesiastical affairs and this in turn became the model for secular laws.  Western church canon law became systematised after the Gregorian reforms in the 12th and 13th centuries. Prior to this creation of canon law in the high middle ages, legal codes per se did not exist in a coherent or logical manner in Europe.  In most areas law was intimately linked with custom and even pagan practices (eg trials by fire or water). 


By the 12th century canon law was taking shape.  The monk Gratian produced ‘A Concordance of Discordant Canons’, written around 1140.  This was the first systematic legal code in Western Europe.  It was an enormous body of work.  Gratian’s work was premised on reason and conscience, along with natural law and God-granted rights.  These principles allowed a coherent legal structure to be shaped.


From Gratian and succeeding works, all aspects of society came under canon laws.  Property, marriage, inheritance, rational trials, the discontinuance of pagan rites such as trial of ordeals by fire or water, the development of equality before the law, protection given to the poor and dispossessed, can be found in Gratian’s work.  In essence the barbaric ‘law codes’ of Western Europe were replaced by canon law based on principles and reason.  Universities which began in the 12th century had departments dedicated to the law and these scholars began to construct national legal codes based on canon law.


Canon lawyers were produced who used the canons to determine the criminality of a particular act, using legal principles still in use today.  These lawyers were concerned with the intent of the act, various kinds of intent, and with moral implications of acts.  Extenuating factors in criminal acts were also developed, including insanity and intoxication.  Accidental and deliberate actions were separated.  Contract law was also developed which is still with us today, enshrining and enforcing the legality of contractual consent. 


Criminal law was another area of innovation during the 12th and 13th centuries within canon law and served as the basis for the secular equivalent.  These were also deeply impacted by Saint Anselm’s 11th century exposition Cur Deux Homo, where he explains the rationality in the mediation of the God-man ending in atonement for our sins through the crucifixion.  This doctrine of atonement rested on the concept that a violation of the law was an offense against justice and the moral itself.  Punishment was necessary to restore both.  Atonement is a central feature of all modern legal systems.


There is no doubt that the entire corpus of Western law is based on the medieval canon law.  Almost every area of modern jurisprudence can trace its lineage to the canon law of the 12th century.  The very foundation of Western law in its philosophy, is entirely Christian and Catholic including the principles of law, punishment, atonement, forgiveness, morality and justice.