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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

Archive - December 2014

Muhammad and Black Slavery. Blacks are not liberated but enslaved by Islam.

Ignorance is not bliss.

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Mein Koran and Mein Hadith both accept and demand the enslavement of non-Moslems and even those Moslems not sufficiently prostrate enough to the cult of Muhammad – Allah [Baal the moon deity of Mecca and Muhammad's family deity, named the 'One' or ilah]. A disturbing feature of Black America is the incredibly ignorant concept that Islam 'liberates' Blacks from White rule. Some 5 million Blacks within the US prison system have converted to the moon cult, many following the lead of that incorrigible racist and buffoon so beloved by the media namely Muhammad Ali, the 'greatest boxer' of all time. For Ali, Islam was the path to freedom from White domination. It is not a surprise that such a viewpoint is ignorant beyond measure.

Islam is the great enslaver of Blacks. Nothing can be more absurdly anti-historical than proposing the opposite. The cult of Submission's founder, Muhammad, was a White man, expostulated as being White and therefore superior, very clearly in his handbook of hate, and within the Hadith. Both books take great pains to emphasize his White skin. By contrast Christ is illustrated as a brown-skinned Jew – inferior in appearance, skin colour and bearing when compared to the perfect Muhammad – history's most important human and quite significantly a White one.

Muhammad's cult was largely built on slavery and sex. He and his cult enslaved Blacks, owned Blacks, traded Blacks and look down upon Blacks, who were the domestic slaves of the Meccans. Muhammad dismissed Blacks as raisin heads with little to offer Moslems. His cult has enslaved and killed some 150 million or more Blacks during 1400 years; trading them to Whites, other Blacks; and of course to Moslems within various regions of the Islamic world. Black slavery is still practiced today in many Moslem states.

How then is Islam the liberator of Blacks ? You need a Western Phd or to be a Black Dawah victim in a US prison to come to such a belief.

Ibn Khaldun a Moslem apologist for Jihad and slavery and much beloved by Western 'Enlightenment' philosophers, past and current, wrote:

Therefore, the Negro nations are, as a rule, submissive to slavery because Negroes have little that is essentially human and have attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals, as we have stated.” [The Muqaddimah, Vol 1 p. 301]

Black slaves were used for anything from domestic work to working in the mines and participating in Jihad. Black women were used as sex slaves and prostituted, and though the Koran forbids prostitution, if you pimp your slaves the Koran is clear that Allah is forgiving. Anything goes if you are a Moslem male, so much does the Allah thing love you.

In the 19th century the explorer David Livingstone undertook some of history's most amazing journeys. These expeditions were mainly to bring British power and influence into Africa to end slavery. As a Christian missionary Livingstone was amazed at the death and suffering of the Moslem Black-slave trade in Africa. He wanted it finished and abolished. The carnage was frightening.

Wherever we took a walk human skeletons were seen in every direction, and it was painfully interesting to observe the different postures in which the poor wretches had breathed their last...The sight of this desert, but eighteen months ago a well peopled valley, now literally strewn with human bones, forced the conviction upon us that the destruction of human life in the middle passage, [Atlantic slave trade] however great, constitutes but a small portion of the waste, and made us feel that unless the slave-trade – that monster inequity, which has so long brooded over Africa – is put down, awful commerce cannot be established.” [Life of David Livingstone, pp 59-60]

The 10 million Blacks sent mostly to the Caribbean, Brazil and Ecuador [400.000 were shipped to the US]; would likely have meant a total human cost of some 50-75 million Blacks. The Moslems were the brokers of this slave trade, a fact not mentioned in most current expositions of slavery. But, as Livingstone stated, this is only part of the human destruction. Some 15 million Blacks were slave traded into Moslem-Arab lands meaning that a further 50-75 million Blacks were enslaved or killed for a total of 100-150 million. Even that number may be low. Livingstone estimated that for every Black slave who made it to auction, some 5 died as a result, either in the original raids, or en-route, as his testimony above tells us. Entire villages and 'valleys' were emptied of Black life by Moslems all over Africa. Other investigators put the ratio of auctioned Blacks to those who died as a result of the slave trade, at 1:9.

Therefore we have in the post-modern world of 'Enlightenment' thinking the following Western artifact of history. Moslems slave traded some 25 million Blacks and by extension killed some 125 million more Blacks. We can also add the 50 million Whites enslaved, traded, killed or forcibly converted by the Meccan moon cult over 1400 years. Thus the Meccan cult, founded by a White man, who initiated a supremacist policracy which enslaved or killed some 200 million Black and White souls, is the fault of the Western White man and Western civilization. Ergo Islam liberates Blacks.

To paraphrase Cicero, one should never be surprised at the illogic and stupidity of 'philosophers' and those who pretend to be 'thinkers'. Blacks who think Islam liberates are as insipid as your White female convert to Islam who declaims that the Moslem bedsheets, wife beatings, female dis-honor murders and female genital mutilation, liberates the woman. 

Media Dhimmis and Dhummies - ISIS and 'Extremist' Islam

ISIS is Islam. Islam is ISIS.

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Another pop-culture expose of Islam and ISIS in the mainstream media. How nauseating it becomes. The Moslemophiles and lovers of a moon cult fascism dominate the media. 'Deniers' of the 'Islam is peace' meme are barely given ink to spill or TV time to grin and comb their coiffures. Here is a typical example of 'journalism' hard at mendacity, trying to convince you that economics and 'boredom' are at the root of Moslem violence.

Jomah, a 17-year-old Syrian who joined Islamic State last year, sat in a circle of trainees for a lesson in beheading, a course taught to boys as young as 8.

Teachers brought in three frightened Syrian soldiers, who were jeered and forced to their knees. “It was like learning to chop an onion,” Jomah said. “You grab him by the forehead and then slowly slice across the neck.”

A teacher asked for volunteers and said, “Those who behead the infidels will receive gifts from God,” recalled Jomah, who didn’t want his full name revealed. The youngest boys shot up their hands and several were chosen to participate. Afterward, the teachers ordered the students to pass around the severed heads.”

What causes such barbarisms?

Jomah, who quit Islamic State after five months, said he had joined partly for the money and partly out of boredom. He said he had too much idle time after his school in Minbij, a small town in northern Syria’s Aleppo province, was shuttered.”

Boredom? I am sure. What does ISIS teach its slaves?

As Syrian schools fell under the control of Islamic State, radical Islamic preachers replaced certified teachers. History and philosophy were taken out of the curriculum. In Islamic State strongholds of Raqqa and Deir Ezzour provinces, schools are either seized or closed, depending on whether they have enough of their own teachers to staff classes.”

Mein Koran and Mein Muhammad uber alles. Yet the main stream media and this article never blame Islam or Muhammad. It is always 'radical Imams', 'extremists' and 'fundamentalists'. It never dawns on these people that the Koran teaches precisely what ISIS is implementing.

Also witness the authors: Rashed Alsara, Mohammed Nour Alkara and Dana Ballout and Maria Abi-Habib. This is standard fare in the Western media. The authors are all Moslems or secular Arabs bar one.  What do we get ? No mention that the motivation of ISIS is Koranic fascism.  None.  Who joins ISIS - just 'bored boys'.  Unemployed youth.  Impoverished men.  What do they see ? Beheadings, murders, crucifixions - all according to the Bronze Age Barbarism of Sharia non-Law.  These events do not happen in a vacuum good Moslem-Arab writers.  

Islam creates poverty and destruction - it militates against civilization and development by subordinating the secular to the cult.  First, there was no Golden Age.  Moslems squatted and pilloried Dhimmi territory, stealing women, money and the economy.  Second, Islam mandates the killing of apostates, moslems - Munafiqun - who are not pious enough and Jews and Christian.  These young boys and men witnessed Islam hard at work - all according to Mein Koran. 

Christmas – a celebration of life, free-will, freedom and liberation.

Islam, Atheism, Marxism all enslave. Christianity liberates and civilizes.

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The text below is a wonderful summation of why and how Christianity frees and liberates.  Unlike Islam, Atheism, Marxism, Materialism, Evolution and all the other dialectical-naturalist theologies of oppression, hate, slavery and death; Christianity not only frees, it civilizes and creates.  Without Christianity there is no modern world.

Without Christianity there is no immanent moral-ethical code. Without Christianity there would not exist ideas about social justice, poverty-alleviation and protection of human life from conception to a natural death. Without Christianity the world over would be full of slavery, barbarism, hate and ignorance.

Atheists desire to eliminate God. They desire to eliminate humanity, reason, rationality, science, the soul,the spirit, freedom and life itself. Moslems desire that all worship Muhammad and Baal and implement a code of Bronze Age barbarity that would extinguish hope and civilization.

Christmas is a time of reflection of the grandeur, grace, charity and love which is God as expressed through Jesus Christ. It is not a time to stimulate GDP by shopping on credit. It is a period of profound appreciation and humility recognizing that without God and Christianity there is no modern world. Nothing. The ageless totalitarianisms which so impress 'historians' and 'experts' and which denied freedom, free-will and obstructed civilization, would long have persisted.

If there is no Christmas. There is no civilization.

Oped WSJ

When Saul of Tarsus set out on his journey to Damascus the whole of the known world lay in bondage. There was one state, and it was Rome. There was one master for it all, and he was Tiberius Caesar.

Everywhere there was civil order, for the arm of the Roman law was long. Everywhere there was stability, in government and in society, for the centurions saw that it was so.

But everywhere there was something else, too. There was oppression—for those who were not the friends of Tiberius Caesar. There was the tax gatherer to take the grain from the fields and the flax from the spindle to feed the legions or to fill the hungry treasury from which divine Caesar gave largess to the people. There was the impressor to find recruits for the circuses. There were executioners to quiet those whom the Emperor proscribed. What was a man for but to serve Caesar?

There was the persecution of men who dared think differently, who heard strange voices or read strange manuscripts. There was enslavement of men whose tribes came not from Rome, disdain for those who did not have the familiar visage. And most of all, there was everywhere a contempt for human life. What, to the strong, was one man more or less in a crowded world?

Then, of a sudden, there was a light in the world, and a man from Galilee saying, Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s.

And the voice from Galilee, which would defy Caesar, offered a new Kingdom in which each man could walk upright and bow to none but his God. Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. And he sent this gospel of the Kingdom of Man into the uttermost ends of the earth.

So the light came into the world and the men who lived in darkness were afraid, and they tried to lower a curtain so that man would still believe salvation lay with the leaders.

But it came to pass for a while in divers places that the truth did set man free, although the men of darkness were offended and they tried to put out the light. The voice said, Haste ye. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness come upon you, for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth.

Along the road to Damascus the light shone brightly. But afterward Paul of Tarsus, too, was sore afraid. He feared that other Caesars, other prophets, might one day persuade men that man was nothing save a servant unto them, that men might yield up their birthright from God for pottage and walk no more in freedom.

Then might it come to pass that darkness would settle again over the lands and there would be a burning of books and men would think only of what they should eat and what they should wear, and would give heed only to new Caesars and to false prophets. Then might it come to pass that men would not look upward to see even a winter’s star in the East, and once more, there would be no light at all in the darkness.

And so Paul, the apostle of the Son of Man, spoke to his brethren, the Galatians, the words he would have us remember afterward in each of the years of his Lord:

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”

Expunge Christianity. Eradicate humanity.

Muhammadan fascism culled some 200 million Blacks and Whites for slavery.

Modern Western Dhimmis ignore Moslem predations and slavery.

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Slavery is sanctioned within Muhammadan codes. Both the Koran and Hadith make slavery a fact of life and both are littered with references to slaves and both use extensive language to describe slaves. Islam is history's greatest slave trading cult ever created. In 1400 years Moslems have slave traded or killed in the process of slave trading at least 100 million Blacks; 75-100 million Whites; and some 150 million Hindus and Buddhists. The cult of Muhammad has enslaved or killed in the process of enslavement 300-400 million people. Yet no one discusses this.

The entire Atlantic Black slave trade; in which some 10-11 million Blacks were carried across the Atlantic over 300 years, with 90% arriving in the Caribbean, or South America; was brokered by Moslem-Arab slave masters. Moslems had controlled the African slave trade from West to East, for well over 800 years when caravels from Portugal alighted along the West African coast in the late 15th century. A fact lost on modern academics and media experts. No one discusses that the White slave traded was brokered by Black and Arab slave wholesalers.

Slavery still exists in Islam today. In 1963 Sudan adopted full Sharia Law. Since then the country's Christian and animist population has been attacked, killed, enslaved and embattled. South Sudan separated largely due to the Moslem Jihad. Few in the academic or media circles call the Sudanese Jihad for what it is – a modern expression of Moslem supremacism and war, in part to satisfy the Koranic-Muhammadan lust for slaves, both for sex and work. 4 million non-Moslems in the Sudan have been killed, enslaved or in some cases converted by force [usually starvation] to the Meccan moon cult. I can't recall one single media mention of 'Islam' in connection with the Sudan.

East Africa is little better. Slavery still goes on in East Africa, namely the enslavement of Christians or non-Moslems. All of East Africa is roiled by Jihad, part of this vicious barbarism is the choice given to non-Moslems. Convert or die. We see similar occurrences in Iraq and Syria.

Within Islamic liturgy a Moslem can never be a slave. But Christians and non-Moslems can and should be. Sex-slavery as practised by Muhammad, is a profound part of Islam. Muhammad had anywhere ['scholars' are in dispute], from 4-9 wives and 5-15 sex slaves. When your founder, who is portrayed as the perfect man, is trading sex slaves, selling slaves taken in Jihad to further fund war [many Hadith discuss this]; and keeping a sex harem for himself, then obviously the cult will accept slavery of non-Moslems as not only natural, but necessary.

The Ottomans denuded half of central Europe's population during the 16th and 17th centuries. Half. Some 10 millions lived in central Europe athwart the Moslem-Ottoman Jihad. Vienna was threatened in 1529 and 1683. In over 200 years it is estimated that 3-5 million central Europeans were enslaved or killed by the Moslem cult. Especially coveted were young boys who were pressed into service as Moslem warriors after being forcibly converted to Islam – the Janissaries as they were called. Young White women sold as sex chattel fetched 4 times the price of an average Black slave. Millions more were taken from the Ukraine, Russia, Georgia [Circassia] and Armenia.

Yet nary a word about Moslem slave-owning and trading. Not even a whisper about it. The Moslems shipped at least 11-15 million Blacks north and some 10 million West. To get 25 million Blacks to the slave market would mean culling a total population of some 100 million into slavery, with 65-80% dying before reaching the market. Most estimates state that for every man or woman who made it alive to be traded as a slave, 4 to 5 would have died en route. Some studies suggest 10-15 might die for every one who makes it to the slave trade. We can estimate a similar death rate for Whites. In this vein Islam as the slave-fascism uber alles took some 200 million Blacks and Whites into slavery.

But you won't hear a word from Church leaders, the academics or the media about this. Because everything is so 'nuanced'.  

Munafiqun, hypocrites and apostasy - punished by death.

You can join the cult, but you will never leave......

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Munafiqun within Islam is associated with apostasy and being a 'hypocrite'. It references a Moslem who does not follow the totality of Muhammadan-Sharia fascism, or Bronze-age ideals and Muhammadan contract law, named by Western Dhimmis as a legal code.


"Hypocrite." In early Islamic history it refers to a fairly specific group of "Muslims" in Madna who nominally accepted the authority of the Prophet of Islam, whilst working in various covert and overt ways to hinder his mission." [Joseph Lumbard, “Islam Fundamentalism and the Betrayal of Tradition”]


The allusion to hypocrites and the need to kill them abounds in the Koran and the Hadith. They are as dangerous and satanic as the Jews or Christians. The Muhammadan cult cannot survive unless the Munafiqun are purged.


3:116 Surely, those who reject Faith (disbelieve in Muhammad SAW as being Allah's Prophet and in all that which he has brought from Allah), neither their properties, nor their offspring will avail them aught against Allah. They are the dwellers of the Fire, therein they will abide. (Tafsir AtTabari, Vol. 4, Page 58).  


2:27 Those who break Allah's Covenant after ratifying it, and sever what Allah has ordered to be joined (as regards Allah's Religion of Islamic Monotheism, and to practise its legal laws on the earth and also as regards keeping good relations with kith and kin), and do mischief on earth, it is they who are the losers.   

4:138 Give to the hypocrites the tidings that there is for them a painful torment.  


66:9 O Prophet (Muhammad SAW)! Strive hard against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be severe against them, their abode will be Hell, and worst indeed is that destination.   


Apostasy is punishable by death. Munafiqun is a form of apostasy. You pretend to follow Mein Muhammad, but in your private life you don't and are 'striving' against the cult, 'doing mischief'. Sura 5:33 is very clear that those who 'do mischief' can be killed, executed, humiliated and crucified.


This is why Moslem fascists like the Taliban have no difficulty in shooting Munafiqun Moslem children in the head; or why Moslems the world-over will kill anyone they believe is disobeying the Koran, including their own family members.  

Taliban Fascists murder 120 children or 'Munafiqun' of Pakistan's elite

Not Islamo-fascist enough for the Taliban.

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Moslems from the fascist Sunni cult of the Taliban or 'Teachers', murdered some 120 children in Pakistan. Many were beheaded. Most were shot in the head. Teachers were burnt alive in front of the children. Western experts and Phds blame: globaloneywarming, US policy in Afghanistan, poverty, economic dislocation, drone strikes in Pakistan. Few blame Islam, Mein Koran or Mein Hadith. Islamic 'law' DOES allow for the murder of children and it mandates death for Moslems who are not pious enough.

Taliban spokesman Muhammad Khorasani has justified the Peshawar jihad massacre by likening it to Muhammad’s massacre of the Jewish Qurayzah tribe. Khorasani says: “The Mujahideen were instructed to only kill the older children. The Peshawar attack is in complete accordance with the Prophet’s teachings because when the Prophet killed the Jewish Tribe of Banu Qurayza, he put the same guideline, that only the children who have hair below their belly button (pubic hair) are allowed to be killed. Killing of women and children is also in accordance with the teachings of the Prophet. Those who object to this claim can refer to Sahih Bukhari, Volume 5, Hadith 148.” Source

The quoted Hadith of Bukhari further elucidates: “Narrated by Abu Said Al-Khudri: Some people (i.e. the Jews of Bani bin Quraiza) agreed to accept the verdict of Sad bin Muadh so the Prophet sent for him (i.e. Sad bin Muadh). He came riding a donkey, and when he approached the Mosque, the Prophet said, “Get up for the best amongst you.” or said, “Get up for your chief.” Then the Prophet said, “O Sad! These people have agreed to accept your verdict.” Sad said, “I judge that their warriors should be killed and their children and women should be taken as captives.” The Prophet said, “You have given a judgment similar to Allah’s Judgment (or the King’s judgment).”

Moslem children murdered by the Taliban were the sons of the military elite and Junta running the country. The attack by the Sunni fascist cult was 'valid' according to Islamic law, because the Pakistan military is not running the country according to full Sharia Barbarism [or law as Dhimmis in the West call it]. Apostasy in Islam includes Moslems or Munafiqun who ignore and do not follow in totality, Koranic and Hadith law or Sharia. All apostates in Islam must be killed

Moon cult Jihad: kill, execute, humiliate and crucify the Christians [Sura 5:33]

Endless war and Jihad against the followers of Christ.

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During 1400 years of Jihad, some 150 million Christians have been killed by the Meccan moon cult named Submission. Millions of Christians living under Dhimmitude or a 2nd class slave status, gave up their faith and converted to the Meccan cult during the same period. Taxed, beaten, raped, open to pillage and contempt; millions of Christians over the centuries simply adopted the totalitarian theology of their conquerors to lessen the pain of living.

Jihad or the struggle to subdue, kill or convert the hated Kufar, is a vital element in Islam. Beheading and crucifixion verses abound in the Koran and Hadith [8:34, 5:33 for eg]. None of the images below will ever make it to a main stream, lame-brain media broadcast. Imagine if Catholics had enacted similar barbarisms against Moslems. There would be an endless call by the big-brains to disband the entire edifice of the Catholic Church. Not so with the Meccan moon cult. More calls for love, tolerance, and more declarations of Islam's superiority from the big-brains.

Egypt 2012 a Coptic woman raped then killed with a crucifix.

Nigeria 2013, Christians are attacked and burnt by Moslems.

Iraq and Syria 2014. Christians are being crucified.

2014, a Christian is crucified in Egypt.

December 2014, 30 Christians beheaded in Kenya by Moslems.

kenya 2

A concise list of Muhammadism and its theology.

The cult of Muhammad. Uber alles.

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A religion of stated and immanent or universal ethics would declare some or all of the following in either direct or indirect statements of intent and commandment:

-Treat ALL people with consideration and at least initially, friendliness.

-Attempt to help, trust and support your neighbour, at least until you are forced to do otherwise.

-Consider all humans to be your neighbour.

-Humans are creatures of free-will, intelligence, reason and emotional needs. Respect this fact in dealing with others and in setting up systems of societal control.

-Respect your parents, elders and those who are trying to aid those in need.

-Don't murder, kill, or maim the innocent, the old, the defenceless.

-Do not view women as sex chattel, or as breeders or caves of pleasure.

-Understand that the complexity and at times wonder and fantastic varied nature of life, means that there must be a creator, and a conscious intelligence, far in advance of our own.

-Respect the environment and the systems and life which are bi-directionally related with human development.

There is only system of spiritual and faith development which supports and deepens the above pre-requisites for civilization. That is of course Judeo-Christianity.

Here is what the cult of Muhammad, named Submission, states:

-Moslems are the uber mensch and Jews, Christians, pagans and non-Moslems, including Moslems who do not follow the totality of Koranic-Hadith theology; are inferior.

-According to the moon deity al ilah or Allah, of Mecca, it is fine to slaughter, murder, lie, steal, cheat, plunder, rape and destroy to further the aims of Muhammadism.

-Moslems are not to befriend Jews or Christians.

-Moslem women cannot marry non Moslem men.

-Moslem women are the property of men, including if married their husbands; but if unmarried the eldest male in the household.

-Moslem women, in imitation of the 11 or so wives of Muhammad, must be veiled, to hide their sexuality.

-If a Moslem woman does not obey their husband or the eldest male in the household they can be beaten or punished.

-Women are primarily to be used to produce Ghazi or warriors for Muhammad, and their vaginas are the most important piece of the marriage 'contract', which includes 'Mahr' or a payment by the man for the woman to marry him [akin to buying furniture].

-Anyone who does not follow Muhammad – Allah; can be killed and will be punished for eternity in the hereafter.

-Jews and Christians are apes and pigs who rejected Muhammad's prophethood, and corrupted their 'Books' to disavow prophecies of Muhammad's 'coming'. They are therefore liars, and greedy hypocrites and should be treated as enemies allied with Satan.

-Muhammad's cult demands not only Jihad against the Kufar [subhuman], or less than pious Moslems; it also demands a tax which should be paid to the Moslem state called the Zakat, which is viewed by Western academics as 'a charity payment'. It is not charity. It is a transfer tax, which after Muhammad died, caused a revolt against Muhammadan rule in Arabia.

-Muhammadism famously forbades art, idols, sculpture, music and indeed any advanced form of artistic expression which might allude to images, faces, forms or realism. These negations are found in the Hadith.

The only positives I can find in the Hadith or Koran; would be the following:

-Muhammad outlawed the murder of newly born girls [how else to breed ghazi, if the female is killed?].

-Prostitution around the Kabaa or cube shrine in Mecca was ended. [replaced with sex slavery of Infidel women and polygamy].

-Detailed divorce 'laws', which favor the man, but also demand fairness for the divorced wife [as long as she did not commit adultery] were developed.

-Contract law regarding commercial transactions [Muhammad was after all a trader-business man]; were clarified and implemented.

This is a rather meager list. One can therefore conclude that on balance, the totality and fascism of Islam, in which the individual is completely neutered and subsumed into the cult; and in which Moslems are told that they must war against non-Moslems until the moon deity reigns supreme; would entail that the Muhammadan cult is a massive net negative for humanity. Any person with a brain can make this calculation.

This common sense appraisal is however in direct contradistinction to most academics, media experts, church leaders and politicians.

Muhammad uber alles. Jews and Christians corrupted their 'books' to erase his Prophethood

Muhammad lied and tried to convince others that the Bible foretold his 'coming'.

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Mohammed was the most successful cult leader in history. His atavistic, bronze-age inspired barbarity is still killing innocents 1400 years after his death. This signal fact is a rather remarkable testimony which affirms the human penchant for the irrational, the abstruse and the decidedly savage. Why anyone would believe that a man who led 60+ military expeditions and conducted acts of violence including war, murder and rape, every six weeks over a 10 year period to make himself King of Arabia, is a 'prophet' of a 'religion', 'dedicated to peace'; is surely one of the greatest mysteries in human history. I can't imagine one single Christian supporting the church of Christ, if Christ had been Muhammad. Not one.

Most people assume the Koran is about 'God'. It is not. First Allah is al ilah or the Lord. It references Muhammad's tribal deity Baal the ilah of Mecca. Second, the Koran is only 1/3 of the Moslem trilogy. The Hadith which are the basis of Sharia Law, are entirely about Muhammad and they are [albeit in a repetitious manner] some 60% of the Moslem trilogy. The 3rd book of Islam, the Sira or biography of Muhammad [see Ishaq 'A Life of Muhammad'], is about 20% of the total and over 70% of that text is devoted to Muhammad's Jihad against the Kufars including Jews, Christians and pagans. We thus have over 75% of the total works explaining Islam or the cult of submission, about its founder and most of it concerned with the Kufar, erroneously translated as 'Unbeliever' but which in fact is a word which denotes a sub-human.

In roughly 13 years from 610 to 623 AD, beset by visions and dreams, Muhammad's preaching about the sole monotheistic power of Baal or the ilah of Mecca [his last name was Abdullah, or slave of Allah]; attracted at most 150 converts, many of them family and slaves. After being expelled from Mecca and finding refuge and allies in Medina, from roughly 622 AD until 632 AD or in a mere 10 years, Muhammad's 'preaching' turned to war and violence, and he conquered with his brigands all of Arabia. The message was clear. Islam would be spread by the sword, through the shedding of blood and forcible submission to Muhammad's rule. This theme has not changed one iota over 1400 years.

Muhammad outlawed other idols including the Sun goddess Allat, the moon and Venus [Manat and Uzza]. Shrines of idolatry were torn down. Rituals established by his tribe the Quraysh were simply upheld and implemented as part of Allah's [read Muhammad's] program. Ritual prostrations, prayers, poems, circling the Kaba or cube of Mecca, praying and drinking from a well called Zam Zam, throwing stones at pillars or little devils, kissing the black asteroid rock in the Kaba...all of these extant expressions of submission to Muhammad are found in pagan Arabian culture, long pre-dating the rise of Muhammadism.

Judaism and Christianity, which in a broken form had been imbibed by Muhammad, were superseded by the 'new' revelations to Muhammad. In the Koran and Hadith Muhammad calls the 'Peoples of the Book', a derisive term used to describe the wayward, corrupt Jews and followers of Christ; as beneath the contempt of the moon idol Allah; because they had expunged from their 'Book', the prophecy that Muhammad would arise as the greatest and last prophet.

Even today, many Moslems still maintain that Christ prophesied the life of Muhammad and declared that he would be the most important of God's messengers. Similar ignorant claims redound about the Old Testament. Of course no such pronouncements were ever made. But the claim dates back to Muhammad's time in Medina, and his inability to persuade Jews or the small number of Christians living there; that he had any legitimacy whatsoever. So he declaimed that the Jews and Christians had changed their Books, had corrupted 'Allahs' original message, and thereby denied Muhammad his rightful status as the final and greatest of the messengers. The Koran is littered with such declamations as are the Hadith.

Sura 9:63 summarizes the cult of Muhammad:

Know they not that for those who oppose God and His Apostle, is the Fire of Hell? - wherein they shall dwell. That is the supreme disgrace.”

Jews and Christians who 'changed their scripture' to avoid recognizing Muhammad as their rightful leader are doomed in this life and the next. Baal and Muhammad said so. Western Phds would declare this to be 'science' and proof that Islam is tolerant. 

Patrick Haley on the barren emptiness of the Hadith and Muhammadism

Barren, evil, vicious, Jihadic, intolerant.

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Patrick Haley, in his book, 'A Spiritual Manifesto' writes that the barren emptiness of the Moslem Hadith, or actions and words of Muhammad, which comprise some 60% of Moslem liturgy [along with Mein Koran and the Sira or biography of Muhammad]; must have an impact on a practising Moslem's world-view. Indeed the Hadith are mostly repetitive inanity, punctuated by calls to Jihad, violence and power; all to support the cult of Muhammad and his family idol Baal or the Lord [al ilah] of Mecca.

Haley: 'The primary emotions in Muhammadism are arrogance, envy, false pride, demonizing hate and lust.'

This is entirely true and a pithy summary of Muhammad's cult ethos. We could add pillage, misogyny, rape, plunder, murder and supremacism to the list.

Page 92

'Thousands of verses passed on orally or written on anything available....Muhammad to manufacture the Koran and Hadith. Many are completely absurd....

The spiritual emptiness of Muhammad's life, the Koran and Hadith, leaves followers in a state of nearly constant spiritual hunger. There is little joy, healing and love...

Muhammadens delusionally and arrogantly claim they are superior to all non-Muhammadans....”

What does Muhammadism as conveyed in the Hadith lead to ?

Terror. War. Hate. Blind obedience to Hadith based Sharia 'Law'. Bronze age 'laws'. Females viewed as sex chattel. Attitudes of victimization and jealousy. Jews, Christians or Kufars viewed as subhuman 'apes and pigs' who can be slaughtered at whim.

Islam is a cult.

Mein Hadith and Dhimmitude

Western elitists and many religious leaders are already Dhimmis.

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Jews and Christians are Dhimmis in Mein Hadith which support the Mein Koranic narrative that Moslems, as divinely ordained by Baal or Allah, are the ubermensch. Dhimmis, or 'Peoples of the Book', are to be the knaves, slaves, workers, sex-chattel, and wealth producers for Moslems. That is what 'Dhimmi' or Dhimmitude entails. They are untermensch. Therefore any priest, pastor, pope, cardinal, bishop, prelate or religious leader who does not condemn Moslem supremacism, violence and animus against Dhimmis, is not only a witless, mentally-ill irrelevancy; they are psychologically enchained into Dhimmitude, giving a mental and conscious subservience to Moslems, where none should exist. They are already slaves of Allah and as useless a group of chattering idiots as those who defend National Socialism or Communism.

Mein Hadith and Mein Koran make it very clear, that if the Dhimmis won't willingly submit to the might and power of Islam [submission], than the Allah moon deity has decreed that violence can be used. From Bukhari's Hadith, we have the destruction of the Jews at Khaybar and the imposition of the Dhimmi-contract:

Bukhari 5, 59, 512

During the night, just outside Khaybar [a Jewish village which possessed forts], Mohammed gave the Fajr Prayer and said, 'Allah is Great! Khaybar will be in ruins. When we attack a city that has been warned, those people are in for an evil morning.” As the people of Khaybar, fled the city, Mohammed ordered the men killed and the women and children enslaved.”

Moslems still today, taunt Jews with 'Remember Khaybar', a particular favorite of Arab Moslems living in Gaza on their occupied and once formerly Jewish land. Hundreds of men were slaughtered at Khaybar and Mohammed and his brigands had their sexual appetites sated with numerous sex slaves of any age. Only women who were pregnant or menstruating were exempted from being raped. Western liberal arts Phds state that this proves Islam respects women.

Khaybar was the first enactment of Dhimmitude. Property, wealth, gold and produce were appropriated and stolen by the Moslems. The Khaybar Jews were however, extremely productive and skilled farmers. The Arab Moslems of course knew nothing about farming. So a deal was struck. The Jews could continue to exist at the whim and pleasure of the Moslem ruling class, as long as they transferred 50% of all they produced to the Moslems. If this 'contract' was maintained the Jews might be exempted from further rapine and plunder.

Bukhari 3, 39, 521

Mohammed made an agreement with the Jews of Khaybar that allowed them to use the land in exchange for half of each harvest....”

The pact of Dhimmitude. Mohammed of course received his 'fair share' and 'equitable' division of 20 %. If he had conquered Khaybar without a fight, then he would have taken 100%, so said the Allah thing. Moslem Ghazi or warriors only received booty if there was conflict and battle. Otherwise the great man Mohammed would take all of the plunder......doesn't every 'prophet' do the same ?

Dhimmitude within the Church and Western ruling elite is already a fact. It remains to be seen what the consequences shall be.  

Bronze Age Dictums of Mein Hadith

Rape, sex slave, plunder, kill, punish.....

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Quackademics, Quackperts, the media and toothy politicians who have never read Mein Hadith, the Sira or life of Muhammad, nor Mein Koran; assure the hoi-polloi that the Sunna or Trilogy of Islam discusses nothing but love and peace. In fact the multicultural-embracing elite demands that it is in fact superior to anything created in Judeo-Christian culture. They deny that there is violence, rape, slavery, hatred, Jihad, supremacism, misogyny and Bronze Age ideals in the Sunna. This is because none of these huge brains will ever bother to read the liturgical books which comprise Islamic political-theology. The Kufar or non Moslem sub-human are to be either converted, killed, or at the very least completely dominated by Islamic totalitarianism. See ISIS for more information.

From Bukhari's Hadith collection, in which about 1000 phrases are unique and 5800 or so are repetitive.


B4, 52, 65

A man asked Muhammad. 'One man fights for wealth, one man fights to achieve fame, and another fights for pride. Who among them fights for the cause of Allah? Muhammad said, 'The man who fights so that Islam should dominate is the man who fights for Allah's cause.'

B2, 24, 522

Muhammad: 'Two angels descend from Paradise each day. One says, 'O, Allah! Reward those who contribute to jihad,' and the other says, 'O, Allah! Kill those who refuse to support jihad.'

Paradise for those who fight for Muhammad's cult:

B4, 53, 352

Muhammad: 'Allah promises the jihadi with pure intent either a place in Paradise or a return to his home with spoils of war and the guarantee of Allah's reward in the after-life.'

Kufar women as sex slaves:

B3, 34, 432

While sitting with Muhammad, I [Abu Said Al-Khudri] asked, 'Muhammad, sometimes we receive female slaves as our share of the spoils. Naturally, we are concerned about their retaining their value. How do you feel about coitus interruptus? Muhammad asked, 'Do you do that? It is better not to do that. It is Allah's will whether or not a child is born.'

Kill or ransom Kufar captives:

B4, 53, 367

Speaking about the captives from the battle of Badr, Muhammad said, 'If Al-Mutin were alive and if he asked me to, I would have freed those people for his sake.' [he ended up killing them of course]

Cruel punishment for the Kufar:

B8, 82, 795

Muhammad punished the men of the Uraina tribe by cutting off their hands and feet and letting them bleed to death.

Women are dumb [and must be managed by men]:

B3, 48, 826

Muhammad asked, 'Is not the value of a woman's eye-witness testimony half that of a man's? A woman said, 'Yes'. He said, 'That is because a woman's mind is deficient.'

The vagina is what the man needs from a woman:

B7, 62, 81

Mohammed said, 'The marriage vow most rightly expected to be obeyed is the husband's right to enjoy the wife's vagina.'

Perhaps the pious Moslem, or multi-culti devotee can highlight where precisely the ethics, morality and higher spiritual standards are embedded in the above verses ? The Hadith read as a Bronze Age manual to misogyny, conquest, rape and plunder. They share nothing in common with higher metaphysical motives. Allah-Muhammad uber alles. Whatever Allah might actually mean [Baal, the moon deity, Muhammad...]

Mein Hadith. Mein Sharia Barbarism.

Bronze age brutality.

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The Koran, Sira or biography of mad Muhammad, and the Hadith or words and actions of Muhammad, comprise the 'holy' trilogy of Islam. All of these works are canonical Moslem texts, deemed to be divinely inspired. They reinforce each other. Mein Koran is 14-15 % of the total text from these 3 sources. Mein Hadith are some 60%. The most important Hadith are the 6800 verses, most of them repetitive, compiled by Bukhari. Only about 1000 different phrases or non-repetitive paragraphs exist within the Bukhari collection. The second most cited Hadith is from Muslim.

Over 30% of Bukhari's Hadith is devoted to Jihad or violence against the Kafir or Kufar. This amount of hate-speech is also reflected in Mein Koran which devotes 25-30% of its text to the 'Kufar problem' and how to deal with non-Moslems through war, Jihad, mendacity, trickery, and what to do with their women, including rape, unfettered sex, and slaving. The books are thus consistent with each other, and mutually supportive. It is important to note that the Arabic word Kufar, or Kafir, does not mean 'Unbeliever', as most translations state. Kufar is far worse than an Unbeliever.

A Moslem calling a non-Moslem a Kufar, is akin to a Darwinist calling someone a Creationist, a cult of warm devotee ascribing 'denier' status to a critic he cannot answer; a Marxist Professor branding through his ignorance a capitalist as a Nazi; or a Nazi labelling someone a Jew. Kufar is the most pejorative term imaginable, denoting someone as an untouchable, sub-human, a person that is beyond the so-called Norman pale [or zone of control], who inhabits the House of War; and who has no rights whatsoever within Islamic totalitarianism. Within Moslem liturgy a Kufar is an animal, not a human. This is why Mein Koran and Hadith so easily discuss murdering, killing and employing Jihad against the Kufar. They are not human. The good Moslem, pious in his devotion, like a devotional cult member of abortion, is only killing a 'thing', not a human.

Mein Hadith, like the Koran, are very clear about the program. Moslems cannot kill or even be unkind to fellow Moslems. This is the Moslem 'golden rule'. Whatever is good for the Muhammadan cult is fine with the Allah-thing or idol [Baal]. If you need to lie, steal, perjure, injure, or even rape in the name of Allah, it is okay. As long as you perform these deeds against the Kufar it is divinely sanctioned. The good Allah-following Moslem cannot be so immoral against fellow Moslems, and it is a capital crime in Sharia law, based on the Hadith, to kill a fellow Moslem. It is not against Sharia law to kill the Kufar or women – even Moslem women.

For those who believe that Mein Hadith are unimportant, think again. Sharia barbarity is based on the Hadith. Misogyny, the destruction of the Kufar and their assets, bronze-age punishments for adultery, theft, or 'creating trouble in the land' against Islamic totalitarianism; the disavowal of free speech, freedom, pluralist democracy, free-will, human-rights....all of these are found in Mein Hadith and form the premise of Sharia Bronze Age barbarism.

Anyone who states that Sharia barbarity is the 'same' as Western jurisprudence or 'just as noble', is an idiot.

Bukhari's Hadith and the 300 verses of violence and Jihad

Proving that the cult of Submission means peace.

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There are over 300 verses of Jihad in Bukhari's compendium on the life, sayings, sounds, toiletry, warring, lust and accumulation of booty, by the non-prophet Muhammad. In fact just 288 describe in Bukhari's own words 'Fighting for the Cause of Allah (Jihaad)' with Jihad given an extra a in the Arabic. Jihaad was and is indeed a pillar of Islam – the 6th foundation of being a good Moslem. Without Jihaad there would not be a cult named Submission. Muhammad's 'ministry' would never have developed, and if the Meccans had possessed more intelligence, Muhammad would have been killed; before he fled Mecca to Medina, tipped off by his wealthy and important uncle. The Meccans were too lenient. Many of them would pay with their own lives and the lives of their families.

Jihad is the best deed for Moslems:

Narrated Abdullah bin Masud: I asked Allah's Apostle, "O Allah's Apostle! What is the best deed?" He replied, "To offer the prayers at their early stated fixed times." I asked, "What is next in goodness?" He replied, "To be good and dutiful to your parents." I further asked, what is next in goodness?" He replied, "To participate in Jihad in Allah's Cause." I did not ask Allah's Apostle anymore and if I had asked him more, he would have told me more.  

Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet said, "A single endeavor (of fighting) in Allah's Cause in the forenoon or in the afternoon is better than the world and whatever is in it."  

 Narrated 'Abdullah bin Abi Aufa: Allah's Apostle said, "Know that Paradise is under the shades of swords." 

Fight for Allah [Muhammad]:

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is! Whoever is wounded in Allah's Cause....and Allah knows well who gets wounded in His Cause....will come on the Day of Resurrection with his wound having the color of blood but the scent of musk.

Narrated Abu Musa: A man came to the Prophet and asked, "A man fights for war booty; another fights for fame and a third fights for showing off; which of them fights in Allah's Cause?" The Prophet said, "He who fights that Allah's Word (i.e. Islam) should be superior, fights in Allah's Cause."  

Moslem warriors named Ghazi or Mujahiddin, will go to the Moslem heaven:

Narrated Abu Huraira: A man came to Allah's Apostle and said, "Instruct me as to such a deed as equals Jihad (in reward)." He replied, "I do not find such a deed." Then he added, "Can you, while the Muslim fighter is in the battle-field, enter your mosque to perform prayers without cease and fast and never break your fast?" The man said, "But who can do that?" Abu- Huraira added, "The Mujahid (i.e. Muslim fighter) is rewarded even for the footsteps of his horse while it wanders bout (for grazing) tied in a long rope."  

Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "The example of a Mujahid in Allah's Cause-- and Allah knows better who really strives in His Cause----is like a person who fasts and prays continuously. Allah guarantees that He will admit the Mujahid in His Cause into Paradise if he is killed, otherwise He will return him to his home safely with rewards and war booty."  

If you possess an advanced degree from a Western university, you will studiously ignore Jihad, the call to kill Unbelievers and the demand to martyr yourself for the Allah-Muhammad complex. For the 'educated' Westerner Jihad means 'spiritual struggle', killing means love, and war is peace. Arbeit macht freiheid.

Mein Hadith, Mein Koran. Kill the Jews and Christians.

Intolerance is now peace.

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Kill the Jews. So states Mein Hadith, echoing the Mein Koran and the life of the Arab Fuehrer, Mohammed. Phds in Liberal Arts [Philosophy of Dunces] are confused as to why Islam is so uber-violent and displays a 1400 year history of Jihad and war against Judaism and its offshoot Christianity. It really is a mystery isn't it?

[Sahih Muslim, book 041, number 6981] Ibn 'Umar reported Allah's messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: you will fight against the Jews and you will kill them until even a stone would say: come here, Muslim, there is a Jew (hiding himself behind me) ; kill him.

[Sahih Muslim, book 041, number 6983] Abdullah b. 'Umar reported Allah's messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: you and the Jews would fight against one another until a stone would say: Muslim, here is a Jew behind me; come and kill him.

[Sahih Bukhari, volume 4, book 52, number 176] narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar: Allah’s apostle said, "you (i.e. Muslims) will fight with the Jews till some of them will hide behind stones. the stones will (betray them) saying, 'o 'Abdullah (i.e. slave of Allah)! there is a Jew hiding behind me; so kill him.'”

The above Mein Hadith are supported by 1600 Koranic verses of intolerance and cruelty towards Jews, Christians and non-Moslems, including:

[Mein Koran 9:5, 29, 41] Slay the idolators [non-Muslims] wherever ye find them, and take them captive, and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the last Day…. Go forth, light-armed and heavy-armed, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the way of Allah!

It is the Allah-Muhammad idol uber-alles. Jews, Christians and non-Moslems are to be converted or slaughtered. A rather simple fascistic dichotomy that only a Liberal Arts Phd from a Western University would fail to understand.  

Pope Frank's illiteracy on Islam.

An appeasing traitor one could say.

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Pope Francis, a 'genius' on Islam, has determined that the Muhammadan cult which shares nothing in common with Christianity, is a movement of peace and love. Pope Genius has decided that poverty causes Islamic Jihad, not Mein Koran, 1400 years of supremacist war, nor Muhammad's own personal example. He wants open borders so Moslems can further flood Europe. The illiteracy and ignorance is truly remarkable – even for a Latino Pope.


On November 30th 2014 Pope Francis said that equating Islam with violence was wrong and called on Muslim leaders to issue a global condemnation of terrorism to help dispel the stereotype.

UK Daily Mail  Pope Francis, the leader of 1.2 billion Roman Catholics, told reporters aboard his plane returning from a visit to Turkey that he understood why Muslims were offended by many in the West who automatically equated their religion with terrorism.

Islamic Protest slogans

Francis’ predecessor, Benedict XVI, caused storms of protest throughout the Islamic world in 2006, when he made a speech that suggested to many Muslims that he believed Islam espoused violence.


Benedict said he had been misunderstood and apologised. But this year, the image of a violent religion has once more been promoted by Islamic State, who have seized swathes of Syria and Iraq, slaughtering or driving out Shi’ite Muslims, Christians and others who do not share their radical brand of Sunni Islam.


The Argentine pope, who has been trying to foster cooperation with moderate Islam in order to work for peace and protect Christians in the Middle East, said it was wrong for anyone to react to terrorism by being “enraged” against Islam.


You just can’t say that, just as you can’t say that all Christians are fundamentalists. We have our share of them (fundamentalists). All religions have these little groups,” he said. “They (Muslims) say: ‘No, we are not this, the Koran is a book of peace, it is a prophetic book of peace’.”

Christians slaughtered in the streets of Nigeria just for being Christians

Christians slaughtered in the streets of Nigeria just for being Christians

Francis said he had made the suggestion of a global condemnation of terrorism by Islamic leaders in talks on Friday with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan.

I told the president that it would be beautiful if all Islamic leaders, whether they are political, religious or academic leaders, would speak out clearly and condemn this because this would help the majority of Muslim people,” he said.

Francis several times condemned Islamic State’s insurgents during his three-day trip. On the plane, he said some Christians had been forced to abandon everything: “They are driving us out of the Middle East.”


In an address at a Mass on Sunday, he said Islamic State were committing a “profoundly grave sin against God” and called for inter-religious dialogue and action against poverty to help end the conflicts in the region.

He added that ending poverty was crucial, partly because it gave rise to “the recruitment of terrorists”. Francis has in the past said that, while it is lawful for the international community to use force to stop an “unjust aggressor”, lasting solutions must be found that tackle the root causes of violence


And if that isn’t bad enough, Pope Francis recently called for the opening of Europe’s borders even wider than they already are so that Muslim invaders can advance their plan of creating a worldwide Islamic caliphate.


Pope Frank and Appeasement. The Vatican as enabler of Moslem Fascism.

Appeasement is a strategy for losers.

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Papal infallibility might apply [emphasize might], to theological doctrines or a restatement of what can be found in the Catechism. It does not apply to ex-cathedra pronouncements on 'secular' matters. Islam for example, has been washed, perfumed, coiffed, and re-robed by the Vatican curia and various Popes, since Vatican II or 1965, as a 'brother theology'. This monstrous ignorance was inserted into the Vatican II 'update' of the Catechism. I would expect that Atheism, Darwinism and other Church-hating metaphysical theologies which parade around as 'rational science', will be given similar redress.

In this vein Pope Francis [Frank] and his viewpoints on Islam only mirror the isolated myopia which obviously saturates the Vatican curia, terrified of being branded as 'irrational', or 'medieval', by the media and PC Marxist darlings who run global pop culture, pop education and pop media. As if appeasing your enemies will actually make you stronger.

Pope Frank can visit Constantinople and Turkey yet never inquire about the following:

-The 1453 destruction of the Christian Byzantine empire by Moslem Turks culminating in a sacked city with 40.000 dead and a similar amount sold into slavery. Why hasn't Turkish Islam, the purported Muhammadan cult of peace, apologized for this ?

-The Ottoman Turk devastation of much of Eastern and Central Europe with at least 5 million non-Moslems taken as slaves and half the population of many regions in the Balkans, Central and Eastern Europe denuded by Islam. Why is there no Turkish apology for this multi-century Jihad and atrocity?

-The faith genocide of 1.5 million Armenian Christians during WW1 and 300.000 Jews and Greeks during 1923. Why hasn't Moslem Turkey apologized for this ?

-The evisceration of Greek northern Cyprus in the illegal 1974 invasion by Turkey. Property, people, assets obliterated. Yet no Turkish-Moslem apology or statements of regret ?

-The current eradication by Islam of Christians in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere, supported indirectly by Turkey whose PM is anti-Christian and anti-Jewish. Why didn't Pope Frank implore Turkey to aid Western states in protecting Christians in Iraq and Syria ?

Christians are being slaughtered by Moslems all over the world and yet the Vatican and its Socialist Latino Pope, immured in the closed world of 'dialogue' and 'peace at all costs' only add to this slaughter. Islam is a warring, Jihadic fascism which has nothing in common with Christianity. Nothing. Comparing the Meccan moon cult [Baal or Allah], to Christianity and remarking that both are the same; is about as intelligent as affirming a similar comparison between the cult of Darwin and Christianity. In other words, Islam and Christianity are polar opposites. They are not brother theologies but enemies.

Papal infallibility is a myth as Pope Frank's immature stance on Islam demonstrates. Dispense with it.