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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

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Monday, August 24, 2020

Nazism, Communism, and Islam. Fascist theologies. Muhammad's cult is Fascist.

Here is why.

by Ferdinand III



The late Conservative Philosopher and Thought Crime creating Roger Scruton, had a list of what constituted a fascism – a much malingered and abused word.  This list is given below.  Fascism as summarised is the creation of total state power.  Nothing lies outside the state is how Mussolini described the Fascist program.  Communism has the same goal.  Muhammadanism or the cult of Muhammad (called Submission or Islam by its cult members and the ignorant), is the complete control of society, by Sharia, itself based entirely on the man-made handbook called Recital or the Koran.  Nothing lies outside Sharia is how Muhammad would describe his fascist cult. 


If one accepts that Fascism means ‘nothing, no entity, no person, no corporation, no club, no activity, is outside the state’, then one needs to accept that variants of totalitarianism, Communism, Statism, Technocratic Marxism, Islam, is a form of Fascism.  Within Muhammad’s cult, Sharia is uber alles, and the actions, words, beliefs of the cult’s founder, the supreme expression of governance, human conduct, and interaction.  Fascism in any form, is not a product of Western Civilisation, but of forces opposed to it. 


Western Civilisation is the expression of the opposite of Fascism.  Christianity’s free will, work ethic, forgiveness, charity, aid to the poor and suffering, the necessity of local associations to do God’s will and desire, laws which apply to all, the ennoblement of family; merged with secular codes around individuality, markets, objective resolutions of problems, code and conducts, and independent institutions.  Fascism is the opposite of the Western program.  Muhammadanism is the exact anti-thesis to the Western program.


Fascism is not a modern phenomenon but an age-old curse of human organization which is given different names depending on the era, the historian and the politically correct ethos in question. Modern European Fascism differs from the pre-modern variety espoused by for example Muhammadanism, in the use of technology, communications and in the creation of a national state devoted to the objectives of the cult. Muhammad’s cult is somewhat different in this respect transcending borders, ethnicities and skin colour but embracing the use of sophisticated media, technology and military applications. Modern Islamic Fascism has much in common with modern European variants of Marxist inspired madness.  It seeks to eradicate the Western self, based on free-will, liberty, individual aspirations.



Most likely many ‘moderate’ Germans existed in 1936. Some 10.000 Germans and Austrians fled the Reich and joined 'Churchill's army' in 1939 for example. Moderate and freedom loving. Not all Germans were fanatical Marxist-Racialists supporting the Hitler cult. But so what. It is the ideology which matters. The same was true of Russian Fascism.  Certainly, nice grandmothers existed in 1970 Russia but the ideology of Marxist inspired Russian Fascism was the dominate feature and the important black and white fact of geo-politics during the Cold War era. German and Russian Fascist theology were immoderate. So too is the Islamic.


When you lay out the cult of Muhammad side by side with Nazism or Communism many similarities emerge. It simply untrue to make that claim that Islam is a religion in the Judeo-Christian sense of that word. Many definitions might exist for 'what is a religion' but in the Western concept of monotheism and the standards laid out in the Book of Matthew and in the Golden Rule, Islam has absolutely no connection. In fact Islam is the opposite, supporting an anti-religiosity which is based upon Arab paganism, racism, supremacism, jihad and will to power and rule. It is in fact quite comparable with Nazism and Communism.


The ten main factors in a program of a pagan Fascism – either modern or pre modern – are (categories from Roger Scruton):


1.     Party and Leader All Fascism's, pagan cults and tyrannies rely on the words and deed of the founder. Hitlerism, Communism and Islam were all founded and developed by a charismatic leader, who proposed a new world order. The leader creates an ennobled and confirmed elite or party, which carries out the words and fantasies of the ‘prophet’. Hitler, Lenin, Stalin and of course Mohammad, were all declared prophets by their ‘people’. 

As with Hitler and Lenin followers of Mohammad obey him as a demi-god. Mohammad like his co-fascist brethren was probably quite mad. Here we have a man who waged war; killed innocents with his own hands; had insane revelations [ie. delusions]; was illiterate; owned and sold slaves; had sex with a 9-year-old girl; and stole private property; being presented as an apostle of peace and love. His dialectical theory of Islamic conquest [Islam being the natural heir to the Judeo-Christian tradition], is enthusiastically believed by Muslims. All of Mohammad’s words, deeds and ‘revelations’ are treated as the word of ‘god’. 

Islam is violent, pagan and war-like because it is premised on its leader’s actions, words and beliefs. Ergo Hitlerism and Communism were violent Jihadic ideologies since they also followed their insane ‘prophet’s’ plans for world conquest. Islam’s ruling elite, which has engaged in a 1400 jihad against any and all ‘others’ has been simply affirming the deeds of Mohammad and the words in the Koran.


2.     Ideology as reality and propaganda Muslims are masters at denying reality and using propaganda to further their own interests. Jerusalem is Muslim? This idea comes from Mohammad’s dream where he flies to the city on a white horse. A demented vision such as this serves as a pretext to conquer Jewish and Christian territory, lands inhabited for 1600 years by Jews and 600 years by Christians, before the Muslim invasions. The Arab conquest of the Near East wiped out about 40 million Jews and Christians from 630 AD to 1000 AD.

In Mohammad’s time lying, cheating and stealing to aid the Muslim advance was ‘revealed’ to him by Allah to be justified [in the Koran]. Killing people during holy periods was deemed by ‘Allah’ to be fine, since non-believers in Islam have no rights [in the Koran]. According to Mohammad Jews were to be killed [the Saturday people] because they denied his prophet-status; refused to believe that he was next in line after Jesus; and did not bow to Allah [in the Koran]. Demonizing enemies and fuelling hatred through lies and distortions started with Mohammad and continues in Islam in our own times [based on Koranic doctrine].

Today Islam is as adept and skilful at playing the New York Times, CNN, the BBC, and installing appalling media and internet outlets to spread hate and recruit disaffected youth, spread lies, or sell racist tracts like the ‘Protocols of Zion’, as the Nazi’s and Communists were in controlling TV, book printing and entertainment and spreading their own lies through various channels. Propaganda and controlling the dissemination of thought and debate is central to fascist success.

Muslims know that to bring down the USA or Europe, controlling and manipulating the media and educational systems is mandatory. To that end the Saudi’s and others have spent $70 odd billions in the past 20 years setting up schools; ‘charities’; ‘rights’ organizations; ‘news’-stations; papers and webzines promoting radical fascist Islam. Our politically correct weak-kneed culture makes it certain that they will succeed in undermining our will to fight.


3. The Cult as a Religion A key point – usually ignored by the mainstream media – is that all Fascisms are pagan though they might parade themselves as religions. For Mohammad his dialectical fascism was based on his claim that his political cult – premised on the 3000-year-old Arabian moon cult called al-ilah or Allah – was the natural successor to Jewish and Christian civilization.

In order to unify the Arabs against Jewish and Christian competition a single philosophy or umma [community] was needed. Mohammad stole Jewish and Christian writing and updated it with pagan Arabian practices [stoning little devils; kissing a black rock; running between 2 hills etc]. Arabs trained in the moon cult would recognize Mohammad’s ‘Allah’ as their own and would submit to the idea of one umma under the leadership one man.

The bonus for Mohammad’s pagan cult was that Muslims were the last of the peoples to be guided by a prophet and were hence superior. The Muslim umma was destined to rule the world. Any who disagreed could be slaughtered with approval from ‘Allah’. For the record the historical origin of Allah has nothing to do with the Christian concept of God.


4. Police control and Terror Mohammad is often quoted in the Koran describing the terror that Muslims would visit upon non-believers. If you read the historical origins of Islam [by Muslim authors even], you discover pretty quickly that Mohammad grew impatient with preaching peace and love in Mecca since he could only convert a few to his Islamic doctrine. Once he was forced out of Mecca and moved to Median [the Meccan locals were tired of hearing him desecrate their various idols], his speeches and actions turned to war. Terror in the form of brigandage; robbery; killing and threatening are an essential component of Islamic doctrine.

Mohammad’s invocation of terror was carried forward in societal development through the establishment of a superior class of Muslims, managing for their benefit, an inferior caste of infidels. Jews and Christians who were conquered by Muslims were dhimmi’s or slaves to their Muslim masters. Property, wealth, and women could and were taken at will by Muslims. The idea that Muslims lived in peace with the other 2 monotheistic religions is a nonsense.

After all Muslims did kill over 100 million Christians and Jews in 1400 years.


5. Racism and Supremacism An abetting tenet in fascist terror is of course the creation of some variety of racism and hatred of ‘others’. In lieu of outright racism, fascism is at the very least a supremacist ideology. The party and ideology are of course superior to all competing forms of socio-economic development and organization. These various ‘enemies’ are targeted for destruction, murder or corralled into worker or ‘re-education’ camps. These enemies of the fascist ideal are those outside of the mainstream of the ideology in power and who dare to defy, ignore or disbelieve in the historical march of the ‘ism’ in question.

In this regard fascist Islam negates the rights of infidels and kaffirs [non-Muslims] and targets non Islamic and moderate Islamic populations for extermination or domination. Without an external enemy and internal dissidents to kill-off fascism loses momentum and a key unifying part of its ideology. Jews, Christians, Hindus and Buddhists have all been massacred en masse, and 30 million or more blacks plus an equal number of whites were enslaved by the Muslims and Arabs in the past 1400 years. The Arabic word slave is still applied to describe blacks and Arab-Muslim regimes have a long history of hating blacks. It is therefore curious to see so many American blacks convert to an ideology that historically hated blacks.


6. Cross Class Appeal In order to realize the exceptional potential of the fascist philosophy in question, the cult must appeal to a wide cross section of so-called ‘class’ interests. The crude underlying rampant racism and unity of fascism mandates that a fascist leader and his party turn the ‘classes’ into the masses. Islam claims that only the Koran and Allah can show the true path to moral and spiritual enlightenment and that all else must be rejected. In this sense it destroys classes.

In Islam the richest and the poorest alike give up their lives to the moon deity ‘Allah’. Both the rich and poor prostrate themselves 5 times daily and beg Allah for redemption and pity. Both the rich and poor in Islam submit themselves to a set of laws that unify church and state. It is a classless system set up to force compliance.


7. Economic Autarchy Since fascism destroys classes and groups it logically follows that it has little time for economic liberalism or unregulated commerce. Fascism is not interested in outside influences – either intellectual or economic. Economic autarchy is always a prime goal of the fascist ideology – as is rape, plunder and stealing richer civilizations wealth.

Today we can see that Islam has little regard for the self-creation of capital accumulation, private property or the bourgeois values of individualism since Allah determines all and individuals in the aggregate serve Allah. Islam preaches economic communalism and the Koran forbids the accumulation of capital, profit and interest-bearing loans. The exceptions to this are when Muslims are allowed to steal, plunder or take other people’s wealth – all confirmed as being ‘just’ in the Koran.

As with Hitler’s Reich and Stalin’s Soviet empire, Islam lies almost completely outside of the global trading system and as a result remains impoverished, spiritual, intellectually and economically. Economic autarchy of course leads to societal instability, poverty, and a sense of hopelessness that can fester and erupt into violence. Fascist leadership tends to use such unrest and simmering violence against targeted groups internal and external to the fascist society by blaming a race, creed or group for the economic problems that have in fact been caused by its own ideology.


8. Illiberal traditions and hatred of the West All fascist theories are premised on the same hatred of Western civilization - or at least the main lines of thought, science, spirituality and individuality which makes the Western tradition so powerful and great. Though each will mandate different implementations their objectives are the same. Islam shares the same goals that both the Hitlerites and Communists desired – the complete destruction of the West. Israel might be the first target of Islamic hate and violence, but its destruction would only be a local victory in the greater war to destroy Western individualism; freedom; and hegemony.


9. Jihad, War and World Domination Fascism by its very nature is always in a state of war and an ideologically based war at that. Whether it is fascist Islam or the one party madness of Stalin, fascist states need to eradicate races, be they Jews, Americans, Western capitalists, Anglo-Saxons, Slavs, Untermensch or imperialists. Islam is of course a Jihadic and warring ideology.

Islam’s march to world domination means that its pagan fascism must be premised on strict laws and regulations [Koranic-Sharia law]. It is not a system of anarchy. To dominate the world requires exacting laws, obedience, and blind loyalty to the great ideal. Fascist utopias are based on an immutable and singular source of authority. There is only one law under fascism, one leader or prophet and one way to organize society. In order to survive the fascist ideology in question must convert the non-believers and wage war to expand its power.


10. Inevitable Collapse Fascist movements eventually fail due to two overriding factors – their economies fail to produce wealth and these ideologies remove all civilizing and humanizing influences from the individual. Fascist regime collapse is inevitable if strong and usually free democratic states accept the fascist challenge and are willing to engage the fascism in a struggle for supremacy. There are so many inconsistencies and abnormalities inside a fascist ideology that it can’t possibly survive if it is confronted by force.



Fascist paganism fails in all areas of life – moral, spiritual, economic, political, and social – and regardless of propaganda the lack of respect towards human life and individuality ensures that the fascist regime will collapse. But it will only collapse when opposed and the regime and its leadership annihilated. This is an important point to remember in current modern era as the West is confronted by a resolute, violent Arabian death cult – named Submission.


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