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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

Archive - November 2023

Muslims who venerate the Nazis and Mein Kampf are now 'freedom fighters'

Exterminating an entire state and group of people is now declared 'morally just'

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La información prohibida: Los vínculos de la Hermandad Musulmana con ...



Hamas and dozens of other Muslim terror groups have no legitimacy whatsoever.  The state of Israel, whatever its faults, sits on a small parcel of land surrounded by 350 million hostile Arab and Turkish Muslims.  If anyone bothers to read Mein Koran you will notice the Jew-hate spewed on most every page, contained in almost every chapter or Sura.  Muhammad’s cult was built in opposition to richer, smarter, more advanced, and culturally superior Christian and Jewish communities which had existed in Arabia for hundreds of years before he set up his cult of Jihad (namely, rape, plunder, steal, murder and war). 


Religious hatred is at the core of the October 7, 2023, Hamas attack on Israel which left 1400 dead and hundreds taken prisoner.  One assumes that many of the female prisoners, in good Muslim fashion, were raped and debased.  This was not the attitude 100 years ago.  In 1919, an Arab ‘prince’ chosen by the ‘Allies’ to lead the Arab ‘nationalist movement', Prince Feisal, wrote at the Paris Peace conference that there was no conflict between a Jewish (Zionist) homeland and Arab aspirations, “The Jewish movement is nationalist and not imperialist. And there is room in Syria [which then included Lebanon and Palestine under the Ottomans] for us both.”


As history and land records reveal the land was largely vacant.  In 1922 as Colonial Secretary Churchill knighted Feisal as King of Iraq and created another Arab state, Jordan, ruled over by his brother Abd-ullah (slave of Al Lah).  Jordan consumed 75% of the territory originally set aside for the ‘Jewish National Home’ (League of Nations).  One – quarter was actually allotted to the Jews, the tiny sliver state of Israel.  If anything the Muslims were well favoured by the colonial British at the expense of the Jews, putting lie to another fiction that Churchill et al were just paid actors for the Jewish financial lobby in London.


The Jewish resettlement or Aliya was a peaceful and productive process.  From 1880 to 1948 over 70% of Jewish land was bought from Arab landowners – many of them not resident on the land they owned.  The Arab peasants were unaffected.  Any Arab farmer displaced was given a year’s notice and was fully compensated cash in hand.  His land was not ‘taken’. 


We can therefore state that the Muslim and Hamas claim that Israel ‘stole land’ is a fiction and a farce.  The empty terrain was populated by Jews and Zionists, the land developed, industry and agriculture bloomed, and Arab Muslims flocked en masse into the Zionist state to take advantage of a higher standard of living.  The records are clear that Israel and ‘Palestine’ in 1919 were largely empty lands, devoid of civilisation and progress.  Entire swathes were undeveloped and unpopulated. 


Historically, the Jews have occupied greater Israel since the time of Joshua circa 1250 B.C.  David’s kingdom of 1000 B.C. encompassed modern Israel and much of much Jordan.  Even after the Assyrian and Babylonian reductions of Judah and Israel, Jews still lived in the area as both practicing Jews and as Samaritans (a Jewish sect of mixed blood and beliefs which blended the Torah worship with other ‘pagan’ ideas taken from Babylonia). 


The Jews have a continuous 3700-year-old history in Israel.  It was the Jews and especially David, who transformed the ramshackle Jebusite town of Jeru-salem or city of peace, into a powerful city of trade and religious devotion and pilgrimage.  Christ died in Jerusalem – himself a Jew and Son of Man reformer given to Israel by God to show the light and the way.  The most important metaphysical and theological system in history – Christianity – comes from a Jew and Jews. 


Muslim terror against the Jews in Israel started in the 1930s initiated by the pro-Nazi Grand Mufti Hussein, with his terrorist groups murdering over 1000 Jews.  Since then, the idea of ‘terror’ and using Nazi-fascist tactics has been on-going.  Probably more than 25.000 Jews have been murdered in the past 100 years by Muslim terrorist groups.  Many thousands more raped, attacked, some captured and ransomed. 


For their troubles in building a nation after experiencing a Holocaust with 6 million dead, the Jewish state is subject to an almost endless round of wars, attacks, terrorism, hate speech and lurid promises of complete annihilation.  The 1948 war, a coordinated Muslim assault from 5 nations, was intended to be a war of complete extermination of the Jews.  Secretary General of the ‘Arab League’ one Azzam Pasha in 1948 promised that, “This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre….” 


That call to genocide seems clear enough to me.  But not to idiots who know nothing about history and get their propaganda from the Fake News.  So, it has been with the Yom Kippur war, and the endless Muslim Intifadas against a small state – the only Jewish state in the world – which for all its faults is the richest and most civilised state in the region. 


For their troubles in building a nation after experiencing a Holocaust with 6 million dead, the Jews in Israel are now demonised as Nazis.  The only link with Nazism in the Middle East is that of the Arab Muslims, with many still eagerly reading Mein Kamp, copies of which were found recently in Gaza but ignored by the Fake News (I wonder why?). 


As with the corrupt and criminal Ukrainian regime, which is simply a US colony, and one which supports Nazi brigades, venerates former Nazi supporters and criminals (Bandera et al) and which openly displays swastikas; the Fake News Western media and its unintelligent intelligentsia prefer to ignore the real links between Muslim fascism and Nazism.  So, we have a tiny state, defending itself against a Muslim terror attack and surrounded by Muslim enemies many of whom fully agree with the thesis of Mein Kampf – Jewish extermination. 


In the modern clown world, this small Jewish state which has brought prosperity in its wake, benefitting Arab Muslims and non-Jews, is now branded a Hitlerian creation.  Its Muslim enemies, former allies of the Nazis, and desperately trying to implement Mein Kampf by erasing Israel, are somehow now ‘activists’ demanding that their ‘stolen land’ be returned.  And most in the broken and failing ‘West’ believe it.  This is how stupid we have become.


Why I am now a Christian: Atheism can't equip us for civilisational war, By Ayaan Hirsi Ali

She still needs a lot of educating, but at least has seen the light.

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Edited and reduced from source


NB:  The well-known Somalian activist and atheist has seen the civilisational light.  She knows that the West is imploding, and that culture is King.  Without Christianity we are doomed.  Without Christianity there is no modern civilisation.  There is a quantum leap from paganism to modernity, bridged by Christianity.  In every sphere, be it in war, governance, parliaments, the arts, literature, science, medicine, learning, architecture, trade, technology, agriculture, innovation, consumerism, banking, accounting, business, capital formation, welfare, hospitals, hospices, morality, ethics and societal improvement, Christians led and Christians built.  This is a simple historical fact.  The white slave-based empires of Greece and Rome, as well as those of various Sunni and Shia Muslim states, did not and could not make the jump from the abstract and enslaved, to the physical, concrete and free. 


It is atheism and atheopathy which is destroying the West, based on materialism, the Darwinian religion, the cult of deep time belief, and the attendant arrogance and hubris of people who believe they are Gods.  It is atheism and disbelief which bring in relativity in all spheres of society, and which leads ineluctably to the mental illness that men are women and women are men.  When your society is riven by deceit, run by criminal industries like Pharma, unable to tell a vagina from a penis, or supports endless wars to enrich the criminals in government and the military complex, applauds Muslim Jihad and terror, opens it borders to depopulate the native populations, and is wrought with anxiety over a non-existing man-made climate scam, and happily deploys a global fascism over a non-existent flu threat, the end is not far off.


Where is she wrong in her assessment?  Certainly not about Islam or Globalism and the Great Reset.   She like most however, is completely blind to the fascism of Western states evidenced by the Corona scamdemic totalitarianism.   The endless panoply of government agencies (some 2000 just in the US), not to mention the UN, WHO, the WEF and the uncountable number of international agreements, agencies, NGOs and their ilk who desire global governance.  The massive spend and inevitable bankruptcy (war, lockdowns, welfare, Net zero etc).  The illimitable wars which destroy peace and trade.  She is wrong about Putin and Russia who are fighting an existential war against NATO with its Ukraine rump state, taken over by the US in 2014, acting as the proxy army, one that is being systematically destroyed.  Like most Westerners she is blind to much of reality.  But at least she got one thing right – without Christianity we will fall into the abyss – even if she ignores the cultural Marxism, Net Zero totalitarianism, Corona, her own government’s embrace of dictatorship under the criminal Biden, and the obvious evil and fascism of modern atheistic governance.



“In 2002, I discovered a 1927 lecture by Bertrand Russell entitled “Why I am Not a Christian”. It did not cross my mind, as I read it, that one day, nearly a century after he delivered it to the South London branch of the National Secular Society, I would be compelled to write an essay with precisely the opposite title.


The year before, I had publicly condemned the terrorist attacks of the 19 men who had hijacked passenger jets and crashed them into the twin towers in New York. They had done it in the name of my religion, Islam. I was a Muslim then, although not a practising one. If I truly condemned their actions, then where did that leave me? The underlying principle that justified the attacks was religious, after all: the idea of Jihad or Holy War against the infidels. Was it possible for me, as for many members of the Muslim community, simply to distance myself from the action and its horrific results?


At the time, there were many eminent leaders in the West — politicians, scholars, journalists, and other experts — who insisted that the terrorists were motivated by reasons other than the ones they and their leader Osama Bin Laden had articulated so clearly. So Islam had an alibi.


This excuse-making was not only condescending towards Muslims. It also gave many Westerners a chance to retreat into denial. Blaming the errors of US foreign policy was easier than contemplating the possibility that we were confronted with a religious war. We have seen a similar tendency in the past five weeks, as millions of people sympathetic to the plight of Gazans seek to rationalise the October 7 terrorist attacks as a justified response to the policies of the Israeli government.

When I read Russell’s lecture, I found my cognitive dissonance easing. It was a relief to adopt an attitude of scepticism towards religious doctrine, discard my faith in God and declare that no such entity existed. Best of all, I could reject the existence of hell and the danger of everlasting punishment.

Russell’s assertion that religion is based primarily on fear resonated with me. I had lived for too long in terror of all the gruesome punishments that awaited me. While I had abandoned all the rational reasons for believing in God, that irrational fear of hellfire still lingered. Russell’s conclusion thus came as something of a relief: “When I die, I shall rot.”


During Islamic study sessions, we shared with the preacher in charge of the session our worries. For instance, what should we do about the friends we loved and felt loyal to but who refused to accept our dawa (invitation to the faith)? In response, we were reminded repeatedly about the clarity of the Prophet’s instructions. We were told in no uncertain terms that we could not be loyal to Allah and Muhammad while also maintaining friendships and loyalty towards the unbelievers. If they explicitly rejected our summons to Islam, we were to hate and curse them.

Here, a special hatred was reserved for one subset of unbeliever: the Jew. We cursed the Jews multiple times a day and expressed horror, disgust and anger at the litany of offences he had allegedly committed. The Jew had betrayed our Prophet. He had occupied the Holy Mosque in Jerusalem. He continued to spread corruption of the heart, mind and soul.


You can see why, to someone who had been through such a religious schooling, atheism seemed so appealing. Bertrand Russell offered a simple, zero-cost escape from an unbearable life of self-denial and harassment of other people. For him, there was no credible case for the existence of God. Religion, Russell argued, was rooted in fear: “Fear is the basis of the whole thing — fear of the mysterious, fear of defeat, fear of death.”


As an atheist, I thought I would lose that fear. I also found an entirely new circle of friends, as different from the preachers of the Muslim Brotherhood as one could imagine. The more time I spent with them — people such as Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins — the more confident I felt that I had made the right choice. For the atheists were clever. They were also a great deal of fun.


So, what changed? Why do I call myself a Christian now?

Part of the answer is global. Western civilisation is under threat from three different but related forces: the resurgence of great-power authoritarianism and expansionism in the forms of the Chinese Communist Party and Vladimir Putin’s Russia; the rise of global Islamism, which threatens to mobilise a vast population against the West; and the viral spread of woke ideology, which is eating into the moral fibre of the next generation.

We endeavour to fend off these threats with modern, secular tools: military, economic, diplomatic and technological efforts to defeat, bribe, persuade, appease or surveil. And yet, with every round of conflict, we find ourselves losing ground. We are either running out of money, with our national debt in the tens of trillions of dollars, or we are losing our lead in the technological race with China.


But we can’t fight off these formidable forces unless we can answer the question: what is it that unites us? The response that “God is dead!” seems insufficient. So, too, does the attempt to find solace in “the rules-based liberal international order”. The only credible answer, I believe, lies in our desire to uphold the legacy of the


Judeo-Christian tradition.

That legacy consists of an elaborate set of ideas and institutions designed to safeguard human life, freedom and dignity — from the nation state and the rule of law to the institutions of science, health and learning. As Tom Holland has shown in his marvellous book Dominion, all sorts of apparently secular freedoms — of the market, of conscience and of the press — find their roots in Christianity.


And so I have come to realise that Russell and my atheist friends failed to see the wood for the trees. The wood is the civilisation built on the Judeo-Christian tradition; it is the story of the West, warts and all. Russell’s critique of those contradictions in Christian doctrine is serious, but it is also too narrow in scope.

For instance, he gave his lecture in a room full of (former or at least doubting) Christians in a Christian country. Think about how unique that was nearly a century ago, and how rare it still is in non-Western civilisations. Could a Muslim philosopher stand before any audience in a Muslim country — then or now — and deliver a lecture with the title “Why I am not a Muslim”? In fact, a book with that title exists, written by an ex-Muslim. But the author published it in America under the pseudonym Ibn Warraq. It would have been too dangerous to do otherwise.

To me, this freedom of conscience and speech is perhaps the greatest benefit of Western civilisation. It does not come naturally to man. It is the product of centuries of debate within Jewish and Christian communities. It was these debates that advanced science and reason, diminished cruelty, suppressed superstitions, and built institutions to order and protect life, while guaranteeing freedom to as many people as possible. Unlike Islam, Christianity outgrew its dogmatic stage. It became increasingly clear that Christ’s teaching implied not only a circumscribed role for religion as something separate from politics. It also implied compassion for the sinner and humility for the believer.

Yet I would not be truthful if I attributed my embrace of Christianity solely to the realisation that atheism is too weak and divisive a doctrine to fortify us against our menacing foes. I have also turned to Christianity because I ultimately found life without any spiritual solace unendurable — indeed very nearly self-destructive. Atheism failed to answer a simple question: what is the meaning and purpose of life?

Russell and other activist atheists believed that with the rejection of God we would enter an age of reason and intelligent humanism. But the “God hole” — the void left by the retreat of the church — has merely been filled by a jumble of irrational quasi-religious dogma. The result is a world where modern cults prey on the dislocated masses, offering them spurious reasons for being and action — mostly by engaging in virtue-signalling theatre on behalf of a victimised minority or our supposedly doomed planet. The line often attributed to G.K. Chesterton has turned into a prophecy: “When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”


In this nihilistic vacuum, the challenge before us becomes civilisational. We can’t withstand China, Russia and Iran if we can’t explain to our populations why it matters that we do. We can’t fight woke ideology if we can’t defend the civilisation that it is determined to destroy. And we can’t counter Islamism with purely secular tools. To win the hearts and minds of Muslims here in the West, we have to offer them something more than videos on TikTok.

The lesson I learned from my years with the Muslim Brotherhood was the power of a unifying story, embedded in the foundational texts of Islam, to attract, engage and mobilise the Muslim masses. Unless we offer something as meaningful, I fear the erosion of our civilisation will continue. And fortunately, there is no need to look for some new-age concoction of medication and mindfulness. Christianity has it all.

That is why I no longer consider myself a Muslim apostate, but a lapsed atheist. Of course, I still have a great deal to learn about Christianity. I discover a little more at church each Sunday. But I have recognised, in my own long journey through a wilderness of fear and self-doubt, that there is a better way to manage the challenges of existence than either Islam or unbelief had to offer."


St Martin of Tours Feast Day (November 11th). One of the great Saints.

A miracle worker, healer and man of God.

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Saint Martin of Tours



No other belief system or 'faith' can point to proven miracles, intercessions and supernatural occurrences which permeates Catholicism.  An example is St Martin of Tours, the great Christian miracle worker and prophet who converted huge tracts of Gaul in the 4th century.  This great Saint's feast day is November 11.


The Abbey at Tours, dedicated to St Martin, became of the most important points of pilgrimmage in the middle ages, famed for its miracles and cures, become extraordinarily wealthy which attracted the Musulman Jihad and its attempts to capture and plunder the wealth, defeated by Charles Martel in 732 near Tours.

Saint Martin was conscripted against his will into the Roman army at age 15 (under an edict that the sons of Roman soldiers also had to serve). He took the oath seriously and served as an officer in a unit whose duties were largely ceremonial, but several years later, after his baptism, Martin concluded on the eve of battle that he could not take part in the bloodshed, telling Caesar Julian (“the Apostate”): “I am a soldier of Christ. It is not lawful for me to fight.”

St. Martin is certainly best known for having cut in two pieces his lambswool-lined cavalryman’s cloak to give half to a nearly naked beggar outside the gates of Amiens where Martin was stationed. He would probably have given the man his whole cloak but for the fact that Martin, too, was nearly naked, having already given away much of his own clothing to those in need.

From his friend, disciple and biographer, Sulpicius Severus, we know a great many details of Martin’s life (316 – 397) – his birth in what is now Hungary, his pagan parents, his childhood in Pavia, Italy (where his soldier, later tribune, father was stationed), his desire from at least the age of ten to become a Christian, his founding of the oldest monastery in Europe, his unparalleled humility and charity, his conversion of thousands of pagans, and astonishing miracles which earned him the reputation of being a saint even during his life. These details can be found on many websites.

Less well known, perhaps, are some of the more spectacular miracles that God worked through the intercession of Saint Martin of Tours – raising three people from the dead, for example. Also remarkable was Martin’s success in bringing about the reconciliation of feuding groups, both bishops and monks.

First, to the miracles. According to Sulpicius’ account (portions of which are included in translation in “Medieval Saints: A Reader,” edited by Mary-Ann Stouck [1999]), not long after St. Martin established a monastery in Ligugé (five miles south of Poitiers), a catechumen joined the monks in Ligugé for instruction in the faith. While St. Martin was away traveling for three days, the unbaptised catechumen came down with a high fever and died. His body lay lifeless in one of the cells, awaiting burial. Martin, Sulpicius reports,

stretched himself at full length on the dead limbs of his departed brother. After he had stayed lying there some time in prayer and had become aware through the Spirit that the power of God was present, he rose up for a short time, and fixing his gaze on the dead man’s face he waited with confidence for the result of his prayer and the mercy of the Lord. And after scarcely two hours had passed he saw the dead man begin to move all his limbs little by little, and his eyes trembling and blinking as he recovered his sight.

The other monks were naturally astounded, perhaps even more so when the catechumen (who’d been baptized immediately after his return to life) recounted what had occurred after his death:

when he left the body, he was brought before the tribunal of the Judge [God], and had a dismal sentenced pronounced on him which relegated him to the dark places among the crowd of common men. Then, however, he added, it was suggested by two angels of the Judge that he was the man for whom Martin was praying; and so the same angels were ordered to lead him back and to give him to Martin, and restore him to his former life.

The second restoration of a deceased person to life occurred not long afterward. When Martin was passing by the estate of a wealthy and highly respected man named Lupicinus, he heard a crowd shouting and wailing. It turned out that one of the family’s slaves had hanged himself. Again, Martin asked the crowd to wait outside,

stretched himself upon the body and prayed for a short time. Before long the dead man began to revive, his face grew animated and his drooping eyes were fixed on Martin’s face; he made a slow effort to rise, and then he took hold of the saintly man’s hand and stood up. In this way, while the whole crowd looked on, he walked along with Martin to the porch of the house.

The third miracle of bringing a dead person back to life was even more stupendous. A huge throng of pagans approached St. Martin, now a bishop, on the road when he was traveling one day. The crowd was surrounding a woman whose child lay dead in her arms. They had heard of Martin’s miracles and were determined to accompany her in search.  The child was resurrected and hundreds if not thousands more converted.

To the end of his life, he sought reconciliation and brotherhood among Catholics during a period of doctrinal confusion and heresy. serving God in joy is a fitting summation of Saint Martin’s life. After his death, his successor BIshop Gregory of Tours filled four volumes with accounts of Martin’s posthumous miracles.

Saint Martin and the raising of the dead




The Palestinian Delusion, by Robert Spencer

A great book that completely upends the fake news narrative

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Is there a more prescient book than this one?  4 years before the latest Muslim Jihad against Israel, funded directly by Iran and indirectly by the DisUnited States of Biden and his handlers, Spencer wrote a detailed volume on why violence will reappear in the Holy Land.  In the fake news, fake science world we live in, ‘Palestinians’ which have never existed now replace Muslims.  And Palestine which has never existed replaces the 3000 year old history of Jews in Israel as the ‘native people. 



In this vein the Jews are ‘occupiers’ and the Muslim Arabs terrorised victims.  The stupidity of clown world never ceases to amaze and the evolutionary lie that all species and functions improve can hardly be more easily disproven than the widespread stupidity of humanity in thrall to ‘science’ and whatever the ‘experts’ eject on their idiot boxes.  So, it goes with the made-up state and name of ‘Palestine’.  Let’s forget that they are Muslims on Jihad and let’s forget their racism and Judeo-Christophobia. 


What is Spencer’s theme with this book?  He proves that the Palestinian ‘fight’ for self-determination has nothing to with land, history or reality.  Palestinians are Muslims fighting the Jihad and as 100.000 Muslims every week for the past month have demonstrated just in London UK alone, they want to eliminate every Jew from ‘the river (Jordan) to the sea (Mediterranean)’.  Apparently, this is not a ‘hate crime’ and when you threaten an entire people and state with extermination you have not apparently contravened ‘hate speech laws’. 


These Muslim Arabs do not want the land so they can establish Palestine; they want the land so they can erase Israel.  Hamas is a Muslim terrorist and Jihadist group.  Hizbollah, Palestinian Jihad and many other groups in and around Israel are also Muslim terrorist and Jihad groups.  They have waged war against Israel in various Jihadic disguises, using low-level terror and outright war and invasion since 1947.  Why?  Mein Koran mandates the extermination of Jews and also of Christians – a fact that most people don’t have a clue about.  Christophobia is just as palpable within Muhammad’s moon cult, as Judeophobia. 


Land for Peace?  You must be an idiot

Muslims demand land from Israel to eventually enclose it, strangle it and kill it.  Giving ‘land for peace’ is about as intelligence as imbibing pharma poisons for a non-existent virus.  The Muslims holed up in Gaza are there not as victims but part of the greater Jihad, the 2nd most important pillar in Islam.  They seek to expand to eliminate the Jewish communities in the area.  For the Jews Gaza is not only about greater security for Israel’s southern communities, it is about confining these Muslims to a smaller area and limiting the encirclement.   


The general lesson from Spencer’s book is that the main-stream fake news narrative is as usual junk science and junk politics.


In Spencer’s terms, delusion upon delusion is thrown onto the ridiculous ‘peace process’ which is not a process to establish a permanent peace, but simply a series of Muslim demands to extract more land from the Israeli state, so that one day, it will be so constrained and fragile an all-out war using Arab state power can eliminate it before the bankrupt Americans arrive. 


The fake news claim of ‘refugee’ status is entirely risible as Spencer shows.  The Muslims in Gaza are refugees of their own making.  No Arab state wants them as it was recently declared by Saudi Arabia and Egypt.  They squat in squalor and use their self-inflicted poverty and illiteracy as excuses to wage Jihad against the ‘oppressor’ state of Israel, a state which sends them welfare, medical aid, medicines, food and energy. 


What is to be done?

After the October 7 2023 Jihad massacre of 1400 Jews including babies and mothers, the Israel state needs to completely deconstruct Gaza and ship the Muslims to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, or Syria.  The Israeli state will not survive surrounded by Muslim Jihadists some 300 million of them, baying for Jew blood.  Piece by piece key land bridges such as Gaza must be reclaimed.  It is a defensive imperative.  The Gaza land strip must be incorporated into Israel and those Gazans screaming for Jewish extermination, deported.  The 3.5 million Muslims in Gaza, aggrieved as they are can surely find some housing and employment in Muslim states many of them of large geographic spread.  According to the fake news, fake quackademia, all is a golden age paradise in a Muhammadan state, sure the Jew hating Muslim Gazans would want to share that nirvana?  It might even be sensible for Israel to finance the migration of the Gazan Muslims to other states.  If they don’t accept the cash, then forcibly deport them.   


You won’t hear a Western quackademic or fake news presenter quote from this book or interview Spencer for his insights.  Neither will they go through the proper history of the Muslim Jihad and its Jew hate and bile since 1947.  These idiots will simply replace Muslim with Palestinian and Jihad with victimisation.  Spencer’s books are too intelligent, well researched, factual and elegantly presented for anyone in the narrative-bubble to read them, yet alone pursue their logic and reasoning.