Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
The modern world was formed from European Christianity. There were no 'dark ages', only our present dark and feeble minds cannot peer into the dim past and discern the energy, innovation, trials and errors of the 'Middle Ages', from 500 AD to 1500 AD. As if our own 'modern era' is one bereft of cult superstition or stupidity. Cults of secular materialism named 'science', better called quackery, including evolution, which forwards the remarkably ignorant claim that magic produced 2 million genes per chromosomal pair, or globaloneywarming in which a trace chemical 95% emitted by Gaia, causes 'weather', makes a lie out of that assertion. In the age of rampant, accessible technology, our own fettered minds are rather dark indeed.
There is no modern world without Christianity. Period.
Unlike the fascistic death and sex cult of Islam, Christianity formed every single basis of modernity including science, social mores, human rights, a legal code, art, architecture, and even social civility. Democracy itself, now prone to mob rule and control by a corrupt plutocratic elite comes out of Christianity and its untold number of activists, who tore down the world of the Lord and Baron and granted the average person respect and some share of the power and spoils. Christianity is the only faith in history which provides a moral and rational argument for the protection of basic human rights, granted to each unique individual human by a power beyond our ken.
In the ancient world the idea of the individual did not exist. In all states and empires, it was the communal which was important, not the individual. The Roman symbol of the Fasces, the root of word Fascist, was a bundle of sticks [the individual], wrapped around an axe [the state]. All modern conceptions of individual rights and freedoms are only found in Christianity. It was the Christian worldview of the sanctity of life, free-will and freedom which fought against tyranny, lawlessness and centralized power and arbitrary force. The ancient world had no idea about free-will, individual or natural law rights and a legal code applicable across society regardless of rank.
Individual rights and the creation of a justice system, based on natural law rights [God-granted rights]; equally applied to all members of society regardless of rank and power; emanated from Christianity and only Christianity. In the early 13th century, a Catholic and royal judge Henry de Bracton (d. 1268) wrote a massive tome on the principles of law and justice which formed the basis of Common Law and all of it was premised on Christian rationality and argumentation germinating from natural law rights. Bracton wrote that jurisprudence or an applied legal code was ‘the science of the just and unjust’. In this worldview even kings, despots, and usurpers of power reside under God and the law, ‘because the law makes the king. For there is no king where will rules rather than the law.’
Broader notions about human rights and science of course came only from Christianity, not the materialistic Enlightenment. One only has to read Christ's teachings to understand that the poor, the dispossessed, the forsaken, the sick, the wounded, and the diseased are only protected by Christian theology. Evolution views the weak as fodder which should be killed. Secular Marxism has nothing to say about morality, laws, charity, or rights. Slavery was abolished only by Christians, not materialists or Moslems. The ‘Enlightenment’ a supposed age of 'reason' produced witch-burnings, the French Revolution with its ‘reign of terror’ and the 20th century bloodbath of Atheist-Marxism. The dialectical fascisms of Islam, Evolution and Marxism are in essence cults of death.
Science as well, is of course premised on Christian rationalism and faith. True scientists are not the quacks of today who scream that trace chemicals cause weather [then torture the data and lie to support their positions]; or that 48 feet of library bookshelf code named DNA was formed by 'chance' and that the mouse became Mozart. Real scientists follow methods and procedures set forth by the innovators of the Middle Ages. All of the founders of modern science, including but certainly not limited to Newton, Faraday, Pascal, even Galileo et al., used faith to aid their science. Since Christianity developed science, there has never been, and is not today a 'conflict' between the two. [See here a link for the world's top scientists, past and present, who were Christian.]
There is precious little which is positive in the cult fascisms of Islam, Evolution, Secularism, or Marxism. Yet the 'elite', the media, the 'scientists', the 'secular thinkers', all pronounce these cults as 'superior', with the formation of the iPad world a direct derivative of their 'incredible achievements'. In today's world lies are science, fraud is fact, and up is down. At some point the pendulum will swing back again from the current age of darkness to something hopefully more intelligent and apposite.