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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

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Sunday, May 23, 2021

Nazi Fascism and Corona Fascism - similar objectives.

Mass mobilisation and the destruction of Christianity. Same mandate as Muhammadanism.

by Ferdinand III


The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human”. – Aldous Huxley


The Corona cult, based on Medical Fascism and fraud, is an outcome of rampant Statism in every country (the endless expansion of government or State power); manipulation and propaganda by the State; and the outsourcing to unaccountable ‘professionals’ of health in the guise of government funded health-care.  The Corona totalitarianism has many parallels with Nazi Germany.  The Nazis used ‘Science’ as the basis of their Fascism, with Medical ‘professionals’, ‘experts’ and ‘Scientists’, prominently and fully endorsing the Nazi regime, with few dissenters. 


"The medical professions of Germany and Austria, played a critical role in the evolution of Nazism’s programs of human destruction, programs that culminated in mass genocide. In addition, academic medicine not only provided the “scientific” rationale that legitimized eugenic and racial selection, it also exploited human victims for inhuman research."


Socialist-Statist Nazis had their settled 'science', cult of 'science' and were supported en-masse by Doctores, Scientists and Medical 'professionals'. 


A long list of German doctors and scientists, who used the camps as experimental centres was compiled after Nuremberg.  There is no doubt that the medical ‘Professionals’, and ‘Scientists’ were fully bought into the Nazi state, along with the civil service and lay-professionals.  You can’t run a Fascist autocracy without the ‘Professional classes’ compliance.  From 1946 to 1949, the Nuremberg codes on medical ethics were produced and signed by every advanced country in order to prevent human experimentation.  Yet here we are, 72 years later, and humans are now ingesting unnecessary experimental mRNA drugs against a 99.7% survival rate virus. 


To dissent as a medical ‘professional’ in Nazi Germany was to neuter one’s career.  To criticise any aspect of the regime’s ‘science’ or ‘medical certainties’ was to endanger one’s reputation amongst the bien-pensant who were developing the Second Church of Reason (the first being the fascistic anti-clerical, anti-heritage detritus of the French Revolution).  There is little difference with what is going on today.  Dissent from the Church of Corona as a ‘professional’ and you are showered with threats, verbal violence, loss of your job, your status, your career and in some cases your life. 


In a government press conference in March 16, 1933, Goebbels stated his goal: to mould a population “to think uniformly, to react uniformly, and to place themselves body and soul at the disposal of the government.”


The Nazis built their regime, their propaganda, their social mobilisation on ‘reason and science’, by mobilising propaganda to make every citizen act in unison, to support the regime’s narrative.  The same has been true of the Corona Fascism.  ‘Save the NHS’.  ‘In it together’.  ‘Look him in the eye and tell him you won’t follow the rules’.  ‘Build Back Better’.  Simplistic messaging, using psychological tools and lurid imagery, reminiscent of Nazi and Communist propaganda.


One of the main targets for Nazism was Germany’s Christian heritage.  The Nuremberg files are clear that Hitler et al were going to completely eradicate the ‘effeminate, Galilean religion’ of the Jews Paul and Christ, which had ‘eradicated’, ‘Teutonic vigour’ and martial prowess.  The Church was destined for destruction.  Much the same is happening with the Church of Corona and its hatred of Western culture, Christianity or any dissent from the powers of the State and its Medical institutions.


Modern States have carefully implemented a health hysteria to counteract a 0.3% virus-death rate, which involves inter-alia: mandatory mRNA stabs, booster shots, curtailment of normal social activity, face-coverings, and most importantly, the digital-jab passport, which will over time imitate the CCCP social credit score digital application, containing all your personal details from finance to whether you have the latest stab or not.  The main objective of the Corona ‘pandemic’ was to implement the digital ‘vaccine’ passports.  This ‘Covid-pass’ in good Orwellian fashion will contain your ‘freedom’ to move, to work, to shop, to travel, and to be educated.  There is no difference between this program and the Nazification of the German masses in the 1930s.  The only difference is the application of modern technology to the Nazi ideal of complete State-Socialist control over the individual.


If you disapprove of the Church of Corona or the Corona-Fascism you are an Untermensch.  In today’s world, just switch ‘Christians’ in Nazi Germany, to ‘Anti-Vaxxers’, or ‘Anti-Covid narrative’ in today’s:


"When the new National Socialist government started to confiscate Church property, turning religious orders out of their houses and arresting priests....Nazis published material accusing the Church of being anti-science and anti-human progress,....From the early 1930s onwards, it was Nazi policy ...processions would be banned ...outdoor events subjected to sudden new rules and regulations....Children were pressured into joining the Hitler Youth movement rather than stay in Catholic youth associations. An attempt was made to ban the crucifix in schools. From 1936 on, parents were pressured to withdraw their children from Catholic schools and place them in Nazi-approved schools. By 1939, most Catholic-based schools had disappeared in Nazi Germany."


The Nuremberg documents reveal an active Nazi hate and persecution of the Catholic Church.  Thousands of priests and Bishops were murdered in camps.  5 million or more Christians died in the camps and from Nazi persecution during the war.  Jewish historian Max Dimon calls it the ‘unknown holocaust’.  Seminaries were shuttered, sermons monitored, Catholic businesses closed, Catholic newspapers (today's Big tech) shut down, Catholic youth and social groups dissolved. 


There is little difference today between the Nazi program and its ‘mass mobilisation’ and the Church of Corona.  People who don’t follow the current model of mass compliance or who do not want to ingest experimental poisons for a 99.7% survival rate virus are demonised, verbally attacked, threatened with job loss, with their churches, their social clubs, their personal associations shuttered, compromised, or monitored.  Anti-science initiatives such as face-coverings, social distancing or not hugging relatives imposed and those who don’t comply can be arrested, abused or mocked.  The 1930s equivalent of newspapers, namely Big Tech and online social media platforms, regularly de-platform dissent from the Corona Fascist program, or openly advocate soft violence against those declaiming against the non-science of the Corona totalitarianism. 


The mass hysteria, imposition of state power, the violence, hate and bile against those who are opposed to Medical Fascism, has much in common with Nazi Germany.



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