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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

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Friday, March 4, 2011

Suffering through the Koran, Sura 74 'The One Wrapped Up'.

The Moon God, and the Magnificent 19.

by Ferdinand III

 The One-Wrapped-Up, is the pious Muslim whose clothes and mind are unstained by anything other than reverence and submission to the Allah-thing, Al-Lah or the moon deity of Mecca and Mohammed's own father's preferred symbol of idol worship. Wrap yourself up in 'faith' and obeisance to the moon-thing, “O you wrapped up (in a mantle)!..And your Lord do you magnify! And keep your garments free from stain!” [74:1,3-4]. Needless to say the Lord Allah is only pleased with, and concerned about his cult followers. The rest are damned. Follow the great sign of the Allah-force which is of course a moon idol:

'What symbol does Allah intend by this?'....Nay, verily by the Moon, and by the Night as it retreats, And by the Dawn as it shines forth, - This is but one of the mighty (portents), A warning to mankind, -”[74:31-36]

El-Lah or Ali-lah is the moon deity. A fact that Muslims don't seem to understand.

This Sura, as poorly written and execrable as any other part of the Koran is interesting in that it identifies the 19 early followers of Mohammed as near-divine forces. They will help Mohammed identify those who should be sent to the Hell-Fire.

Darkening and changing the color of man! Over it are Nineteen, And We have set none but angels as guardians of the Fire; and We have fixed their number only as a trial for Unbelievers...Thus Allah leaves to stray whom He pleases, and guide whom He pleases:..[74:31]

So the 19 early followers of the political-military criminal Mohammed will help apparently in guiding the Unbelievers to Hell. The Allah-force for some reason picks some people to be saved who will enjoy the benefits of heaven [Muslims]; and forces others [the Unbelievers] to reject Islam and thereby earn an eternity of hell-fire and punishment. This is truly bizarre. Why would a 'God' use pre-destination and 'force' people to reject his theology so they could be killed and punished in a hereafter? Why wouldn't a 'God' want humans to be free, rational, good, honest, and ethical? Why the animus against the Unbeliever by the Allah force?

Besides the 'Magnificent 19], this Sura always seems rather angry with an individual who dared to voice opposition to Mohammed's rather insane rambling that a former male moon idol deity was now the supreme divine arbiter of human affairs. The Koran has antecedents in its text, its rituals, its plagiarism of Jewish-Christian and Arab pagan liturgy which long predates Islam's intolerant and racist founder:

Leave me alone, (to deal) with the (creature) whom I created (bare and) alone!....Soon will I visit him with a mount of calamities! For he thought and he plotted; - And woe to him! How he plotted!- Yes, woe to him: how he plotted!-...Then he said: 'This is nothing but magic, derived from of old; This is nothing but the word of a mortal!” Soon I will cast him into Hell-Fire!” [74:11, 17-26]

It is not clear who this person who dared to oppose Mohammed's autocratic and irrational rule was. There is no doubt however, that whomever he was, he was likely murdered. Mohammed ordered the murders of anyone who contradicted his program, his leadership and his personal power and hold over the cult. But isn't it very odd that the Allah deity would be so concerned about centres of opposition to despotic power? Wouldn't a deity want Mohammed to convince the intransigent enemy with preaching, words and arguments, as opposed to brute force, violence and death? What kind of a 'God' is so obsessed with the welfare and autocratic despotism of Mohammed? And why does the above text sound like Mohammed when the Koran is supposed to be this thing Allah talking?

The Koran is a threatening, barren, obscure and violent document.  If you don't follow the Al-Lah thing, or the moon idol, you will be killed, humiliated or punished with Hell-fire.  Truly bizarre.  The Al-ilah object and Mohammed guarantees of course, that the followers of the moon-cult will be granted entrance to heaven. Just follow the great murderer Mohammed, his rituals and commanded oblations, and paradise is yours.

Except the Companions of the Right Hand, (They will be) in Gardens (of Delight): they will question each other, and (ask) of the Sinners, 'What led you into Hell-Fire?' They will say: 'We were not of those who prayed....” [74 39-43].

Pretty simple program. Prostrate and pray to the Allah-thing, who appears to be the same as Mohammed in the Koran. Anyone who disobeys the rules of Mohammed, as verses 11 to 26 make clear, will be killed. Any who don't follow the program will burn in Hell-fire. Allah seems to me to be not a God of ethics, rationality, judgment, tolerance and humanism, but a shrunken, shrivelled demon, immoral, vicious, bloodthirsty, ruthless, and barbaric. Since Allah is the same as Mohammed I suppose that these attributes are entirely accurate in their depiction of what the Allah-thing truly represents.

[Note: This sura is taken from 'The Holy Quran', translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, reprinted in 1995, Goodword Books. Regarded as one of the best translations from Arabic to English of the Koran.]


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