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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

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Monday, April 3, 2017

The Arab and Muslim love affair with slavery.

And Blacks too for that matter. Certainly not a white-only issue.

by Ferdinand III

Muslim brutality and Islam's primitive nature is represented by its devotion to slavery. From 622 A.D. until now, the Muslims have harvested, shipped, and enslaved somewhere between 11 to 30 million Blacks and Caucasians. Until the 20th century at least 11-15 million Blacks were taken out of Africa and shipped into the Arab heartland. A similar number of Whites and Caucasians from Eastern Europe and the Black Sea regions were likewise transhipped into Muslim empires until the 19th century.

A far greater number of Hindus, Central Asians and Buddhists were similarly enslaved in the Arab empire and its successor states in the Subcontinent and beyond. It is a sordid record never discussed. No one knows for sure, but it is not an exaggeration to suppose that 40 million non-Muslims were directly enslaved by Mohammedans. This is four times greater than the number of Blacks sent across to the Atlantic – 4 million of whom ended up in Brazil, and 2 milion of whom ended up in the United States.

But don't worry no-one will discuss the history of Arab and Muslim slave trading. This after all is a White-only crime.

Arab and later Muslim empires were of course built on plunder, squatting and slavery. The Arabs and Muslims did not invent, nor create, anything new. They simply took over the existing and far superior civilisations of the Jews, the Christians, the Persians, the Hindus and the Greeks. Medicine, mathematics, philosophy, writing, literature, plumbing, hospitals, sewers, architecture, cement, agricultural techniques, irrigation – any and all sundry accroutements of civilisation were built by the Greeks, the Romans, the Jews, the Persians, the Mesopotamians, or the Hindus. The Arabs contributed nothing.

Except the slave trade that is.

The Arabs were superb at trading human flesh. Better even than Blacks who had enslaved each other for millenia, long before the White man arrived on the African scene. The Arab's empire depended on slavery – for profit, for building, for tending to mines and industry, and even for military drafts. Without the trade in Black and White slaves, the Arab and Muslim empires would have collapsed.

According to Bernard Lewis, author of 'Race and Slavery in the Middle East': "Black slaves were brought into the Islamic world by a number of routes - from West Africa across the Sahara to Morocco and Tunisia, from Chad across the desert to Libya, from East Africa down the Nile to Egypt, and across the Red Sea and Indian Ocean to Arabia and the Persian Gulf. Turkish slaves from the steppe-lands were marketed in Samarkand and other Muslim Central Asian cities and from there exported to Iran, the Fertile Crescent, and beyond. Caucasians, of increasing importance in the later centuries, were brought from the land bridge between the Black Sea and the Caspian and were marketed mainly in Aleppo and Mosul." The trade was vital for the Arab economy.

One can make a very good argument that Islam and the Koran are inherently racist and anti-Black, if not anti-White. Kaffir is a derogatory Arab word first used to denote Blacks as inferior sub-humans, which was later expanded to include all non-Muslims. Slavery of Blacks and other non-Muslims is expressly accepted and encouraged in the Koran. Though the mad fascist Muslim founder Mohammed, states that freeing slaves gains merit, he certainly never made any prohibitions against acquiring slaves. In fact Mohammed encouraged by his own actions and various 'revelations' extensive slave-owning. Sura 33, verse 50 states for example: "Prophet, we have made lawful for you.... the slave-girls whom God has given you as booty."

Mohammed not only owned and traded slaves himself – he also quite enjoyed female slaves as sex toys. Women captured in war or bought as slaves on the market could be raped at will by Muslims. The Koran encouraged this. Suras 23:1 and 70:22 state that it is lawful to have sex with slave girls. The Hadiths are filled with references to slaves owned by Mohammed and his associates. In one Hadith Mohammed intervened to reverse one man's emancipation of six slaves. By casting lots, Mohammed denied freedom to four of them. Charitable he was not.

One does not recall the figure of Christ using women as sex chattel.

With such a poor example set by the founder of Islam, it is no wonder that Muslim countries were slow to forbid slavery. Britain abolished the slave trade in 1807 and the institution in 1837. Over 500.000 White males died eradicating in part if not instantly in whole, the insidious and barbaric Southern US slave society. Yet no such corollary exists in the non-Western world.

The Ottoman Empire abolished slavery in stages, beginning in 1847, when trading in slaves was banned in the Persian Gulf – under threat of British military action. Women slaves were still sold in the Ottoman Empire as late as 1908. Slavery continued after the Ottoman Empire was crushed in 1924. Qatar did not abolish slavery until 1952. Yemen and Saudi Arabia abolished slavery in 1962, and Mauritania did not officially abolish slavery until 1980. And of course slavery still exists in parts of Africa, Brazil, Pakistan, the Sudan and other parts of the Islamic world including the forced marriages of young Muslim girls, usually premised on sex, to older men in exchange for money. Compassionate this trade is not.

Muslims appear to be obsessed with slavery. This would make sense. Slavery has often been declared by Muslim clerics and 'thinkers' as a fundamental part of Islamic culture and doctrine. Many Muslim leaders refuse to countenance the destruction of the slave institution. It is not hard to see why. Muslim slavery of others simply highlights their superiority and Allah's admonition via Mohammed, that Islam must conquer the globe. If male Muslims rule, than de facto the rest are slaves or at best, second-class dhimmi citizens, prey to whatever rules Muslims devise.

Sharia law, Muslim demands in the West to reorder social and cultural life, and radical extremist arrogance in viewing the world as a pre-determined domain of Allah or the moon cult, all stem from the Muslim obsession with domination. Dominating others through jihad, terror, and slavery is a fundamental aspect of Islamic intolerance.

This is not to say that all Muslims are voracious slave traders and sex chattel operators. But there is something remarkably pagan and primitive, if not outlandishly savage, about an ideology in the 21rst century which still protects and participates in the most de-humanizing of activities. The natural law rights of men, such an important part of Western civilisational development, is completely alien to Islam.

It is no wonder that the history of Islam is in some sense, a history of the slave trade. From West Africa to the islands of Indonesia, the Arabs and Muslims have been history's most ruthless slavers and flesh traders. This ties in nicely with Islamic ideology and its commands.

But don't worry – no one will discuss it. After all according to the multi-cult piety, Islam is holy and good, even one supposes, its extensive history of slavery.

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