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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

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Monday, November 17, 2014

Mein Hadith - Join Muhammad's cult and get your 'fair share' of booty and property

No need for the Golden Rule. Just the rule of the sword.

by Ferdinand III

Most Western quackademics and cultural Marxist media personalities, know nothing about Islam. One of the main reasons the Moslem cult spread out of Medina and conquered Arabia and beyond was the attraction of pillage and sex-slavery. Mein Hadith are full of accounts of 'booty', 'spoils', 'armour' [another word for spoil in Arabic]; women, slaves and money taken from those conquered. I don't remember Christ leading Jihad expeditions of plundering brigands and sex-addled misogynists, though surely Phd's exist which prove just that [complete with computer code and 'models'].

Muhammad takes camels [a valuable asset] as war – booty:


Narrated Nafi from Ibn Umar:

Allah's Apostle sent a Sariya [armed force] towards Najd, and Abdullah bin 'Umar was in the Sariya. They gained a great number of camels as war booty. The share of each one of them was twelve or eleven camels, and they were given an extra camel each.

Keep the key warriors happy with their 'fair share' of the booty:


Narrated Ibn 'Umar:

Allah's Apostle used to give extra share to some of the members of the Sariya he used to send, in addition to the shares they shared with the army in general.

Only the Ghazi or warriors of Jihad share in the plunder:


Narrated Abu Musa:

.."Allah's Apostle has sent us here and ordered us to stay here, so you too, stay with us." We stayed with him till we all left (Ethiopia) and met the Prophet at the time when he had conquered Khaibar. He gave us a share from its booty (or gave us from its booty). He gave only to those who had taken part in the Ghazwa with him. but he did not give any share to any person who had not participated in Khaibar's conquest except the people of our ship, besides Ja'far and his companions, whom he gave a share as he did them (i.e. the people of the ship).

Muhammad is warned to make sure the men are happy with their share of the plunder.....


Narrated Jabir bin Abdullah:

While Allah's Apostle was distributing the booty at Al-Ja'rana, somebody said to him "Be just (in your distribution)." The Prophet replied, "Verily I would be miserable if I did not act justly."

Join Muhammad's cult, kill an Unbeliever ape and pig; obtain some spoils, buy property, join the wealthy.......


Narrated Abu Qatada:

We set out in the company of Allah's Apostle on the day (of the battle) of Hunain. ....After the people returned, the Prophet sat and said, "Anyone who has killed an enemy and has a proof of that, will posses his spoils.....So, Allah's Apostle gave the spoils to me. I sold that armor (i.e. the spoils) and with its price I bought a garden at Bani Salima, and this was my first property which I gained after my conversion to Islam.

Ah the benefits of Muhammadan cult membership. Divine sanction to kill pagans, Jews, and Christians; 4 wives, unlimited Infidel sex-slaves; booty, pillage and property. Not to mention 72 virgins in the Moslem heaven in an afterlife flowing with wine and water.....No moral theology needed here. Just the attractions of the material and physical.

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