Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
Quackademics, Quackperts, the media and toothy politicians who have never read Mein Hadith, the Sira or life of Muhammad, nor Mein Koran; assure the hoi-polloi that the Sunna or Trilogy of Islam discusses nothing but love and peace. In fact the multicultural-embracing elite demands that it is in fact superior to anything created in Judeo-Christian culture. They deny that there is violence, rape, slavery, hatred, Jihad, supremacism, misogyny and Bronze Age ideals in the Sunna. This is because none of these huge brains will ever bother to read the liturgical books which comprise Islamic political-theology. The Kufar or non Moslem sub-human are to be either converted, killed, or at the very least completely dominated by Islamic totalitarianism. See ISIS for more information.
From Bukhari's Hadith collection, in which about 1000 phrases are unique and 5800 or so are repetitive.
B4, 52, 65
A man asked Muhammad. 'One man fights for wealth, one man fights to achieve fame, and another fights for pride. Who among them fights for the cause of Allah? Muhammad said, 'The man who fights so that Islam should dominate is the man who fights for Allah's cause.'
B2, 24, 522
Muhammad: 'Two angels descend from Paradise each day. One says, 'O, Allah! Reward those who contribute to jihad,' and the other says, 'O, Allah! Kill those who refuse to support jihad.'
Paradise for those who fight for Muhammad's cult:
B4, 53, 352
Muhammad: 'Allah promises the jihadi with pure intent either a place in Paradise or a return to his home with spoils of war and the guarantee of Allah's reward in the after-life.'
Kufar women as sex slaves:
B3, 34, 432
While sitting with Muhammad, I [Abu Said Al-Khudri] asked, 'Muhammad, sometimes we receive female slaves as our share of the spoils. Naturally, we are concerned about their retaining their value. How do you feel about coitus interruptus? Muhammad asked, 'Do you do that? It is better not to do that. It is Allah's will whether or not a child is born.'
Kill or ransom Kufar captives:
B4, 53, 367
Speaking about the captives from the battle of Badr, Muhammad said, 'If Al-Mutin were alive and if he asked me to, I would have freed those people for his sake.' [he ended up killing them of course]
Cruel punishment for the Kufar:
B8, 82, 795
Muhammad punished the men of the Uraina tribe by cutting off their hands and feet and letting them bleed to death.
Women are dumb [and must be managed by men]:
B3, 48, 826
Muhammad asked, 'Is not the value of a woman's eye-witness testimony half that of a man's? A woman said, 'Yes'. He said, 'That is because a woman's mind is deficient.'
The vagina is what the man needs from a woman:
B7, 62, 81
“Mohammed said, 'The marriage vow most rightly expected to be obeyed is the husband's right to enjoy the wife's vagina.'
Perhaps the pious Moslem, or multi-culti devotee can highlight where precisely the ethics, morality and higher spiritual standards are embedded in the above verses ? The Hadith read as a Bronze Age manual to misogyny, conquest, rape and plunder. They share nothing in common with higher metaphysical motives. Allah-Muhammad uber alles. Whatever Allah might actually mean [Baal, the moon deity, Muhammad...]