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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

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Monday, December 5, 2011

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Islam is not a religion.

Holy Koran ! Suras 2 to 18 some highlights.

by Ferdinand III

A cult is not a religion. A religion to be worthy of the name, must support the following 4 ideals; free-will; rationality (or faith through reason); the Golden Rule; and good works towards any and all. We cannot forget that Calvin`s cult in 16th century Geneva denied free will and enquiry. The peasants simply had to shut up and obey the militant cult. Lutheranism embraced pre-destination and denounced human free-will, goodness, and works of faith. Luther created Calvin. Modern secularism, so hateful of Judeo-Christianity, worships material dialecticism and scientism, no matter how perverted, irrational or distorted the scientism might be. Free will and rational skepticism – at least for the hoi polloi peasantry – is beyond the pale in a world worshipping the cult of science and abstract, obtruse and often times utterly vapid materialist-narcissist philosophies.

Cults do not possess nor desire golden means. They are erected as extremist ideals bent on the subversion of reality and individuality. We ridicule ourselves and our common-sense by ascribing the word religion to the cult of Muhammad.

Islam has absolutely nothing in common with the Western experience. In fact Muhammadanism is the opposite of Western civilisation. Islam is fundamentally fascist in the real sense of that word which destroys the individual and subsumes the person into the collective. Calvinism was not a religion but a totalitarian ideal constructed upon the weird idea of predestination and utter obedience to what one group of men said, or interpreted the `truth` to be. Russian National Socialism preached an incomprehensible scientist theology and truth; predicting the end of imperialist capitalism and the destruction of both private property and private ownership of capital. The collective would triumph as long as they followed the cult dictums. German socialism diktats expressed the same pagan sentiment. Eco-fanatics ignore common sense and rational inquiry and chatter about a trace gas dislocating weather which necessitates the fundamental transformation of society into a communal cult. To save yourself and appease the goddess earth, you must submit to the cult`s demands and strictures.

Islam is a lot like all of the above. In fact it is worse. Islam as a cult entails the total destruction of the individual and the elevation of the communal. Cults are not religions. Witness the complete absurdity of Islam`s demands just from Sura 2 to 18, which comprise 40 % of the total book named Recital, which is marketed as a religious document.

Total number of verses from Sura 2 to 18: 2243

Number of overtly violent verses: 486

% of Total verses: 22 %

No one, anywhere, at anytime can possibly state that a document which is so openly hateful, spiteful and violent is religious. The Koran`s most important chapters are 9 and 5 in which over 40 % of the material is openly hostile and violent towards non-cult members. In the other major chapters one-quarter or better is hostile to those who do not follow Muhammad. There has never been a communal theology, including Nazism, so utterly devoted to the Unbeliever or non-cult member.

There is a good argument to be made that in the Koran Muhammad is Allah. Allah is simply a naming reference for the main Lord or high One within the Meccan pagan tradition. There is little doubt in my mind that Muhammad substituted himself for Hub`Al or Hub`Allah, who was the Lord of Kabaa shrine when Muhammad was born. The Kabaa contained 360 idols including Jesus and Mary. HubAllah was the Assyro-Babylonian moon deity merged with local pagan Arab practices. He apparently was credited with defeating the Ethiopian-Christian invasion of 571 AD which was the year of Muhammad`s birth. Muhammad`s cult erased HubAllah from Arab and Moslem history.

HubAllah is not mentioned in the Koran because the One or the Lord is Muhammad. This is why Allah`s revelations are so convenient. Muhammad as Allah would explain most of the gibberish, racism and supremacism of the Koran. The Koran is littered with theological plagiarism from the Jewish and Christian texts, with scientific errors, outright virulent racism and outlandish intolerance; and a mixture of pagan and authoritarian ideals. It is not a religious text. There are no expressions of the Golden Rule, free-will, and rationality. There is an injunction to do good works, but only those deeds which benefit Moslems and which further the aim of the cult. The world is bifurcated. Moslems who unquestioningly follow the Koran and Muhammad are the good and blessed. Everyone else is damned and must be tormented in this life and the next. Such a theme is not that of a religion but of a cult.  


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