Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
Number of verses in Sura 6: 165
Number of verses of Christianophobia in Sura 6: 36
% of Christianophobic verses in Sura 6 of the total: 22 %
Moslems not only discovered America, they also invented 'love'. Without Islam the world would not have computers, ships, math, hospitals and spaghetti, and would also be bereft of 'love and compassion' as well. Or so the Marxist-Moslem alliance informs us. The Koran on the other hand, begs to differ. Manichean, dualist, totalitarian, intolerant, racist, fascist [the individual is subsumed into the communal] and decidedly Bronze Age [compare Koranic 'law' to that of Hammurabi's 1750 BC code]; the Koranic cult is the anti-thesis of what the Marxist-Moslem alliance markets to the world. Hate, not love, informs Islam.
In Sura 6 or 'The Cattle', there are 165 verses. Fully 36 are Christianophobic. The offensive hate-speech verses are:
5-7, 11, 14, 19, 21-25, 27-28, 39-41, 46-47, 56, 64, 70-71, 80-81, 92-93, 100-103, 106-7, 136, 148, 150, 163.
Sura 6 about cattle is a long admonition against pagans, including Christians. The followers of Christ are polytheists and hence pagan, in that they associate the Trinity or the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit with the divinity. For Moslems only Hub'Al or 'Al Lah' the one Lord and male moon deity of Mecca, is to be venerated. Other idols such as Hub'Al's consort Al-Lat, or the daughters Al-Manat and 'Uzza are not to be worshipped. Neither can anyone 'join' an idol or object to the Allah thing. It must stand alone. By extension Christianity is thus pagan and criminal since it joins Christ and the Holy Spirit to the Father or Godhead.
Don't join Gods or objects with Allah!
These verses are direct threats against Christians, with death as punishment for joining objects, humans or other gods to the Allah-Hub'Al idol. Christians are portrayed in Sura 6 as liars, deceivers, in league with Satan and generally up to no good:
[6.14] Say: Shall I take a guardian besides Allah, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, and He feeds (others) and is not (Himself) fed. Say: I am commanded to be the first who submits himself, and you should not be of the polytheists.
[6.19] Say: What thing is the weightiest in testimony? Say: Allah is witness between you and me; and this Quran has been revealed to me that with it I may warn you and whomsoever it reaches. Do you really bear witness that there are other gods with Allah? Say: I do not bear witness. Say: He is only one God, and surely I am clear of that which you set up (with Him).
[6.41] Nay, Him you call upon, so He clears away that for which you pray if He pleases and you forget what you set up (with Him).
[6.64] Say: Allah delivers you from them and from every distress, but again you set up others (with Him).
[6.106] Follow what is revealed to you from your Lord; there is no god but He; and withdraw from the polytheists.
[6.148] Those who are polytheists will say: If Allah had pleased we would not have associated (aught with Him) nor our fathers, nor would we have forbidden (to ourselves) anything; even so did those before them reject until they tasted Our punishment. Say: Have you any knowledge with you so you should bring it forth to us? You only follow a conjecture and you only tell lies.
[6.150] Say: Bring your witnesses who should bear witness that Allah has forbidden this, then if they bear witness, do not bear witness with them; and follow not the low desires of those who reject Our communications and of those who do not believe in the hereafter, and they make (others) equal to their Lord.
[6.163] No associate has He; and this am I commanded, and I am the first of those who submit.
The above is very clear. There is no higher power other than the Allah-thing, a concept that is not similar to the Christian God, but utterly pagan in its origin [see Hub'Al], and which is never explained in the Koran. This Allah-thing cannot have sons or daughters. This negates Christ and the Arab-pagan worship of 'Uzza and Manat:
[6.100] And they make the jinn associates with Allah, while He created them, and they falsely attribute to Him sons and daughters without knowledge; glory be to Him, and highly exalted is He above what they ascribe (to Him).
Moslems should also not fear the Christ followers or their worship of the Trinity, since the Allah thing is uber alles and the polytheism of Christians wicked, satanic, and of little consequence:
[6.80] And his people disputed with him. He said: Do you dispute with me respecting Allah? And He has guided me indeed; and I do not fear in any way those that you set up with Him, unless my Lord pleases; my Lord comprehends all things in His knowledge; will you not then mind?
[6.81] And how should I fear what you have set up (with Him), while you do not fear that you have set up with Allah that for which He has not sent down to you any authority; which then of the two parties is surer of security, if you know?
When Christians are gathered up on the day of judgement, or in temporal life to be killed, Moslems, or the Allah thing will ask them, 'where are your partners now'?
[6.22] And on the day when We shall gather them all together, then shall We say to those who associated others (with Allah): Where are your associates whom you asserted?
Christians will be killed and doomed to hell-fire for rejecting the unicity of Allah-thing or imputing lies [association of false gods] with Allah:
[6.70] And leave those who have taken their religion for a play and an idle sport, and whom this world's life has deceived, and remind (them) thereby lest a soul should be given up to destruction for what it has earned; it shall not have besides Allah any guardian nor an intercessor, and if it should seek to give every compensation, it shall not be accepted from it; these are they who shall be given up to destruction for what they earned; they shall have a drink of boiling water and a painful chastisement because they disbelieved.
[6.71] Say: Shall we call on that besides Allah, which does not benefit us nor harm us, and shall we be returned back on our heels after Allah has guided us, like him whom the Shaitans have made to fall down perplexed in the earth? He has companions who call him to the right way, (saying): Come to us. Say: Surely the guidance of Allah, that is the (true) guidance, and we are commanded that we should submit to the Lord of the worlds.
[6.93] And who is more unjust than he who forges a lie against Allah, or says: It has been revealed to me; while nothing has been revealed to him, and he who says: I can reveal the like of what Allah has revealed? and if you had seen when the unjust shall be in the agonies of death and the angels shall spread forth their hands: Give up your souls; today shall you be recompensed with an ignominious chastisement because you spoke against Allah other than the truth and (because) you showed pride against His communications.
Christians are illustrated in the most unflattering light imaginable in Sura 6. Stupid, greedy, shifty, almost 'Jewish' in their character defects as seen from the Moslem perspective. It makes it much easier to kill them, when they are described in such a manner.
One thing is certain, Muhammad and the Koranic scribblers were quite open and direct. A 'lie' in Islam is associating anything with the concept of Allah as god. If a Christian worships the Trinity he must be punished in this life and the next. His doom and fate of eternal hell-fire is assured. He must repent, reject all of his Christian belief system and simply submit, like an unthinking de-humanized knave, to the Muhammad-Allah cult complex. There is no pretence within Sura 6, or the Koran, of immanent or universal theological spirituality – the golden rule, love, tolerance for others, gratitude, patience – none of this exists, at least not for Infidels. Islam is dualist. Moslems are good. The rest of the world is very, very bad. It is against the rest of the world, or the House of War, that Moslems must fight, until every human has submitted to Hub'Al, aka Al-Lah. Cults are not religions.