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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

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Saturday, January 18, 2025

Clash of Civilisations - the never ending Musulman Jihad

The intent is to eradicate Christianity

by Ferdinand III


Fascism and Paganism: A Brief Comparison of Nazism, Communism and Islam ...

The Clash of Civilisations, namely that between the Muhammadan and the Christian was the defining feature of international affairs from 632 AD to 1900 AD.  For almost 1300 years, the Musulman Jihad attacked what it perceived as its arch enemy – Christendom.  In turn, Western states, riven by various political and regional tensions and self-interests viewed Christianity as the main if not the only unifying philosophical framework to defend itself against the Jihad.  No Christianity, no modern Europe.

Oddly with resounding bathos, Musulmans were always better protected in Christian states, than Christians within the Musulman.  This is reflected today in the immoral, illogical and disastrous policies of the ‘multicult’ and the ‘relativism’ of ‘modern culture’, where all ‘faiths’ are equal, except that the Islamic is superior, especially to the Christian.  This gives rise to the rape-state, where Musulmans can rape with impunity, 1 million white English girls and the police, the state, useless parasites called ‘politicians’, the endless agencies concerned with ‘child welfare’ not only do nothing, but actively aid the sex Jihad. 

Not so if you are a Christian within a Musulman state.  You will be taxed, raped, accorded second class status, prevented from publicly practicing your faith, denied the ability to engage in certain professions, obstructed from marrying a Musulman female, and in extremis, attacked and killed.  No multi-culti professions of love and tolerance.  Christianity is the most persecuted religion on the planet.  In Nigeria alone, every single year, Black Musulmans murder some 5.000 Black Christians.  No one cares.  But imagine if the opposite were true.

Bernard Lewis, “We tend nowadays to forget that for approximately a thousand years, from the advent of Islam in the seventh century until the second siege of Vienna in 1683, Christian Europe was under constant threat from Islam, the double threat of conquest and conversion.  Most of the new Muslim domains were wrested from Christendom.  Syria, Palestine, Egypt, and North Africa were all Christian countries, no less, indeed rather more, than Spain and Sicily.  All this left a deep sense of loss and a deep fear.”

Despite the Musulman invasions, destructions, slaughter, rapine, plunder and wanton evisceration of Western-Christian culture, we have today, the mentally ill ‘liberals’ who view world history, as one endless story of Western ‘aggression’.  The Musulmans slave traded for sex, labour and military conscription no less than 25 million White Christians ranging from Russia to Iceland.  A further 50 million Hindus and Buddhists were killed in the Jihad in the subcontinent, and millions more enslaved.  Some 40 million Black Africans were captured as slave chattel, shipped north to Arab-Muslim states, many dying en-route, the rest worked to death, or sexed to produce Musulman Jihadis. 

The rapist-paedophile profiteer Muhammad deflowered a 9-year-old girl; possessed ‘with his right hand’, some 24 sex slaves, his favourite being Mary the white Copic Christian.  Yet we are told by idiots in quackademia, the media and research institutions, that this brigand-totalitarian, was a seer and religious prophet.  Muhammad led 80 odd military excursions, initiating wholesale slaughters of Jewish and Christian tribes resident in Arabia – who were far more advanced and educated than the pagan Arabs. 

No miracles, no universal principles, no New Testament expostulations on tolerance and forgiveness by the mad Muhammad.  His career and his book ‘Recital’ are interested in war, power, spoils and the domination and sex slavery of women.  War to exterminate all non-Musulmans or convert them to the moon deity of Mecca cult.  Complete supremacy over women to please men and produce ghazis and Jihadis for the cult.

Any cursory reading of Musulman history and its endless Jihad reveals the truth, namely that modern ‘fundamentalist Muslims’ are simply following the example of Mein Koran and der Fuehrer Muhammad.  Anyone who can still read, and who has investigated the 1300 years of Musulman Jihad against Christianity, will be pleasantly surprised (if their IQs are sufficiently elevated enough), to read that the combatants in this struggle were frank and clear about the philosophical and religious reasons which were the foundations of the various conflicts.  No ‘relativity’ or ‘subjectivist’ philosophical diseases distorted the reality.  The Musulmans wanted to eradicate Christianity, and subject Christians to Koran-Totalitarian rule and force them to convert to the moon cult of Mecca or die.  It was as simple as that.

Muhammad’s moon cult and Christianity are mortal enemies.  Only one survives.  The totalitarian view of Muhammad’s cult is similar to that of Communism and Fascism.  Islam uber alles.  This means that the Islamic theocracy controls every aspect of your life.  Surely a wet dream for the many liberal half wits who populate Western states.  Maybe such a theocracy can be merged with the next ‘plandemic’, where a Medical Nazism can lead the way to a Musulman Nazism.

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