Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
Cultural Marxism's objective is to destroy objectivity. In order to demolish the Western civilized construct, the Cultural Marxist warrior must reduce all actions to a subjective rationale. Thus if Muslims murder Copts in Egypt, the Cultural Marxist and his Muslim co-sponsor, immediately blame Israel, US actions in Afghanistan, or they dredge up ignorance about the 'Crusades' or some historical event which causes poor Muslims grief and bewilderment. The Western media long ago became the pimps for the whoring theology of Cultural Marxist Subjectivity. The intent is to neuter the J-C tradition and impose a secular irrationalism along the lines proposed by Rousseau, Saint-Simon, and Marx. The path to this utopia of subjective non-cognition is partly achieved through relativity.
Thus 'all' Muslims are 'just like us'. They all want, 'what we have', which we 'stole, pilfered, and plundered' from centuries of immoral White imperialism, still in train today throughout the Middle East. This is the main narrative of the Leftist cult when the issue of Muslim intolerance, Fascism, Jew-hate, misogyny, polygamy, poverty, slave-trading, child bride marriages, and abject political-economic failure is highlighted. Ironically for these reality-challenged individuals, Islam merges Church and State and denies Gays, Women and minorities [or infidels within majoritarian Muslim states] any semblance of equal rights and protection. These are the supposed obsessions and moralities so easily intoned by Leftist Liberaltards. As usual their rhetoric does not comport itself to reality.
Witness for example the Liberal icon and supposed funny-man, Jon Stewart, himself a Jew and a self-loathing non-practitioner of his faith. Stewart is not funny, not informative, nor is he versed in Islamic history, theology or Koranic rituals. Yet, as with all of these really clever people he has an opinion – the only opinion of course – that Islam is hope and change; peace and love; rationality and modernity. They are just like us after all. In November this charlatan and Cultural Marxist provender hosted a 'Restoring Sanity' rally to push the Liberal agenda; espouse cultural relativity; and demand through some form of unfunny satire, that Islam is love and happiness. All he did was confirm that he is indeed a Dhummy-Dhimmi Wit:
.....One serious theme at the event appeared to be the "Muslims are just like us" mantra that the Left often raises to create the impression that their political opponents are knuckle-dragging bigots. This normally involves three steps:
1) Ignore the fact that your opponents are being critical of Islam as an ideology and not Muslims as individuals .
2) Find and present a Muslim who says what non-Muslims want to hear.
3) Ignore what Islam really says.
In the real world, it's somewhat ridiculous to think that Muslims in general are on the "same team" with the U.S, considering that a majority either support terror attacks against Americans or can't quite make up their minds......
Jon Stewart's other example of a "non-scary" Muslim, was actually Yusuf Islam, the singer formerly known as Cat Stevens. Unfortunately, Brother Yusuf is about as scary as they come. Not only did the Religion of Peace quickly transform this free-spirited artist into a bearded radical and Hamas financier, but the singer is best known for enthusiastically supporting the Ayatollah Khomeini's death sentence against author Salman Rushdie.
...What makes Jon Stewart's choice of musical guest all the more bizarre is that his own network was the target of death threats in April following a simple cartoon skit that featured 'Muhammad' in a bear outfit. Inviting an unapologetic fatwa supporter to a Comedy Central event is like having a Klansman speak at an NAACP convention. In this case, Stewart even shrugged off the strident objections of Rushdie himself.
Ironically, the "Restoring Sanity / Muslims are Just Like Us" rally was overshadowed by news of the discovery of bombs placed by Islamists in the cargo hold of several planes the day before. The day after, more Muslims (the non-"non-scary" kind, we're guessing) burst into a Catholic church in Baghdad on a suicide mission. They managed to massacre about fifty Christians - most of whom were elderly women. The attack kicked off a prolific week which saw about 300 people lose their lives to Islamic terror from Somalia to Russia.”
Maybe the Dhimmi Wit should have named his faux-rally Re-Restoring Insanity. Stewart, along with Obama, Pelosi, the Lame-Brain media and the Cultural Marxist apologizers for Islam are part of the problem. Islam has never meant peace and it never will. Peace in Islamic theology is when the world submits to the Allah thing and the Muslim cult. Until then there is nothing but Jihad, war, Taqqiya, and conflict. Maybe Stewart – a Jew – should read some history and the Koran.