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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

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Sunday, January 29, 2023

White Slavery. Roman, Muslim. Shouldn't Muslims bend knees to White Christians?

Tens of millions of enslaved Whites. Where is the outrage?

by Ferdinand III

The Forgotten European Slaves of Barbary North Africa and Ottoman ...

The Roman empire at the time of Christ had about 100 million people within its borders.  It is estimated that 40% of the population of Rome which housed some 1.5 million people were slaves.  That is roughly 600.000 White slaves just in the capital.  Hence the bread and circuses to keep them fed and diverted.  Across the Roman empire the usual estimates are that 10-20% were slave chattel, or some 10-20 million Whites.  This is likely an understatement.  The Roman empire was a slave empire, everything was built and managed by cheap slave labour.  All industry, agriculture, warring and daily life depended on slaves.  Quite likely 30-40% within the Roman empire were slaves. 

The need for slaves meant that the empire must expand, necessitating endless wars, to find more slaves.  A citizen of Rome could not normally be enslaved.  The Romans needed non-Romans, Slavs from south-eastern Europe, Goths and Teutons from the north, Celts and Britons from the north-west.  Very little trafficking in Black slaves occurred during Roman times, there was no need for it.  Supplies of White slaves were plentiful and easily obtained.  It was a ‘civilisation’ built on White slavery.  This is apparently, for the ‘intellectual’, the high point of ‘classical civilisation’ and the apogee of ‘development’.  An empire which existed on White slavery is applauded with happy nods, grins, and raised eyebrows, as the great example of man’s civilising mission.

None of this is taught today in ‘education’, but the barbarity of the Roman empire was a well-known fact in the Middle Ages, before the ‘Enlightenment’ endarkened reality and substituted Christianophobia with a biased anti-Christian theology into historical, sociological, and cultural discourse.  Various Christian Medieval Kings, including Charlemagne, ridiculed the coarseness of Rome and Athens, their lack of progress in many areas, the unlimited enslavement, depravity and secular barbarity reflected in societies that operated without the Christian ideals of chivalry, equality, humility, forgiveness and charity.  The ancient world for most was nasty, brutish and short.

Rome enslaved tens of millions of Whites.  But do congratulate its greatness.

What about Arabs, Muslims, Black Muslims, Turkish Muslims, Mongol Muslims and White slavery?  Didn’t the Muslims hug, kiss and tenderly develop the ‘dark age’ ‘ignorant’ Christians, teaching them Aristotle, showing them how to bathe, endeavouring them to read and write, patiently showing them farming and fishing?  So, we are told.  In reality, the far more advanced civilised, learned, technologically sophisticated and industrialised ‘dark age Europeans’ were raped and slaughtered en-masse over 1200 years by Muslims.  Tens of millions of White Christians were taken by these Koran-inspired Jihadists over 1200 years from every geographical angle and direction.  White Slavery only ended along the Barbary-Muslim coast in 1816 for example, with 1.5 million Whites enslaved over 250 years.  Surely there is an academic and ‘expert’ somewhere who will define this enslavement as liberating, educating and justified. 

It is curious that Arabs, Turks, Black Muslims, Mongols and Muslim Berbers don’t need to bend knees to White Christians.  The Muslim empires, like the Roman were slave empires.  In the Muhammadan cult, a Muslim cannot enslave another Muslim.  This is why the Koran goes to great lengths adjuring the taking ‘with the right hand’ of Christians.  White slaves were needed to run the Muslim empire, fill the galleys and armies, dig out the mines, build the ships and cities, develop the land and agriculture, serve as sex-chattel for the illimitable lusts of Muslim lords, governors, caliphs and Sultans.  The Muslim empires imitated the Roman.  They were primitive and built on human flesh. 

Facing Islam Blog: ISLAM 101

The carnage in lost White lives, broken families, destroyed societies, the individual agony of being enslaved, the pain, the torture, the galley slave rowing in his own faeces and urine year after year, the massive harems stocked with white women, the white Christian boys having their penises removed to make them eunuchs to guard harems and sultans…..none of this is even discussed.

-In North Africa alone, from 640 to 1816, Arab, Black, Berber Muslims enslaved well over 5 million Whites both from within North African domains (Roman, Greek, Christian slaves) and from Europe (invasions, corsairs, raids who were brought back to North Africa to be used or sold as slaves).

-Arab and Black Muslims enslaved over 1 million White Christians just in Spain. Most people don’t know that waves of Black Muslims were pre-dominant in the Muslim Jihad in Spain.

-Arab and Black Muslims linked up with the Vikings to promote White slave trading all over Gaul and Britain, with hundreds of thousands of Whites enslaved during the Viking invasions sold to Muslims in Spain, North Africa and the Levant.  Probably another 1 million Whites were sent by Vikings south to Muslims over 200 years.  One of the great drivers of the Viking invasions was white slavery.  Dublin, Limerick and Waterford in Ireland were established as slave trading centres.  During the Roman era Bristol was already known as a white-slave trading port.  White slavery was endemic in Roman, Saxon and Viking Britain.

-Ottoman Muslims enslaved some 2.5 million Christian boys (the Janissaries) over 250 years JUST from the Balkans (7-10.000 / yr average x 250 years).  One cannot understand the Balkans without comprehending the slaughter and devastation enacted by the Muslim Ottomans over 400 years; including the ‘devshirme’ or the collection of young Christian boys, many of them to be castrated, all of them converted to Muhammadanism, with a majority trained and brainwashed to become the elite warriors of the Sultan or Janissaries.  Yet there is nary a whimper about this today from the ‘intellectuals’ in the ‘West’.

-Ottoman Muslims enslaved some 5 million Hungarians and millions more in Austria, Serbia, Albania, Romania, Wallachia, over 400 years.  In Hungary alone some 5 million may have been taken.  Given that the Muslim Turks enacted yearly raids or razzia, to find Christian slaves, and could easily attack villages and cities with their endless hordes and enslave 20.000 to 40.000 from just one razzia, it stands to reason that 5-10 million White slaves over 250 years would easily be taken from Central Europe (250 years x 10.000 = 2.5 million, so 5 million would be a very low estimate).

-Muslims enslaved some 2-5 million Russians from modern day Russia and Ukraine (Mongols, Turks).  The wars and raids from the south and east into Russia and eastern Europe were almost yearly after 1200, with both Moscow and Kiev destroyed in the 1240s.  There was the endless Muslim search for  rape and booty, much of it targeting the beautiful White women usually depicted as prostitutes in Muslim propaganda.

One can read about the Ottoman slaughter in just one area say Albania, to get a sense of the scale of White enslavement by Muslims.  Small Albania which fronts Italy on the Adriatic was planned to be the launching pad for an invasion of Italy and an attack on Rome.  In the 15th century the great Christian warrior Skanderberg, once a Muslim slave and forced lover of the Sultan took control of Albania and led a Christian revolt. Skanderberg had been handed over to the Ottomans by his Father, an Albanian Lord who tried to ransom peace with the Muslims to protect his lands.  This agreement was never honoured by the Muslims of course and Skanderberg as a ransomed prisoner was raped by the Sultan as a boy, forcibly converted to Islam, and became a renowned warrior and Ottoman general. 

Skanderberg became one of Europe’s greatest and probably, least known, heroes.  In the 15th century, for over 25 years and victorious in at least 30 battles, outnumbered in every one, sometimes by 20:1, Skanderberg defeated the huge Muslim armies which pressed into Albania and arrested the expansion of their empire.  He bought Europe about 70 years which proved to be the difference between most of the Continent remaining Christian or being Muslimified.  It is very hard to estimate the extent of slavery just from little Albania, but in reading the wars of Skanderberg, probably in 30 years at least 500.000 White Christians were enslaved, and the land was rendered so desolate and de-populated that it has NEVER recovered.  In the Middle Ages, Albania was wealthy, White and Christian.  After 1500 it became Muslim and poor.  Just imagine one small area of southern Europe, offering up 500.000 White slaves.  The extent of White slavery to feed the various Muslim empires from 640 A.D. to 1816 A.D. is almost unfathomable.

But in today’s upside-down, clown-world, where history is rewritten and lies and stupidity are now truth and intelligence, Muslim Arabs, Berbers, Turks and Mongols don’t need to bend knees to White Christians.  Such ignorance is how civilisations die.

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