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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Suffering through the Koran, Sura 34, 'Saba'.

The Queen of Sheba and Solomon were really insufficiently Islamic....hmmm.

by Ferdinand III

In the Koranic fantasy-world of supremacist, universalist Islamic will to rule, all ancient Jewish leaders and Prophets, and quite a few Arabic ones, were in fact supporters of Arab monotheism which revolved around ali-ilah or the male moon cult. And if they were insufficiently Islamic their states or empires would be destroyed. This extraordinary lie is central to the Koranic and Islamic theological credibility. If the Arabs can persuade themselves and others that ancient Jews were in the service of the Meccan moon deity, than not only is Islam given a long pre-history of 'development', but it also accords Muslims the 'right' to butcher and kill non-Muslim monotheistic worshipers as being insufficiently devout. How convenient.

And how pathological. It takes a lot of mental gymnastics to turn Solomon, the profligate spendthrift son of David, circa 950 BC, into a Muslim or into a King who knew of 'Allah' but was perhaps not fundamentalist enough about his 'faith'. Solomon only lived a mere 1700 years before the advent of political Islam and the family-based theology developed by the illiterate Mohammed. It is highly unlikely that Solomon would have been familiar with the Arab moon cult of Mecca, and extremely unlikely that he would have viewed his 'God' as being the same as ali-ilah or Allah. But such sobering facts are usually not important for Muslims or Koranic scribbling.

Not only is Solomon portrayed as a benefactor of Islamic devotion but apparently his consort and lover the famous Queen of Sheba, who ruled the old Yemeni kingdom in southern Arabia and parts of the Ethiopian coast, was also a Muslim – thought far less devoted to her faith than Solomon apparently. Saba or Sheba was famed for its spices, and the trade in this important material which was used in food preservation and religious and pagan rituals and practices, ensured a rich supply of gold and silver into Yemen. Solomon's long trade lines which emanated from Jerusalem through Yemen and down the coast of Africa, would have ensured much Jewish-Sabaan contact in trade, money exchange, and cultural dissemination. It is no wonder that the rich Jewish kingdom at the crossroads of important trade connections would have been flush with hard currency which in turn would be used to buy the much coveted spices of Yemen and Ethiopia. A trade mission by Sheba to Solomon would have been both practical and politically important for both states.

But the Muslims inject of course their own layer of fantasy to the true story of Jewish-Sabaan economic and political interchange. Sheba of course was a tepid follower of the monotheistic Meccan moon cult – 1700 years before it was formally initiated. But she was not devout enough and along with Solomon, chose to deny the omnipotence of Allah, ensuring that Saba and Solomon would both perish. For in the fantasy world of Arab supremacism:

“..those who strive against Our Signs, to frustrate them, - for such will be a penalty, - a punishment most humiliating.” [34:5]

In Arab ahistorical theology, ignoring the designs and signs of Allah ensures your demise. So if a good Jew for example, does not believe that Solomon was a part of the Meccan moon cult, he or she will be humiliated and punished.

“And to Solomon (We made) the wind (obedient): its early morning (stride) was a month's (journey); and its evening ....and if any of them turned aside from Our command, We made him taste of the penalty of the Blazing Fire.” [34:12]

Solomon - himself insufficiently Islamic - was doomed to failure and humiliation:

“Then, when We decreed (Solomon's) death, nothing showed them his death except a little worm...” [34:14]

The great and powerful Solomon was thus laid low by the moon deity and not even the legendary status of Solomon prevented his fate. Only the worms took notice. The great and mighty made into soil.

In Arab theology the individual is meaningless, so the story of Solomon is clear – not even the wealthiest and most important of humans has any control over their world, their lives or their fate. The moon deity determines all. This is fatalism and is the hallmark of anti-humanist ideologies. But the madness of the Koran goes even further. Not only did the moon deity control the life and fate of Solomon but if any person denies this – past or present – they would or shall be killed for denying the unfettered powers of ali-ilah. Fascinating.

The same is true for the empire of Saba – a Muslim state even though the Sabaans apparently did not know anything about Arab male moon deity worship: “There was for Saba. Aforetime, a Sign in their home-land – two Gardens to the right and to the left....But they turned away (from Allah) and We sent against them the flood (released) from the Dams....they ungratefully rejected Faith:..”[34:15-17]

The chief city of ancient Saba was in fact succored by a large damming of the local river turning a barren valley into a paradise of farms, orchards, and productive land. This was one of the reasons for the immense wealth of the Sabaan state – its ability to export its surplus agricultural and associated manufactures throughout the Middle East. The destruction of the massive dam structures and the intricate agricultural terracing and irrigation works, was the result of a civil war, but in the Muslim fantasy world this was of course ascribed to the moon deity since apparently, 1700 years before Mohammed the Sabaans were insufficiently Islamic. Due to this the rich state of Saba was eradicated.

The intent of this Sura is plain. The ancient and wealthy states of Solomon and Saba went into decline thanks to the anger and punishment of Allah. In reality both declined for a number of specific socio-economic and military reasons. But facts in the Arabic mind are secondary to fantasy. Allah was the one who laid low Solomon's state, just as he wiped out the once prosperous Yemenis. If you are insufficiently Islamic your destruction is assured. That is the theme of this sura.

It is just another example of Muslim theological madness.


[Note: This sura is taken from 'The Holy Quran', translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, reprinted in 1995, Goodword Books. Regarded as one of the best translations from Arabic to English of the Koran.]


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