Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
The 'Day of Judgement' according to this Sura is when there is a solar eclipse and the 'moon and sun are one'. Allah means of course the Lord or ilah – it does not mean god, though Western self-loathers and Moslems always conflate ilah with the Christian ideal of god. You might as well make the claim that Chinghis Khan's sky god is also Christ. Preposterous.
75:36 Does man think that he will be left Suda [neglected without being punished or rewarded for the obligatory duties enjoined by his Lord (Allah) on him]?
The Arabic for Lord is ilah. It means the high Lord of all the pagan Arab idols. In the Kabaa shrine built at the time of Christ and developed over 600 years until the time of the fascist cult of Islam, there existed by 600 AD some 360 idols including Mary and Jesus. The ilah was simply the main Lord over the rest of the idols. The Satanic verses pulled from the Koran make this clear. The Allah-idol or Hub'al was the male moon deity and Lord of the Kabaa. He or it, was also conveniently the idol maintained and worshipped by Muhammad's family. See a pattern and coincidence ?
Any person who denies the supremacy of this moon idol or Lord, and who does not follow Muhammad is destined for destruction, both temporal and eternal.
75:31 So he (the disbeliever) neither believed (in this Qur'an, in the Message of Muhammad SAW) nor prayed!
75:32 But on the contrary, he belied (this Qur'an and the Message of Muhammad SAW) and turned away!
Only the Meccan Lord has power and free-will. Only the Meccan Lord can raise the dead. Ergo, Christ did not resurrect three humans from death, including the rich Jew Lazarus. Allah did it. Allah is thus super-imposed on Christ as the mainspring of the supernatural. Christ is not divine, he was not crucified, he did not rise from the dead. Or so the Koran maintains. Only Allah can do such things. Perforce Christianity is a fraud since it negates or is in conflict with the powers of this Allah Lord.
75:40 Is not He (Allah Who does that), Able to give life to the dead? (Yes! He is Able to do all things).
In other words the entire edifice of Christianity is a fraud.
What happens to Jews, Christians and pagans who do not follow the moon idol ?
75:24 And some faces, that Day [Judgement], will be Basirah (dark, gloomy, frowning, and sad),
75:25 Thinking that some calamity was about to fall on them;
Calamity for the Unbeliever. The soul choking them on its final journey [which is a rather bizarre way of viewing the immaterial soul, which does not exit from the mouth but the body].
75:26 Nay, when (the soul) reaches to the collar bone (i.e. up to the throat in its exit),
75:27 And it will be said: "Who can cure him and save him from death?"
75:28 And he (the dying person) will conclude that it was (the time) of departing (death);
If only the proud, arrogant, nescient Christian or Jew had believed in Muhammad the temporal warlord, slave-trader, murderer, Jihad leader and sex-harem owner - he might be saved !
75:33 Then he walked in full pride to his family admiring himself!
75:34 Woe to you [O man (disbeliever)]! And then (again) woe to you!
75:35 Again, woe to you [O man (disbeliever)]! And then (again) woe to you!
Woe indeed. Woe is to read the Koran and its repetitive intolerant gibberish. A pious Christian, good, charitable, social and moral is to be condemned by the moon idol simply because he did not follow Muhammad ? What sense or religiosity is there in such a doctrine of blind obedience to a value-less totalitarianism ?