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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

Archive - August 2024

'Natural law rights' is derived from Medieval canon law

The 17th century did not invent the idea of 'rights'.

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Natural law rights, and Individual rights is a byproduct not only of Church doctrine, but also Scholastic philosophy.  The ‘Enlightenment’ ideals about the ‘rights of men’ were pilfered from Church doctrine dating back to the 12th century.  There were not new or innovative. 


When 17th century philosophes asserted the basic rights of men, they reused what had already existed for centuries.  In the 12th century the celebrated ‘Decretum’ of Gratian was a composition of Church law which included the tradition of natural law rights, and man’s inalienable rights to freedom from arbitrary rule, slavery and poverty.  The Magna Carta of 1215 is a document based on these ideals which elevated the rights of Barons and landowners and guaranteed habeas corpus, freedom from arbitrary arrest and imprisonment and the legal right to the protection of private property and personal sanctity. 


The 10th century witnessed the investiture controversies, or the rights of the Church and the state to ‘invest’ or appoint ecclesiastical positions.  This was the old debate between the boundaries of Church and state.  This was during a recrudescence of urban activity, accelerated by a warming climate, the Reconquista in Spain, and extended terms of trade and credit.  Urban centres also wanted some independence from arbitrary state or ecclesiastical rule. 


These rights were centred on particular interests and groups.  But they were soon extended to members and individuals.  Church canonists realised that ‘rights’ must extend to what is ‘naturally’ given by God to individuals.  Such ‘rights’ were independent of state power and statute.  We see such ideas by 1300 in European legislation and codes.  Property, self-defense, non-Christian marriage, and legal procedure were all deemed rooted in natural law, not state law.


Pope Innocent IV and others defended these natural law rights for infidels as well as heretical Christians.  In the 16th century Las Casas, the Vatican and Spanish Kings would apply the concepts of natural law rights to Ameri-Indians, stating categorically that Ameri-Indians had full ownership of their land and bodies.  Though these various decrees and bulls were ignored, these legal expositions declared that Europeans must buy the land from Ameri-Indians and desist from enslaving the native populations.


Medieval Canon law is thus the ancestor of ‘Enlightenment’ ideals and of the Western concept of God given natural law rights, individual rights, private property, proper jurisprudence and the separation of Church and state. The 17th century philosophes pilloried these concepts at will but refrained from acknowledging or attributing the source.  Such theft is standard practice in modernity. 


Who is this Al Lah?

The moon idol of Mecca

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islam-allah-moon-god-kristiann1 « We Are Human



Allah has nothing to do with the Christian idea of God embedded in the Holy Trinity.  Main Koran is quite clear that the Christian Trinity is a polytheism and belief in polytheism and blasphemies is punished by death.  Sura 5:33 states that those who make mischief by not obeying the cult of Muhammad, must be killed, executed, humiliated and crucified.  This is a direct threat to Christians.


Al Lah or The Lord is a celestial God, called Baal.  Depending on your source and viewpoint, the Near Eastern Baal Gods for millennia represented the weather, thunder and lightning, or the moon.  Some maintain the Arabian Baal or Al Lah might be the Sun with the moon as its consort.  In historical fact the opposite true, and it is pretty clear from archaeology and historiography that the Meccan Al Lah was the moon god, and its consorts was the Sun. 








When a totalitarian UK elite and ‘legal’ system imprisoned an English man for asking in a demonstration ‘Who the F is Al Lah?’, we are witnessing a complete societal implosion and disavowal of the pagan, atavistic and savage nature of the Muslim threat.  The UK courts and elites, corrupted and ignorant as they are, have no idea what the Al Lah is.  Those who are educated and use critical thinking skills, know that the Arabian Al Lah was the ‘Lord’ or main god in the Arab pantheon of celestial worship.  It is quite right to ask, ‘Who the F is this pagan idol?’ worshipped by millions of Muslims in the UK. 


Allah is the moon idol of Mecca.

In the last 200 hundred years prominent archaeologists have discovered throughout the Arabian peninsula thousands of inscriptions which prove beyond any doubt that the dominant religion of Arabia during Mohammed's day was the cult of the moon-god. Hub'Al[lah] was the chief god of Mecca, responsible for instance in repelling the Ethiopian invasion of 571 AD [the year of Muhammad's birth perhaps, though the dates for that do range from 570 to 580 AD].


For many generations before Mohammed was born – his full name was Muhammad ibn Abdullah or Muhammad the son of the slave of the 'one' or Hubal -- the Arabs worshipped some 360 pagan gods housed at the stone temple in Mecca called the Kabah. According to archaeologists, the chief deity of Mecca was the moon-god called Hubal or 'the one' [Al-Lah, El-Lah, i-Lah]. Independent historians have long confirmed that the pre-Islamic Arabs worshipped the moon-god by bowing in prayer toward Mecca several times a day. They would also make a pilgrimage to Mecca, run around the crude stone Kabah seven times and throw stones at the devil and the 'sunset' demon. They also fasted and were at 'peace' for one month, giving each other a respite from the interminable raiding, cattle thieving and caravan destruction which were the full-time jobs of most Arabs. This period of Ramadan or quiet, would begin with the appearance of the crescent moon and would end when the crescent moon reappeared some 4 weeks later on. This Arab cult of ritualization existed centuries before the 'great man' Muhammad was born.


We know who Al Lah was.  We want to know why is ‘Western Civ’ so intent on becoming slaves of Al Lah (abd-ullah)  and his cult?


UK: Muslims and the Rivers of Blood

The Great Replacement won't be accepted.

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What's Next After, UK Government Scrambles To Control Riots ...


Across the UK there have been multiple protests and violent clashes between normal UK born citizens, many of them White, and the authorities and the useless gestapo named the UK police force.  Muslims, Blacks and non-Whites have been the targets.  The fake news media, the usual cadre of cowardly boot licking multi-culturalist politicians, the un-civil service, have all viciously attacked and arrested many of the ‘White thugs’.  They display of course a completely different set of standards for Muslims in Leeds, Birmingham, London and elsewhere, who can burn, loot, murder and destroy almost at will.  No opprobrium or vitriol from the elite.  No condemnation from the fake news and fake ‘experts'.


The UK has a real population of probably 75 million, not the false 67 million declared in the 2021 census.  Of the 75 million, probably 1/3 are non-White mostly Black, Muslim and Indian immigrants, asylum seekers, illegals.  In the past 10 years roughly 1 million ‘immigrants’ have landed in the UK both legally and illegally, or roughly 10 million in a decade.  London is majority non-White, as is Birmingham and many famous cities notable for their prominence during the Victorian era and industrialisation including Leicester, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool, Sheffield and Nottingham.  Many of us who travel within the UK have noted this. 

UK: Weekend Riots Threat Looms, Thousands Arrested, Sentenced ...


In short, the UK has been turned upside by immigration.  The entire national fabric including its Christian heritage, past and legacy are being systemically annihilated.  All by plan.  The EU or German Empire project was always a political endeavour to eradicate the nation state and have a regional and eventually a global hegemony.  When Brexit occurred, the elite did everything possible to reverse that outcome and part of the globalist response was to open wide the borders. Brexit was largely a vote to seal the borders and reclaim national sovereignty.  When this did not happen, the elite simply seeded a massive national grievance into the majority White population.  As Enoch Powell stated 60 years ago, the Rivers of Blood, are flowing and have been for 20 years.


Within the UK we have:

·       Probably 10 million Muslims, doubling every decade.  By 2040 the northern English cities and London will be majority Muslim.

·       By 2040, the Muslim population in the UK will be 40-45% of the total UK population.

·       From 1 or 2 mosques in 1970, we now have over 2.000.

·       Muslims and their allies dominate local, regional and national governments, institutions and organisations.

·       Half a dozen major cities have Muslim mayors including the execrably racist Jihadist Khan in London.

·       1 million white working-class girls have been raped since 1980 in the UK by Muslims.

·       70% of Muslims do not officially work in London.

·       Jews are on the record that they don’t feel safe in London or other cities dominated by Muslims.

·       Crime is at record levels across the UK, due to immigration.

·       Cost of living and house prices are at ridiculous levels in part due to open borders.


When a Black teenager carves up 3 White girls at a Taylor Swift party, it creates a trigger.  It matters not that he was born in the UK.  The valid reaction is that he and his family should never have been in the UK in the first place, with his parents arriving as ‘refugees’.  The gratitude shown to the UK from a Black born here, from 'refugee parents', is to murder young White girls.  This is an act of racism.  Why didn’t he kill 3 Black girls? 


This atrocity is just the latest in a long list of crimes committed by ‘immigrants’ or their offspring against the natives.  The open borders invasion is simply that – an invasion, part of the Great Replacement of White English.  In the upside-down clown world that is the UK and its anti-reality ‘culture’ the victims are to be blamed and anyone protesting the absolute evisceration of England, including its history, culture, heritage and Christian roots, is of course, a Nazi, Fascist, Racist and Phobe.  This is why there will be a civil war in the UK and rivers of blood.


Myths about the Ideology called Islam

Persistent fantasies about a political project named a 'religion', which will never be reformed.

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Critics of Islam usually demand a Western style reformation to drag the Arab creation out of the 7th century pre modern pagan mind-set, into the modern world. There is little chance of that happening. Islam is an ideology – a political project first and foremost. A reformation is impossible when you are dealing with ideas which are closed to discussion; repetitive; ritualised; and inherently imperialist. The myth of an Islamic reformation is one of many which abound about this so-called 'religion'. [Perhaps Hitlerism is also a religion]. 


Some general myths held about Islam by the media and the general public within the Western world: 

1. Islam is open to a reformation

No it isn't. Islam is a total project. 'Total' meaning that the social, civil, spiritual, and intellectual life are governed by pre-set rules and rituals. Total mandates that all things in a Muslim's life belong to Islam. Individual Muslims will opt out of many or even most of Islam's demands. But the ideology does not opt out of its totality. Any system of thought which is total in nature is by political extension totalitarian. And as anyone who has read the history of such concepts, these systems of living are not open to change. 


It should be noted that the Western 'Reformation' was no such thing.  The nationalist movements usurped Church authority and established national churches.  The 'Reformation' was based on only scripture, or 'sola scriptura'.  The entire edifice of Christian history, including miracles, traditions and even art and architecture was attacked, debased, and in many locales destroyed.  Books were also committed to the fire. What the Protesting movement did was to remove eccelsiastical power from Rome and situate it in the local.  Hence, the massive transfers of wealth in England under Henry VIII, from the Church to the State, which was replicated across Europe and an important factor in the upper middle class revolt against the 'system' called the French Revolution.  

2. Islam's violence can be reformed

No it can't be. Islam is based on 2 ideas: 1. the word of the Quran and 2. Mohammed as the last prophet of 'God'. Both ideas are supremacist meaning that the Quran is the superior book and path of living because it comes from Islam's perfect man – Mohammed. Neither idea is going to be jettisoned. This supremacism justifies violence and aggression. 


3. Muhammed was just like Jesus

Christianity has little in common with Islam, if one looks at what Christ actually taught and what the apostles attempted to teach to others or 'Gentiles'. Christ is a good example of how men might wish to live and what moral values they might wish to hold. Mohammed was the opposite of Christ of course.  Christ enacted the second covenant around love and forgiveness.  Christ deployed an endless array of miracles and healing.  The Resurrection is the greatest miracle in history and has only been replicated by Catholic saints such as Saint Francis of Assissi or Saint Vincent de Ferrer. 

Mohammed was a political – military leader who lead 80 odd military campaigns; slaughtered caravans; stole gold and property; adjudicated violence; broke agreements; killed with his own hands; was an anti-semite; had sex with a 9 year old girl; was a voracious womanizer; an owner of sex-slaves; an accomplished liar; and a role model only for a violent, pagan, war like and immoral society. Much of Islam wants to emulate Mohammed – or so Islamic writings and teachings profess. It does not take a great deal of imagination to fear the type of society which would be created through the production of little Mohammeds. 


4. Islam is only fighting back against Western oppression

The great imperialist project is of course Islam. The Arab 'wave' took over the Near East, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, parts of India, North Africa, and Spain. The Turkish wave invaded the Balkans, Eastern Europe, Russia, central Asia, and even parts of China. The Crusades were simply a very feeble, and rather dilatory response to 400 years of Muslim aggression against Europe. 


As stated by Gregory M. Davis author of Religion of Peace? Islam's War Against the World:

“Following the defeat of the Ottoman army outside Vienna on September 11, 1683 by Polish forces, Islam went into a period of strategic decline in which it was overwhelmingly dominated by the European powers. Much of dar al-Islam was colonized by the European powers who employed their superior technology and exploited the rivalries within the Muslim world to establish colonial rule. 

While many of the practices of the Western imperial powers in the governance of their colonies were clearly unjust, it is utterly unwarranted to regard Western imperialism -- as it often is -- as an endemic criminal enterprise that is the basis of modern resentment against the West. It was only due to the assertive role of the Western powers that modern nation-states such as India, Pakistan, Israel, South Africa, Zimbabwe, etc. came to exist in the first place. Without Western organization, these areas would have likely remained chaotic and tribal as they had existed for centuries. 

When one looks at the post-colonial world, it is apparent that the most successful post-colonial nations have a common attribute: they are not Muslim. The United States, Australia, Hong Kong, Israel, India, and the South American nations clearly outshine their Muslim-majority post-colonial counterparts -- Iraq, Algeria, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, etc. -- by just about any standard.” 

Davis is of course right. Islam has been a failure - a complete one - on any standard one cares to use to measure life, freedom, free speech, and individual worth - not to mention material comforts. But for many in the revisionist, self-loathing, multi-cult loving West, reality is too hard to face. 

5. Islam 'invented' civilisation!

This is my personal favorite. The Arabs and Muslims have invented everything – according to Western Islamo-apologists – from ice cream, to flying, to math, to science, to medicine, to architecture and pretty flowers. Wow. Who would have guessed that the Muslim world which is mired in poverty, violence, hate, anti-Semiticism, anti-Americanism, corruption, failed economies, and totalitarian systems of civil organisation, is the heir to this resplendent and wonderful cultural civilisation ?! Islam's complete modern failure, makes it obvious that it was Islam and cultured, advanced, peaceful, and smiling Muslims who had created the modern world ! 

As Gregory Davis so rightly wrote in his great book referenced above, “The achievements of Islamic civilization are pretty modest given its 1300 year history when compared to Western, Hindu, or Confucian civilizations. Many Islamic achievements were in fact the result of non-Muslims living within the Islamic Empire or of recent converts to Islam. One of the greatest Islamic thinkers, Averroes, ran afoul of Islamic orthodoxy through his study of non-Islamic (Greek) philosophy and his preference for Western modes of thought. Once the dhimmi populations of the Empire dwindled toward the middle of the second millennium AD, Islam began its social and cultural "decline." 

Muslims invented very little. They squatted for centuries on richer, more advanced and intelligent societies, starting with the Byzantine lands, Persia, northern India and then across what was once Romanised North Africa and Spain. 


6. Most Muslims are peaceful !

My second favorite. How do you know ? Do you know what goes on in the minds of Muslims ? Ever been to a mosque ? Ever been exposed to Arab culture and its shrill demands to kill Jews ? How do you explain recent surveys of university educated Muslims – 40% of whom want Sharia Law in England for instance. Is that peaceful ? How do you explain the 18.000 Muslim attacks across the world since 2001 and the 1400 years of war, jihad and Islam's bloody borders ?

It is the ideology which counts and who controls that ideology. Someone's wish or demand that all Muslims are peaceful and happy, is simply not supported and is refuted by 1400 years of history and recent Islamo-fascism which is a global phenomenon, predicated on the idea - first espoused by Mohammed - that Islam will dominate the world. There is no proof that all Muslims are moderates and that all Muslims want co-existence. 


These are some of the core myths which pervade Western society and education. They are utterly wrong. Islam is a direct threat to civilisation and even to Muslim's themselves. There is no chance of an internal reformation. It has been stated many times and needs repeating – Islam will only be reformed from without through exogenous change, initiated by military intervention. That is the reality, sad as it might appear to the legions of multi-cultural devotees and their cultural Marxist friends.