Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
The modern world was formed from European Christianity. There were no 'dark ages', only our present dark and feeble minds cannot peer into the dim past and discern the energy, innovation, trials and errors of the 'Middle Ages', from 500 AD to 1500 AD. As if our own 'modern era' is one bereft of cult superstition or stupidity. Cults of secular materialism named 'science', better called quackery, including evolution, which forwards the remarkably ignorant claim that magic produced 2 million genes per chromosomal pair, or globaloneywarming in which a trace chemical 95% emitted by Gaia, causes 'weather', makes a lie out of that assertion. In the age of rampant, accessible technology, our own fettered minds are rather dark indeed.
There is no modern world without Christianity. Period.
Unlike the fascistic death and sex cult of Islam, Christianity formed every single basis of modernity including science, social mores, human rights, a legal code, art, architecture, and even social civility. Democracy itself, now prone to mob rule and control by a corrupt plutocratic elite comes out of Christianity and its untold number of activists, who tore down the world of the Lord and Baron and granted the average person respect and some share of the power and spoils. Christianity is the only faith in history which provides a moral and rational argument for the protection of basic human rights, granted to each unique individual human by a power beyond our ken.
In the ancient world the idea of the individual did not exist. In all states and empires, it was the communal which was important, not the individual. The Roman symbol of the Fasces, the root of word Fascist, was a bundle of sticks [the individual], wrapped around an axe [the state]. All modern conceptions of individual rights and freedoms are only found in Christianity. It was the Christian worldview of the sanctity of life, free-will and freedom which fought against tyranny, lawlessness and centralized power and arbitrary force. The ancient world had no idea about free-will, individual or natural law rights and a legal code applicable across society regardless of rank.
Individual rights and the creation of a justice system, based on natural law rights [God-granted rights]; equally applied to all members of society regardless of rank and power; emanated from Christianity and only Christianity. In the early 13th century, a Catholic and royal judge Henry de Bracton (d. 1268) wrote a massive tome on the principles of law and justice which formed the basis of Common Law and all of it was premised on Christian rationality and argumentation germinating from natural law rights. Bracton wrote that jurisprudence or an applied legal code was ‘the science of the just and unjust’. In this worldview even kings, despots, and usurpers of power reside under God and the law, ‘because the law makes the king. For there is no king where will rules rather than the law.’
Broader notions about human rights and science of course came only from Christianity, not the materialistic Enlightenment. One only has to read Christ's teachings to understand that the poor, the dispossessed, the forsaken, the sick, the wounded, and the diseased are only protected by Christian theology. Evolution views the weak as fodder which should be killed. Secular Marxism has nothing to say about morality, laws, charity, or rights. Slavery was abolished only by Christians, not materialists or Moslems. The ‘Enlightenment’ a supposed age of 'reason' produced witch-burnings, the French Revolution with its ‘reign of terror’ and the 20th century bloodbath of Atheist-Marxism. The dialectical fascisms of Islam, Evolution and Marxism are in essence cults of death.
Science as well, is of course premised on Christian rationalism and faith. True scientists are not the quacks of today who scream that trace chemicals cause weather [then torture the data and lie to support their positions]; or that 48 feet of library bookshelf code named DNA was formed by 'chance' and that the mouse became Mozart. Real scientists follow methods and procedures set forth by the innovators of the Middle Ages. All of the founders of modern science, including but certainly not limited to Newton, Faraday, Pascal, even Galileo et al., used faith to aid their science. Since Christianity developed science, there has never been, and is not today a 'conflict' between the two. [See here a link for the world's top scientists, past and present, who were Christian.]
There is precious little which is positive in the cult fascisms of Islam, Evolution, Secularism, or Marxism. Yet the 'elite', the media, the 'scientists', the 'secular thinkers', all pronounce these cults as 'superior', with the formation of the iPad world a direct derivative of their 'incredible achievements'. In today's world lies are science, fraud is fact, and up is down. At some point the pendulum will swing back again from the current age of darkness to something hopefully more intelligent and apposite.
Sura 9 is an important Sura in that it is the last or second last 'revelation' of phrases given by the moon deity Hub'Allah to Muhammad through the arch-angel Gabriel or when Muhammad was angry, sad, distraught, worried, or needed something immediately - directly. Sura 9 along with Sura 5 are the last two chapters which according to Moslem theologians, abrogate the rest. They happen to be the most violent, racist, supremacist and intolerant of the Koran Suras, which is a difficult job in and of itself considering that the Koran is one long exercise in a totalitarian scream.
If anyone wants to know what the cult of Submission's objectives, culture and creed are then read these two Suras. They are basically the only ones you will need to read. Their essence has found its way into Sharia Law and the Hadiths which further explain the Koran, do a masterful job at expostulating the key doctrines of Jihad, domination, racism, supremacy over all other ideologies and peoples, and the universality of Allah's will to power to dominate the world via Muhammad and the Arabs.
Key passages in Sura 9 include the following. There is no mis-translation or 'taken out of context'. Only Phd students in the liberal arts, or the media and craven politicians are so inclined to ignore words and their meanings. 21 lurid phrases are below:
Break Treaties with the Kufar.
Qur’an 9:3 “And an announcement from Allah and His Messenger to the people on the day of the Pilgrimage is that Allah and His Messenger dissolve treaty obligations with the Pagans.”
Qur’an 9:7 “How can there be a covenant between Allah and His Messenger and the disbelievers with whom you made a treaty near the sacred Mosque?”
Qur’an 9:8 “How (can there be such a treaty), seeing that they get an advantage, the upper hand over you? They do not pay you respect, or honor you or the ties of kinship or covenant. With (good words from) their mouths they entice you (to negotiate), but their hearts are averse to you.”
Infidels are dirty.
Qur’an 9.28 O you who believe! the idolaters are nothing but unclean, so they shall not approach the Sacred Mosque (Mecca) after this year; and if you fear poverty then Allah will enrich you out of His grace if He please; surely Allah is Knowing Wise.
Kill the Infidel.
Qur’an 9:5 “When the sacred forbidden months for fighting are past, fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, torture them, and lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”
Qur’an 9.29 Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.
Qur’an 9.30 And the Jews say: Uzair (Ezra) is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!
Qur'an 9:111 Verily, Allah has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties; for the price that theirs shall be the Paradise. They fight in Allah's Cause, so they kill (others) and are killed. It is a promise in truth which is binding on Him in the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel) and the Qur'an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah? Then rejoice in the bargain which you have concluded. That is the supreme success.
Infidels are cursed.
Qur’an 9:31 They have taken their doctors of law and their monks for lords besides Allah, and (also) the Messiah son of Marium and they were enjoined that they should serve one God only, there is no god but He; far from His glory be what they set up (with Him).
Qur’an 9:32 They desire to put out the light of Allah with their mouths, and Allah will not consent save to perfect His light, though the unbelievers are averse.
Qur’an 9:97 “The Arabs of the desert are the worst in unbelief and hypocrisy, and most fitted to be in ignorance of the command which Allah hath sent down to His Messenger. Some of the Bedouins look upon their payments (for Allah’s Cause) as a fine and wish disasters to fall on you (so that they might not have to pay). Yet on them be the disaster of evil.”
Kill Apostates.
Qur’an 9:12 “If they violate their oaths and break treaties, taunting you for your Religion, then fight these specimens of faithlessness.”
[Qur’an 9:11-12 and the canonized Hadith: “Any person, i.e. Muslim, who has changed his religion, kill him” (Al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, p. 45).]
Moslems must fight in the Jihad.
Qur’an 9:38 “Believers, what is the matter with you, that when you are asked to march forth in the Cause of Allah (i.e., Jihad) you cling to the earth? Do you prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? Unless you march, He will afflict and punish you with a painful torture, and put others in your place. But you cannot harm Him in the least.”
Qur’an 9:45 “Only those ask for exemption (from Jihad) who believe not in Allah and whose hearts are in doubt, so that they are tossed to and fro. If they had intended to march out to fight, they would certainly have made some preparation and readied their equipment; but Allah was averse to their being sent forth; so He made them lag behind. ‘Sit you among those who sit.’ If they had marched with you, they would not have added to your (strength) but only (made for) discord, spying and sowing sedition. There would have been some in your midst who would have listened to them. But Allah knows well those (peace-loving Muslims) who do wrong and are wicked.”
Qur’an 9:48 “They had plotted sedition before, and upset matters for you until the Decree of Allah (to fight) became manifest, much to their disgust. Among them are many who say: ‘Grant me exemption to stay back at home (exempted from Jihad). And do not tempt me (with promises of booty).’ Have they not fallen into temptation already? Indeed, Hell surrounds them.”
Qur’an 9:75 “Some of you made a deal with Allah, saying, ‘If You give us booty we shall pay You the tax.’ But when He gave them booty, they became greedy and refused to pay. As a consequence of breaking their promises, Allah filled their hearts with hypocrisy which will last forever.”
Qur’an 9:77 “He punished them by putting hypocrisy in their hearts until the Day whereon they shall meet Him, because they lied to Allah and failed to perform as promised. Allah knows their secrets. Those who slander and taunt the believers who pay the zakat (for Allah’s Cause) voluntarily and throw ridicule on them, scoffing, Allah will throw back their taunts, and they shall have a painful doom. Whether you ask for their forgiveness or not, (their sin is unforgivable). If you ask seventy times for their forgiveness Allah will not forgive them.”
Qur’an 9:81 “Those who stayed behind rejoiced in their inaction behind the back of the Messenger. They hated to strive and fight with their goods and lives in the Cause of Allah. They said, ‘Go not forth in the heat.’ Say, ‘The fire of Hell is fiercer in heat.’ If only they could understand! So let them laugh a little, for they will weep much as a reward for what they did. If Allah brings you back (from the campaign) to a party of the hypocrites and they ask to go out to fight, say: ‘You shall never go out to fight with me against a foe. You were content sitting inactive on the first occasion. So sit with the useless men who lag behind.’ Do not pray for any of them (Muhammad) that die, nor stand at his grave. They rejected Allah and disbelieved His Messenger. They died in a state of perverse rebellion.”
Qur’an 9:85 “And let not their wealth or (following in) sons dazzle you or excite your admiration. Allah’s plan is to punish them with these things in this world, and to make sure their souls perish while they are unbelievers. When a surah comes down enjoining them to believe in Allah and to strive hard and fight along with His Messenger, those with wealth and influence among them ask you for exemption from Jihad. They prefer to be with (their women), who remain behind (at home). Their hearts are sealed and so they understand not.”
Qur’an 9:93 “The (complaint) is against those who claim exemption (from fighting) while they are rich. They prefer to stay with the (women) who remain behind (at home). Allah has sealed their hearts. They are content to be useless. Say: ‘Present no excuses: we shall not believe you.’ It is your actions that Allah and His Messenger will observe. They will swear to you by Allah, when you return hoping that you might leave them alone. So turn away from them, for they are unclean, an abomination, and Hell is their dwelling-place, a fitting recompense for them.”
Islam Uber Alles.
Qur’an 9.33 He it is Who sent His Apostle with guidance and the religion of truth, that He might cause it to prevail over all religions.
Not much love and tolerance in the above. About 1/3 or more of this Sura is a long rant from Muhammad against those Arabs who did not fight in the 'cause of Allah'. These inactive Moslem cult members are cursed in this Sura. It is clear that Muhammad or Allah [both are the same], expected that Moslems must fight to further the interests of the cult. Jihad means war, it does not, and never has meant 'internal striving'. Jihad is a 6th pillar of Islam, a commandment by Muhammad Allah to destroy the enemies of the cult with the sword. Sura 9 leaves little doubt about this truism.
More importantly given the aforementioned verses and their import in Islamic theology why is Islam a religion and not a Manichean, dichotomous and rather absurd pagan-bronze-age cult? Are supremacism’s now religions?
Syria was Christian under the Byzantines. Well into the Musulman occupation almost half of its population was Christian. Over time that was reduced to about 10% by 2010. Now less than 5% of the population is Christian. ISIS, Jihad Groups and Muslim 'militants' have targeted Christianity for eradication. Assad and his family-tribal empire has fallen. Now what? More death and persecution of Christians will be one reality.
Jihadist groups that are dominant in the Syrian opposition have been specifically targeting Christians nationwide — beginning with the abduction of Bishop Yohanna Ibrahim, head of the Syrian Orthodox Church in Aleppo, and Bishop Boulos Yaziji, head of the Greek Orthodox Church in Syria, who were kidnapped during a humanitarian trip in April 2013.
“No one knows who abducted them, but suspicion fell on the Jabhat al-Nusra Front — who are now HTS — the group [that] just seized large parts of Aleppo,” Parsons, a former aid worker to Afghanistan and an expert on Islamic theology, noted.
“Both Islamic State and other jihadist groups massacred and abducted large numbers of Christians. Churches were systematically destroyed in an attempt to religiously cleanse whole areas of Syria of its non-Muslim population,” he told The Stream.
“Islamic State also reimplemented aspects of shari’a allowing the enslavement of non-Muslims — and produced a slave prince list with different values for different age Yazidi and Christian women.”
In August, the U.S. State Department released a statement marking the “10th Anniversary of ISIS’s Genocide Against Yezidis, Christians, and Shia Muslims.”
While the U.S. government estimates that 10% of the Syrian population is Christian, of the 2.2 million Christians who lived in the country prior to the civil war, Open Doors USA estimates that only approximately 579,000 remain (2.8 % of the population).
Most Christians belong to Orthodox churches, like the Syriac Orthodox Church, Eastern Catholic churches such as the Maronite Church, or the Assyrian Church of the East and other Nestorian churches.
There is an ongoing Christocide in Aleppo, one of Christianity's oldest communities.
“Many of the Christians in Aleppo are descendants of the victims of the Armenian and Assyrian genocides (1915-23) when up to three million Christians are estimated to have been killed,” the Lindisfarne Centre explained.
“During that time the Ottoman government forced Christians living in what is now Turkey on a ‘death march’ into the Syrian desert during which vast numbers died of starvation, murder, or rape at the hands of Kurdish militias,” it added.
The elite and media-academic communities always claim – without offering proof - that Islam is peace and that all Muslims are of course sophisticated moderates. Few of these people making such claims knows much of anything of Islamic imperialism, expansion, its 1400 year jihad, nor have many of them read the 3 foundational works of the Meccan moon cult – the Sira or biography of the illiterate adventurer Mohammed, the Hadiths the supposed sayings of Mohammed scribbled down years after his death, or the Koran a supposed holy book.
Take a look at the Koran for example. Read it. Analyse it. Study it. What will you find ? What per-cent of this so-called 'holy book' is actually preaching a code of ethics, the derivatives of the Golden Rule, and the embracing of tolerance, compassion, gratitude, morality and love ? Almost none of it. In fact as I will illustrate below it is less than 2 % of all the words written.
In my own experience in reading the Koran over a number of years a few times, I can testify that the actual contact made with anything that might resemble the Book of Matthew is so scarce, that it stands out in stark juxtaposition and shocks the reader. In my mind the Book of Matthew is the seminal document in the New Testament, the one book that everyone should read. Its ethical program based on the teachings of a itinerant Jew carpenter and preacher from Galilee is the mainspring of civilized social interaction. It also the cultural basis for much of the attitudes which have helped create the modern world.
It is also a distinctly Jewish ideal, built up over a 2000 year period of Hebrew history, philosophy, debates and Old Testament learning. The Book of Matthew has many similarities to Zen Buddhism and Hindu cultural attitudes and there is little doubt that at its core Christianity is a religion in the sense and purpose of what a religion should offer. The natural outcome of Christian preaching and idolization of faith is the following: equality; emancipation of the female; charity; welfare systems; hospitals and of course pacifism. Gibbon was wrong when he blamed the Fall of Rome on the pacific and un-military nature of Christianity – but the description of the Christians being against war is valid. It was always thus, until the Muslim attacks from 650 AD to 1000 AD by necessity turned the Christian state into a more militant entity. Survival changes everything.
So in reading the Koran one must look for the Book of Matthew and the ethical program of the Sermon on the Mount. None of it of course exists. Mohammed was an illiterate – unlike Christ. He was a politician and warrior. He led 80 odd expeditions, murdered people, took and sold slaves, had sex with whomever he wanted, kept a score of sex slaves or concubines, enriched himself with booty, and was a dictator, who hated Jews and Christians. These are facts. He was most likely, like Hitler, rather insane. Why would one expect to find a gospel of religious compassion from such a founder ?
In the only scientific analysis of the Koran that I am aware of, scientist and theologian Bill Warner attempted to determine how much of the Koran was good to humanity as a whole. Most of the Koran is good to Muslims – especially male and Arab Muslims of course. But what about non-Muslims, what about people, what about the average person who is just a human living on earth ? As Warner relates:
“There are 4,108 words in the verses that seem to offer goodness to all of humanity (there are 153,207 words in the Koran, this varies upon which translation). Of course, this goodness is denied later in the chapter, but even at that, we have only 2.6% of the Koran that speaks well of humanity initially......
Even the 2.6% vanishes under the threatened violence if kaffirs don't accept Islam's offer of goodness. Violence and suffering are promised to 100% of those who do not believe in Mohammed...” (www.politicalislam.com/blog/the-good-in-the-koran/)
Warner's key point cannot be overstated. Even if the Koran says something nice about the non-Muslim it is usually conditional. Almost always a follow up sentence will contain, '..for Allah will bring them to account...' What the Koran is saying is two things. First, if you the Muslim are in an inferior position of power [for instance a minority in a Jew-Christian area], you can be nice to Jews and Christians since Allah will torture them in hell anyways, even though the infidels don't know it. But even these verses are quite few and far between. Second, and more often, you will read a verse in which the Muslim is instructed to be nice to the kaffir, only in the context of lying or deceiving the infidel to further the aims of Islam. This is called 'taqqiya' and deception to improve the position of Islam versus its enemies – which are all non-Muslims – is a fundamental doctrine of both Islam and Arab culture.
So Warner's appraisal that less than 3% of the Koran is kind to non-Muslims is optimistic. If one was to exclude Taqqiya, and the belief that when in a position of weakness you should show some considerations to the infidels since Allah will punish them anyways, it is valid to state that almost none of the Koran is kind to non-Muslims. This is in direct contrast to the Book of Matthew. No where in this book or in the New Testament can anyone find the same language, call to jihad, racism, supremacism or outright intolerance, one finds strewn on every page in the Koran.
This of course begs another question, never answered by the elite, the academics or the media drones. If the foundational text of Islam is irreligious and the opposite of what Christ taught, why then is Islam considered to be a religion ? Because people scream and yell that it is ? What rational intelligence accepts such a claim when the evidence of words, deeds and history spells out the opposite ? Isn't Islam just an Arabian political project, one designed to conquer the secular world in the name of the family moon cult deity of Mohammed, disguised as a 'faith'?
It is pretty clear from the Koran that Islam is not a theology of religion but an ideology of political power and control. That at least is what any sentient person reading the Koran and studying it would decide. Which is why one might suppose that the elitists in the educational systems, politics and media tell you the opposite. For these deniers of reality, Islam is part of the victimized non-Western world, and part of the travesty of Western imperialist history and slaughter. Therefore Islam is good because it is not Western. The ignorance of such a view is extreme in its absurdity, but sadly it is passed off as a cutlural fact embedded in the worship of the multi-cultural and relativist state.