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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

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Saturday, March 13, 2021

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Taqiya: Muhammadanism, Nazism, Communism. Lies, Deceit, Mendacity.

All part of the program to subvert and take over.

by Ferdinand III



The ‘modern’ world, so in love with its false diversity, its intolerance of anything but masochistic groupthink and consensus, its disavowal of real history, real progress, real values and real intelligence, is the perfect laboratory for Muslims to implement Taqiya – the law of lying to the Infidel to advance the claims of Muhammadanism.  No society has been better positioned for self-immolation and suicide than the current, ‘modern’, ‘scientific’ Western civilisation.  As the 3.000-year development of Occidental progress regresses toward the mean of mediocrity and failure; Muslim Oriental mores can swagger to the fore, using a variety of techniques to take over many aspects of Western civilisation including its Deep State institutions, police and judiciary – hiding behind lies and deceit.  As Muhammad stated, ‘war is deceit’. 


The core of the Muhammadan fascism, which makes it an easy and congenial ally to Globalists, Socialists, Marxists, Flu Totalitarians, Green Fascists and the usual cadre of anti-individualists who commit vote fraud to install political puppets, is the complete eradication of the individual.  Muhammadanism at its core has 6 pillars, the 2 most important being submission to Al-Lah (Baal the moon deity of Mecca and Muhammad’s family’s deity), and Muhammad the only spokesman who could interpret the wishes of Baal.  The 3rd most important pillar is course to Jihad, to fight the Unbeliever, the non-Muslim until the first two demands are rendered, or to kill those who will not submit.  It is a pretty simple totalitarian programme, denying the various precepts which undergird what was once Western Civilisation.  The main reason that the Muhammadan Fascism is tolerated (and the mistake made by the Atheist Nazis and the Atheist Russian Communists/Nazis); is that Muhammad and Muslims have conflated submission to the male moon deity Al-Lah with monotheistic Judaic and Christian traditions.  This pastiche of ‘morality’ hides the lie that is the Koran and Sharia barbarism.  Lying is after an Arab speciality and much admired.  One finds that deceit is mentioned throughout Mein Koran as a modus veritas of global imperialism.


Both the atheist Russian supremacists and the atheist Nazi pagans relied on propaganda to soak their citizenry in the irrational fascist program and support it and to convince the world of the 'morality' of their projects. Communism was sold on Marx and Lenin's illiterate ravings, that the 'capitalist' system due to its own illogic, the 'iron law' of diminishing returns, and the costs of 'imperialism', would crash and destroy the lives of the workers, the peasants, the farmers, or those not in power. It was the ultimate universal, will-to-power expression of Marxism.


Nazism was marketed and bought by the German people due to several never-to-be-repeated factors.  The propaganda as with the current ‘Covid pandemic’ was relentless, mind-numbing, fictitious and exaggerated to an incredible degree.  Hitlerism and Nazism is of course a communal, left-wing concept.  The Nazis fought the Communists and Marxists for the same political space. Hitler admits this in Mein Kampf, and gleefully writes that the Nazis had taken the best aspects of Marxist thought [equality, unionism, job and social payment guarantees, free education, free health care etc] and married it with an intolerant nationalist racism, in which the Germans were deemed to be man's highest form of human achievement in body, mind and soul, and had a duty to conquer the planet to impose a perfect Nordic-pagan world of Teutonic purity which would give rise in the future to a super race of exalted humanoids.


Both the Russian and German communalist programs were theologies of madness, nonsense, gibberish, irrationality and anti-humanist savagery.  So too is Islam. Part of these pagan belief systems is to lie to the 'others', to hide the true nature of the program.  Like the Muslims, the Nazis and Russians lied to 'sell' their misbegotten beliefs to the world at large. Or they lied so they could stealthily expand their program without being confronted.


Hitler remonstrated many times that he did not want to conquer lands to create a Germanic empire – even though in Mein Kampf he details rather painstakingly how Germany will conquer Eastern and Western Europe. He gave no less than half a dozen speeches in the mid-1930s, confirming that Germany would never go to war with Britain, and that the British and Germans were natural allies. These statements were given to keep the British from rearming and to give credence to the vast and quite active pro-peace parties and politicians than active in England.  These speeches were lies.


The Nazis also disavowed any knowledge of Jewish genocide right up until the war. The first Jewish and political-prisoner concentration camps were erected in 1934 – a mere one year after Hitler became Chancellor. Yet the world was 'shocked' to learn during the war that millions of Jews were being liquidated. The Nazis also had legions of charities and 'free' social goods, which made Western Marxists and socialists ejaculate with admiration and with joy. 'Free' baby items, including diapers and strollers were given to new-borns; jobs were guaranteed partially through the building of massive and outside of the Autobahn, quite useless colossi; pensions increased, welfare was extended, education paid by the state, and 'youth groups' got out the German 'vote' so to speak, and informed Germans about physical exercise and the necessity to follow the Dear Leader Adolf.  These programs were ones of deceit, to deceive foreign states, meld compliance from the local population and convince them of the utility of Fascism (jobs, health, safety).


The Nazis also lied of course about their economic growth, their GDP growth, and the strength of their economy – all believed by willing and quite useless idiots in the West. The Nazi state was an autarchic state. There was no foreign investment, and tight government regulation of all investment and capital flows, with only the importation of resources being allowed to fuel the German economy and army. War in 1939 was inevitable because Germany was bankrupt and drowning in debt.


The Russians followed a similar program of mendacity as the Nazis.  Stalin wrote that he learnt a lot from Hitler and admired his tactics and ability to create an all-powerful state, under the guise of something which was perceived as natural and normal.  During the Cold War the same lies used by the Nazis were paraded about by the Russians, and all of them were believed by Lenin's useful idiots in the West: strong economic growth; civilizational development and cultural expansion; a contented and moderate populace; strong, virile, athletic people; no pretensions to world domination; abundant food; a plethora of caring charities; an illimitable number of inventions; and opportunities for all citizens.


Modern Islam, whose Jihadic-tendencies are obvious over 1400 years of endless Muslim imperialism, expansion, slave-trading, destruction, violence, hate and will-to-power; is simply following what the Nazis and Russians practiced. It is the cultural Marxist program of using lies to deceive your opponent’s so you can get inside the system and change it from within. There is no chance that Islam will return to its powerful position in the world system, once enjoyed by the pagan Fascists in the Ottoman empire. But there is a very good chance that they can detonate the destruction of the West from inside our society, using Taqiyya to blind us from the reality that is Islam.


Taqiyya is the following:

·       Sunni doctrine makes Taqiyya acceptable and mandatory when waging jihad or war against the infidel.

·       The Shia doctrine of Taqiyya being 'fear' of persecution and lying to prevent such persecution has been supplanted by the Sunni ideal of using Taqiyya to spread Islam. [Most of the Muslim world some 80%, is Sunni].

·       Deceit in Islamic theory and practice is often elevated to be better than military virtue or courage.

·       The Koran adjures the use of deceit towards non-Muslims [3:28, 3:54, 8:30, 10:21, for example).


Mohammed's ruthless, murderous career was full of Taqiyya, the breaking of contracts, agreements, peace treaties and accords. As Mohammed said in one battle, 'For war is deceit.' He famously broke many treaties in his bloodthirsty expansion of his family's cult and his moon cult ideology.


The Koran and Islamic scholarly writing make it clear that Taqiyya is a part of war; and since Islam must either subjugate or exterminate non-believers through jihad, Taqiya as deception is mandatory. The Koran and Islamic writing make it clear that Muslims can break agreements if they 'feel' that the infidel are about to abrogate their contract. No proof of this is needed. Just the 'feeling' that the non-believer is 'up to something'. A pre-emptive attack and breakage of the treaty is thus permitted.


The Muslim world-view of the House of Islam at perpetual war with the Infidel, makes Taqiyya in practice totally acceptable. This endless war will only end when the world is Islamic. Islam is no less irrational, deceitful, corrupt or inane than any other Fascism. Why would anyone believe a moon cult or spokesmen for an Arabian celestial cult when they cry that they love you, the world, the children's future, and want the same in life as you do? Why are people so pathetically numb to reality and so dense?


Muslim mores are Oriental in their design and fabrication. They are not Western mores. There is no Golden Rule in Islam, no respect for the person, and certainly no division of church and state, regardless of what Muslims say. Read the Koran. Read the life of Mohammed. Read the real history of Muslim imperialism. Read about the 300 million dead, the 50+ million enslaved Blacks, and the 25 million slave-traded Whites over 1400 years. Read it. Read Mein Kampf, read Lenin's writings, read Stalin's re-interpretations of Marxist theology. Read them and you will see that the Fascist program was clear and obvious to any who had the energy and the intelligence to acquaint themselves with the real nature of the program.


So too with Islam. The Muslims are expert liars. They say one thing in English or a European language and the opposite in Arabic, Turkish, or Urdu. This is confirmed throughout history. Don't believe them. Never believe them. The moon cult will do any and everything to advance its power. Its central organizing force the execrable Koran, makes it an obligation to wage Jihad, and spread Islam across the globe. Islam is a cult of destruction and anti-humanism on an even grander scale than Hitlerism and Communism.



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