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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

Archive - December 2021

Why Christianity and the destruction of the Catholic Church

A long note on the inevitable unless the current Pope and policies are replaced

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For civilisation to exist, Christianity must exist.  There can be little argument over that statement.  Christian civilisation produced Western Civilisation.  It synthesised the pagan worlds of Rome and Greece and added new energy, a new perspective and dynamic, a moral and ethical dimension to society which quickly infiltrated laws, social mores, architecture, trade and commerce.  The great pagan legacies were protected by Christians and carried forward into the medieval era, adapted to the world of the high Christian God, without sacrificing the benefices and beliefs around lower Gods, deities and pagan practices.  The synthesis of the pagan world with the Christian is one of the most important aspects of Christianity and little discussed.  Without these efforts much of the pagan or ‘classical’ history would be lost. 


The fusion of the pagan and Christian in the Mediterranean and European lands led to the formation of all the structures and institutions which create civilisation, from public education and hospitals to science and math, to engineering and legal systems, to parliaments and representational politics.  It was not European ‘land’, ‘animal types’, or ‘geography’ which created the modern world, it was the Christian culture and its great adaptive capability, its curiosity, the demand to understand God and his perfect creation which led to modern science and math including universities and schools, where in these domains and far beyond, Christians still dominate any list of inventors and creators.  The Christian demand for justice, its concern for the poor and outcast, its belief that all men are equal in the eyes of God, and its ferocious defence of freedom, free-will and truth, even its remarkable adjuration to humility, for only God is truly great, not the material and not the human, forever changed history for the better.


Until the 14th century, Christianity was the great bulwark against secular, Kingly power, without this defence and at times opposition to the State, European civilisation does not manufacture the culture, the nation states, the free will theology to engage in the productive enterprises of building a materially advanced, as well as a piously anchored, society.  Culture is king, and Christianity dominated European culture.  By the 14th century, the Church finds itself more embroiled in secular and nation state politics, refusing to become transparent and work in the vernacular languages, and through greed and tithes, not to mention simony and corruption, created the environment in which a revolt leading to the Protestant and State Churches, was inevitable. The long Council of Trent (1565) which created the Baroque era (one of the greatest eras of art in history), remediated much of what ailed the Roman Catholic Church, leading to a recrudescence in many areas, which lasted until the modern era, notwithstanding many challenges and failures. 


Where is the Church today?


Christianity in the current Church is going through its death throes.  The current set of Churches including State Churches, Protestant sects and the Roman Catholic Church, have lost their purpose by rejecting their heritage and original objectives.  The importance of Christ and Christianity has long been debased through an infusion of secular and irreligious ideals, much of this dating from post-World War II.  This ‘modernisation’ of the Churches is really the corruption from the material world, a debasement of God and his word, a rejection of his orthodoxy, and the removal of poignant appeals to faith and reason, that the earlier Churches used to build followers and indeed civilisation and modern society.  It was never a question of ‘imposition’ or power for the Churches.  Not in the material, secular sense of authority and control.  It was always the question of spiritual and emotional intensity and logic which made the Churches relevant, powerful, moral and timeless.  Applying the commandments, morality, ethos and best practices not only helps a person spiritually and emotionally, but it does help them in life and in the material, secular world.  No such messages along these lines are issued from the Churches today.  The sermons and themes are completed secularised. 


The greatest example of the truism from the above analysis is the Roman Catholic Church and its Globalist Pontiff.  One can see just how quickly a great institution can be eviscerated.  From the pulpits and from the Vatican we learn:



In the greatest coup in modern history, the Corona, a virus with a 0.1% death rate is now being used to forcibly inject drugs into people, wrap their faces in cloth, lock them down, punish them, physically and psychological violate them and the Church does nothing except support the empoisoning of people, demanding that they receive any allotment of drugs assigned by the government, and do not dissent on religious grounds (the drugs are derived in part from murdered baby liver cells), nor on natural law rights, God-given rights, to freedom of choice or bodily autonomy. 


The parallels between Nazi Germany (the Gesundheitpass) and the modern Corona ‘health passport’, are frightening.  Yet here we have the Catholic Church, which did very little to oppose the cult of the Nazis in Europe, now engaged in an open alliance with criminal pharmaceutical firms, corrupt governments and politicians and independent Free Mason and luciferian actors (WEF, Gates, Soros, Rothschilds etc), to impose a form of medical Nazism on unsuspecting laity.


2-Green Fascism

‘Climate Change’ is anti-science, yet vigorously defended by a Church, which is ironically, anxious to prove its scientific bona fides.  Climate change from Co2 is particularly obnoxious as a theory.  Co2 is not a toxin, it is not poison, it is a 0.04% gas by weight (400 parts per million), necessary for life and is essential to produce oxygen.  The Church intones that this trace chemical is supposedly the greatest challenge facing humanity echoing fake science, fake news and secular and very corrupt leaders.  In fact, Co2 falls out of natural climate processes and 95% of it is made by Gaia, so nothing can be done in any event given the low human output. 


But it is worse than this.  Somehow the 5% of the 0.04% Co2 emitted by the human is rapidly destroying mother earth through our greed, our consumption and our overpopulation (Malthusian theory was long ago dismissed as unscientific).  None of this is scientific (there is no greenhouse, there are positive and negative feedback loops and cycles), reasonable or truthful.  The Green cult is open about its de-population and de-industrialisation agenda, fully supported by the Church.  The Green cult is best described as Green Fascism and openly pronounces anti-human policies, violence and plans to eliminate as many humans as possible and this philosophy has no basis in Christian doctrine, ideals nor history.  None. 


2-Gaia paganism

Jesus (and even John the Baptist) came to redeem our sins and offer salvation.  According to the Catholic Church our greatest sin today is the destruction of Gaia through ‘climate change’.  Apparently, Christ was teaching us humility, sacrifice, morals and a belief in God the Father, to save Gaia and paganism from our human greed and insufferable egotism and arrogance.  Nowhere in the Gospels is Christ much concerned with Gaia, nor in the Old Testament is much ink spilled on papyrus or parchment about protecting Gaia.  Yet somehow, the Church has made a link to pagan Gaia worship where none exists.  This philosophy has no basis in Christian doctrine, ideals nor history.  None. 



Apocryphally the Church will teach, especially at Christmas, that Jesus and many other prophets were once ‘refugees’, and we in the Western world are not doing enough to help ‘refugees’ even if they are mostly young men, from areas untouched by war or disease, most of them from Africa, the Near East and now Central Asia.  In reality, Herod and the threat of state power (murder) forced the family of the Christ to flee and when Herod died, they returned to Nazareth.  Not so today with the young men and their extended families who are invading and colonising vast tracks of Europe and the UK and in so doing, eradicating Christian and European culture. 


I don’t recall Christ or his family blowing up the pyramids in Egypt or demanding that the Egyptians speak Aramaic and hand his family welfare payments and housing during their short sojourn there.  Yet today in the UK and Europe, we have Muslim populations building mosques, receiving 40% of the total budget for state welfare, and demanding that society conform to their Musulman or non-Christian belief systems, even as crime skyrockets in which 70% of Muslims, or more, in every European state, are unemployed.  Jihad, rapes, attacks, welfare state burdens and even the degradation of public-school systems receive no attention from the Church.  Those ‘faithful’ Catholics impacted by these policies receive no support from the Church and if they dare oppose the open borders invasion, they are deemed ‘racist’ or ‘nationalist’ by the Church.  This philosophy has no basis in Christian doctrine, ideals nor history.  None. 


4-Borders are immoral

The Church preaches that national borders are a problem and need to be reduced if not eliminated, so we may help our fellow man by allowing them recourse to ‘richer’ states who should without any consideration of self or national interests, offer aid and succour.  When a ‘nationalist’ such as Trump, a man who fast tracked the Pharma poisons, rises to power, or Orban in Hungary, the Church will expend no end of money and license to attack and slander.  By contrast the Church offers up effusive praise for a mental decrepit like Joe Biden a purported Catholic who stole an election with a 30 million or more vote fraud, is a known paedophile and abortion-supporter, and whose wife mysteriously died in a car crash which enabled him to immediately marry his baby sitter; or Merkel, who opened up Europe’s borders to the Muslim invasion of 2015 (which only accelerated the existing policies), which led to thousands being killed and injured and Notre Dame burnt to the ground, a terrorist attack denied by the Church.  No criticism from the Church whatsoever, just praise and support.  The Church openly supports transnational governance and actively advocates the dismemberment of national borders, institutions, and culture.  This philosophy has no basis in Christian doctrine, ideals nor history.  None. 


5-Christianity is just one religion

The Vatican and Pope often state that Christianity is just one religion and maybe not even the best one and that Christians should not evangelise nor pronounce their faith too stringently, since this will offend Atheists and non-Christians (especially Muslims and Jews).  It is important for Christians (but not for anyone else) to understand other ‘faiths’ and ideas and to comport ourselves accordingly to their demands.  We should never ‘impose’ our beliefs on society or anyone at any time.  We must be the humble, invisible believers, never challenging and never evincing confidence or strength.  This philosophy also has no basis in Christian doctrine, ideals nor history.  None. 


6-Cult of Muhammad

According to the Pope and sundry Catholic worthies, the 1400-year Muslim Jihad, including endless assaults on Europe and the enslavement of some 25 million White Christians, and the modern day slaughter of Christian innocents of all skin colours, is not due to Muhammadanism, but stems from tribal wars, militia, drug runners or those who misunderstand the Koran.  There is no need to identify Muslims as the arbiters of violence in a wide arc stretching from Nigeria to Indonesia which now passes through North America, the UK and Europe.  We need to understand that they have legitimate grievances and the Koran which has 1670 verses of hate speech including Jihad against Christians, is a book of love and harmony.  The Church ignores the will to universal power, and the eradication of the Infidel that is the core of the Musulman program.  Indeed, the Church seems to positively embrace Muhammadanism and defend its pagan origins and foundational texts as a ‘religion’.  This philosophy has no basis in Christian doctrine, ideals nor history.  None. 


The Effects:

The above 6 tenets form the core of modern Church teachings.  Very little about orthodox Christianity, the real purpose of Christ or the prophets, the great deeds of the Church past and present, is refracted through modern Church belief, its encyclicals, or sermons.   The Church has become secular.  All great Christian themes and meaning are now repurposed to support inter-alia:

Corona (Medical Nazism and anti-science), Climate Change (Green Fascism, anti-science), Refugees, Open Borders, Transnational Governance, and the Church’s ‘brothers and sisters’ in the Muhammadan cult (inter-faith diversity).


The core of Christianity and its civilising mission is now gone.  The outcome of the ‘Globalist politics’ of the Church, the rejection its own history and importance, the wiping away of the teachings, intellect, examples and orthodox morality of Popes Benedict and Saint John Paull II, leads to foreordained conclusions. 


Selling your soul for 30 pieces of State Silver?

Selling its soul for 30 pieces, or more accurately, £40 million or more in money from the UK government, which is emulated across every developed country to arrive at a stunning largesse, to campaign for a Corona medical Nazism is a sorry example as to why the Church not only will collapse but in its current form, must be pulled down.  There are only 2 outcomes from the Corona medical Nazism.  First, is the imposition of totalitarianism and in this model, there will be no room for ‘religion’ in the world of unfettered state power, if the luciferian plans come to fruition.  Totalitarianism will either marginalise or dismember Churches.  At best Churches will become appendages of the State, even more so than they are today and irrelevant as a source of opposition to untrammelled state power. 


The second outcome is improbable but possible.  If despite the Church, good people with power and free-will tear down the Corona totalitarianism and restore freedom, the Church will rightly be seen as part of the problem.  The Gay-Priest paedophilia scandal (sex abuse) will pale in comparison.  Freedom lost is not easily forgiven. Literally hundreds of thousands are dead, and millions injured from the poisons injected in just the past year.  This truth will out itself.  No one can suppress the facts.  The future carnage is incalculable but will not be less in quantity or agony to what has transpired in the past two years of fascistic violence. 


The Church will rightly be named as a co-conspirator, a ‘faith’ which sold its soul for 30 pieces, an edifice which gave up its heritage and its importance for money, and to play a role in future global governance, a power which will never be offered in a ‘New World Order’.  The powers behind Corona, have played the Church for a collective fool and folly.  Instead of defending Saint Thomas Aquinas and our God-given natural law rights, the Church has decided that the way of Lucifer and Fascism is more appealing and congruous.  The Church has joined the enemy.


The Impact?

The Church has no purpose and there is no reason for its existence.  Why bother with a Church when the BBC or secular propaganda offers the same program without any moral boundaries or obligations?  Private charities can administer to the poor.  The international outreach programs can be outsourced to the State.  There is no market differentiation with the competition.  The Church will see the complete evisceration of its one proud legacy resulting in a staggering loss of laity and faithful and an increase and abundance of local and home religiosity which will in part, and only in part, replace the rotted, corrupted, and immoral set of organisations that comprise the Catholic Church.  For the ‘new and modern’ Church, its followers will be impossible to discriminate from BBC viewers.


Why the eradication?

The Church’s central tenets are forgotten.  Christian truths removed.  Memories, reasons, logic and culture, which should never have been lost are now largely ignored or abused.  Culture and heritage are now openly viewed by the Vatican and State Churches as an embarrassment to be erased as quickly as possible.  National cultures, languages and civilisation within the European-founded group of nations must be demeaned, belittled, expunged from the historical record and labelled as incongruous with ‘minorities’, ‘rights’ and other meaningless word-salad phrases. 


Culture is King.  The culture of the modern Catholic Church and almost every other Western Church is secular, irreligious, banal, and totalitarian.  Without a return to orthodoxy and a real Christian culture, the end of the Catholic Church is assured.





Corona, Fascism, the Great Reset and our destruction

Archbishop Vigano is a light in the darkness of evil

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The Great Reset and Fascism.  There is no pandemic, there never has been.  A pandemic is when 200 out of 1000 people are ill and dying of a very contagious plague.  A plague is when people die at home, the office, in the street or engaged in normal activities.  With Corona, no one has died at home, just in the hospitals, or old age homes, yet the hospitals can service no more than 2 people per thousand, with care homes servicing a similar volume.  Corona by definition therefore, is neither a pandemic nor a plague, and is perhaps at best either a natural, man-made, or, simply a made-up flu.  Real plagues are those such as the ‘Justinian Plague’ of the 6th century which killed about 30% of the entire Mediterranean population in just 4 years, or the Black Death event of 1347-1350, where in 3 short years almost half of Europe died of the buboes.  Corona is not a plague by definition.  The very word pandemic has been corrupted to serve the interests of evil. 


Corona has a death rate of 0.15%, with an average age of death of 82, which is above the average life expectancy, and most who die from Corona are obese and, or, have pre-existing conditions.  Dying with Corona is not the same as dying with a Fake PCR test which picks up DNA detritus from colds and flus.  PCRs do not identify ‘Corona’ DNA or its ‘variants’.  There is no ‘test’ for Corona which is accurate.  This means that dying from Corona may constitute no more than 8% of the total death counts published by criminal governments and criminal fraudulent media outlets.  One can confirm this by simply requesting from the government statistics body, under an FOI request, the death counts of those who died only from, not with, Corona.  It will be a fraction of what is reported. 


Some other facts:

-Masks and Lockdowns are proven to be anti-science, anti-medicine, neither work, the mask forces the wearer to breathe in bacteria, and reduce oxygen and health, whilst doing nothing against a 0.1 micron sized virus particle

-Lockdowns murdered thousands in every country they were imposed, with most of the dead and injured declared as victims of Corona (some 30.000 to 50.000 died in the UK from lockdowns, including 20.000 or more murdered by Midazolam and end of life respiratory drugs)

-The jabbinations have killed and injured millions worldwide.  In the EU alone, the EUdra database lists 31.000 dead post-jab and 3 million injured.  This system may report on 10% or fewer of the actual dead and wounded post jabbination.  In every country it is the same story.  80% of those ‘infected’ by the current ‘Omicron’ variant, an anagram for MORONIC, which is no worse than a cold, are jabbed.  It is simply untrue that healthy people are suffering from MORONIC.  The jabs are reducing and violating immune systems, causing ancillary damage and rendering the imbiber prone to more injury and viral infection. 


It is now clear, one year after the coercive jab programmes were started, that the jabs are poisons and genetic therapy.  The dead and injured are never mentioned by government or the media.  The criminal pharmaceutical companies, with a 60-year criminal history, are indemnified from prosecution on dead and injured from their vaccine poisons; and governments will never admit to any damage, bought and bribed as they are by the pharmaceutical industry, which could lead to a loss of public trust, court cases or worse.  We have a criminal governance structure, and a system of medical Nazism, against a minor 0.15% IFR flu, paid for by the criminal pharmaceutical industry.


This is as much a spiritual battle as it is a physical contest. 

For Christians and non-Christians, the strength of faith and hope may be the best recourse to reject the Great Reset and tear down the walls of Medical Nazism which are being built around us.  Archbishop Vigano, an ardent critic of the useless, globalist Pope Francis, and the utter rot and corruption that has become the Catholic Church is a man to listen to, understand and follow.  His Christmas message is redacted and summarised below.  Resist the Great Reset.  Corona and the vaccinations have nothing to do with health or a flu.  It is about power, control, and a dystopian fascistic one-world governance. 


Archbishop Vigano 2021 Christmas message

The pandemic was created by those in power to: reduce the world population, make those who survive chronically ill, and impose forms of control that violate the fundamental rights and natural liberties of citizens.


It is a criminal plan hatched by the World Economic Forum, the UN, the WHO, and a galaxy of organizations and foundations that are anti-human and – this needs to be said clearly – anti-Christian.


They had to steal the election from President Trump to make this happen. The Democrat Party & the Pope are accomplices in this betrayal against God's children.


You must be determined and courageous be a work of truth, bringing to light the lies and deceptions of the New World Order. You must coordinate and organize together to make a firm but peaceful resistance.


Be proud of your identity as patriots and of the Faith that must animate your life. Do not allow anyone to make you feel inferior just because you love your homeland, because you are honest at work, because you want to protect your family and raise your children with healthy values, because you respect the elderly, because you protect life from conception to its natural end.


Do not be intimidated or seduced by those who propagate a dystopian world in which a faceless power imposes on you, a contempt for the Law of God, presents sin and vice as licit and desirable, despises righteousness and Morality, destroys the natural family and promotes the worst perversions, plans the death of defenceless and weak creatures, and exploits humanity for its own profit or to preserve power.


 “Come, Lord. Because in these two years of pandemic madness, we have understood that Hell does not consist so much in the suffering of the body but in the desperation of knowing You are far away, in Your silence, in letting ourselves sink into the deaf horror of Your absence.”


The Dhimmi Islamophiles and Corona Fascism

Dhimmitude and Coronatude both attract the same variety of liberal-fascist.

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...a uniform civilization developed throughout the centuries by all non-Muslim indigenous people, who were vanquished by jihad-war and governed by shari'a law. It is this civilization which is called dhimmitude. It is characterized by the different strategies developed by each dhimmi group to survive as non-Muslim entity in their Islamized countries. Dhimmitude is not exclusively concerned with Muslim history and civilization. Rather it investigates the history of those non-Muslim peoples conquered and colonized by jihad. [See Baat Yeor].



...a uniform civilization developed throughout the past 6 decades in all G20 countries, who were vanquished by government propaganda, oppression, criminal pharmaceutical firms and endless drugs posing as ‘vaccines’… leading to ‘vaccine law’. It is this civilization which is called Coronatude. It is characterized by the different strategies developed by each conquered group within the G20, to survive as non-vaxxed entity in their Vaccinated countries. Coronatude is not exclusively concerned with vaccine history and civilization. Rather it investigates the history of those non-vaxxed peoples conquered and colonized by government and pharma. [See myself].


From Dhimmitude to Coronatude.  For many it is simply a straight line, an extension, another stamp on their card of ‘political acceptance’ or ‘science’.  They see nothing wrong with the Muslim or Pharma-Government Jihad.  Both are perfectly sensible in their opinion.  Both are justified by ‘science’ and the ‘crimes’ of Christians or the unjabbed.  Both are necessary to correct historical ‘wrongs’.  Both are valid to ‘improve civilisation’, ‘health’, ‘diversity’, and amend our own ‘bias’.


The cults usually parading around with banners declaring ‘science’, who support Corona Fascism (death rate of 0.1% which negates the idea of a pandemic), evolution (the magic of multi-cellular functionality inside billions-soon trillions of years), warming from a rounding error trace chemical 95% emitted by Gaia; are usually the same groups who support the ‘religion’ of Muhammadanism and open-borders.  Not always.  But more often than not, this is true.   These groups have overlapping memberships and personnel and are often found ‘co-existing’ within major ‘political’ parties as part of their standard platforms and pablum.  Few if any of the media, corporate leaders or politicians are not from these same groups.


The reason these fellow travellers flock together under the same set of standards is straightforward.  None of these groups and their acolytes possess critical thinking skills, nor do most live in the world of the 5 senses.  They are ignorant of history, data, real science and basic biology.  They hypocritically hate white-Christian premised civilisation and want to tear it down (warming, ‘green energy’, ‘open borders’, anti-Christian, anti-white racism) while enjoying its benefices. They are the modern communist revolutionary, demanding a ‘great reset’, of what exactly, why, and to the benefit of whom, they can’t say.  Most of these quasi-literates classify themselves as ‘liberals’ which is a word without meaning, only edified when one analyses their programmes which are quite fascistic in political orientation.  All their programmes centre on government control, mass compliance and hypnosis and endless drugging and terrorising.  There is nothing ‘liberal’, ‘intelligent’, or ‘progressive’ in the demented minds of these modern Robespierres, Lenins or Nazis.  They are the same age-old detritus who are attracted to cults of oppression and totalitarianism including Corona, Green movements and Muhammadanism.


In 1400 years of Muslim Jihad there are at least 25 million Christian Whites taken as slaves by Muslim Jihad, ranging from the Mongolian, to the Turkish, Arab and North African.  The Spanish Jihad from 710 AD to 1492 AD, history’s longest war, was composed of Arabs, Berbers and Blacks.  It is hard to calculate the cost in slavery and destruction during these 800 years.  Modern ‘historians’, ‘commentators’ and ‘experts’, only genuflect to the ‘great influence’ Muslims had on Spain.  They ignore the rape, the war, the slaughter and the destruction of countless buildings and art.  Over 800 years no fewer than 5.000 Christians per annum, would be enslaved in the yearly ‘razzias’ from Muslim occupied Hispania into Christian enclaves.  This is a low estimate.  We therefore have just in Spain, some 4 million Christians over 800 years taken as slaves.


In Spain alone, over 800 years, some 4 million White Christians were enslaved by Black, Arab, and Berbers (Romano-indigenous mix).


No knee bending by Blacks, Arabs or Muslims to White Christians.  In fact, the opposite.  A complete disavowal of this slavery.  A complaint that it was the fault of the enslaved, with the rapacious, ‘anti-science’ Roman Catholic Church, being in the way of the great, ‘intellectual’, ‘achievements’, of illiterate Arabs and Bedouin, who were stupefied by the wealth, the art, the buildings and the cities of 8th century Spain.  In this revisionism, the vast economic and social wealth of Spain was not due to Romano-Visigothic civilisation, but amazingly imported on the swords of Muhammadanism.


No one discusses the Muslim Jihad, rape and slaughter.  In such a dystopian fantasy, it is therefore to be expected, that open borders, more ‘Muslims’, more ‘diversity’, are the only ‘accepted science’, even as Muslim rape, crime, welfare payments and the destruction of Churches including Notre Dame across Western states, continues to set records and only increases in quantity and volume.  To promote any other policy is to be a ‘racist’, a ‘phobe’, an ‘ultra right nationalist’, and probably a ‘Nazi’.


The same litany of ignorance is displayed by the same people in their slavish obeisance to a fake pandemic.  The people who accept the Corona narrative, ignore the dead and wounded from Pharma-poisons, who imbibe with religious fervour the anti-science of Fake News and totalitarian governments, and who openly wish for their own imprisonment, are hardly the sort of people who built civilisation.  Quite the opposite.  They are the same people advocating for the Muslimification of the West and the imposition of Medical Nazism.  These people are as far removed from being intelligent, as Muhammadanism is from peace.


The Cult of Muhammad, slavery and war. White slavery is apparently unimportant.

Muslims enslaving and killing Whites. The big brains don't care.

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When 400.000 Blacks were trans-shipped to the southern United States, from 1650-1800, some 1-2 million Whites were enslaved in North Africa by Muslims, held along the ‘Barbary’ coast, during this same period.  Most died or disappeared into the Ottoman empire, or Arab Muslim states, worked to death in galley’s or mines, employed in harems or brothels (which is what a harem is) and discarded, or conscripted into Muslim forces and fed as fodder in battle.  No knee bending by Muslims or Arabs today when they encounter Whites.  No overpaid, dim-witted, ignorant professional athletes protesting the enslavement of the White man and woman. 


In fact, over 1400 years, Muslims have enslaved 25 million Whites, from Russia to Iceland, many as part of the sex Jihad.  This equates into 18.000 Christian slaves every year on average – probably a low estimate.  In Anatolia and the Balkans alone, some 3 million Christian boys, or roughly 7.000 per annum, were enslaved from 1363 to 1800 and forced to become ‘Janissaries’, the Muslim SS.  This is likewise a low estimate. 


White enslavement by Muslims is apparently a non-issue.  Not a whimper to be heard in quackademia or elsewhere.  White slavery apparently does not exist for the big brains.  Just the enslavement of Blacks is important not Whites.  Sadly for the Muslimophiles their favourite fascist cult accounted for some 50 million Black slaves from sub-Saharan Africa, and Muhammandans still own today, 5 million in East Africa.  Not a mention is made of either fact.


Why is the Muhammandan cult so obsessed with slavery, the sex Jihad and the use of Infidels as slaves for domestic, industrial and military usage?  The answer is that one of the ‘pillars’ of the Koran is slavery.  Every chapter of any length and importance discusses ‘what the right hand possesses’, or what has been taken in war, including sex slaves.  The Muslim Jihad is a war of domination, and the enslavement of the Infidel a mainspring for war and violence.


If we take Sura 8, named 'The Spoils of War', a long chapter but not analysed or discussed that often in comparison to Suras 2, 5, or 9, we can see that about 42 % of verses are hate speech against non-Moslems.  This hate speech openly incites slavery.  There are 75 verses in Sura 8 and 33 which could be classified as hate speech (inciting violence against another definable group, in this case, Jews and Christians).  The apogee of Sura 8 is verse 39 which advocates military Jihad.


And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere; but if they cease, verily Allah sees all that they do.


Which echoes in 8-57:

So if you gain the mastery over them in war, punish them severely in order to disperse those who are behind them, so that they may learn a lesson.


Moslems must fight on until the House of War (the Infidel, non Muslim) is subdued. This is what is meant by 'no more tumult or oppression'. The existence of Infidels and ‘deniers’ of the Allah cult is simply insufferable to the pious Moslem. The Allah-thing's commandment is clear – every human must be in bondage and submission to the moon deity, or to the cult of Muhammad.


Verse 12 is also quite explicit in that terror, including Jihad, slavery, psychological and physical assaults, are part of the Jihad:  (Remember) when your Lord inspired the angels, "Verily, I am with you, so keep firm those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved, so strike them over the necks, and smite over all their fingers and toes."


Muhammad, or the leader of the Jihad enjoys 20% of the spoils of war.  This was a convenient revelation given to Muhammad by the moon deity Al-Lah, the Lord of Mecca in verse 41, just before the battle of Badr, a key early Muslim victory over the Meccans (622 A.D.): And know that whatever of war-booty that you may gain, verily one-fifth (1/5th) of it is assigned to Allah, and to the MessengerWe sent down to Our slave (Muhammad SAW) on the Day of criterion (between right and wrong), the Day when the two forces met (the battle of Badr) - And Allah is Able to do all things.


The messenger, who does little fighting, seems to reap the greatest single reward from war.  Sex slaves (Muhammad had over 20), gold, booty, rich luxurious products, all went to the ‘messenger’.  This is an obvious impetus to Jihad and expansion. 


A curious feature of Mein Koran is that the Al-Lah thing, when speaking to Muhammad refers to the messenger and all Muslims as ‘slaves’. Slaves of the Al-Lah.  Slaves to the Koran.  Cults need slaves and Muhammandanism, is a slave cult.  Do not think but obey.  Do not question but simply do.  This was the cultural ethos and ‘pillar’ Muhammad needed to create.  He was a slave to the Al-Lah, but all Muslims were slaves both to himself and the Al-Lah.  It is a necessary pre-requisite to establish a military cult.  And when you obey, Al-Lah is happy: 08-51, "This is because of that which your hands had forwarded. And verily, Allah is not unjust to His slaves."


Al-Lah is very kind to his slaves; and Al-Lah's slaves must punish and humiliate the Infidels, as stated in 8-59: And let not those who disbelieve think that they can outstrip (escape from the punishment). Verily, they will never be able to save themselves (from Allah's Punishment).  The Infidels can't hide from temporal Moslem wrath and war, nor from an after-life of 'grievous punishment'. By extension the Al-Lah, and Muhammad cult will only tolerate good 'slaves of Allah', who cause no 'tumult' or 'oppression' of Moslems and their beliefs. These good slaves must fight to purge the planet of non-Moslem belief. This theology of Infidelophobia, only takes up 42% of Sura 8. Surely a civilized amount.


Sura 8 makes a Global-Caliphate, only achieved through War, a necessity.  Verse 73 demands that, ‘..those who disbelieve are allies to one another, (and) if you (Muslims of the whole world collectively) do not do so (i.e. become allies, as one united block with one Khalifah- chief Muslim ruler for the whole Muslim world to make victorious Allah's Religion of Islamic Monotheism), there will be Fitnah (wars, battles, polytheism, etc.) and oppression on earth, and a great mischief and corruption (appearance of polytheism).’


Verse 8-72 is rather clear.  Muslims have a duty to impose a Global Caliphate for the Umma, using war and the attributes of war including terror, slavery, slaughter, deceit and violence in all its form to achieve that objective.  War is the 2nd most important pillar in Islam.  Slavery is a subcomponent of War.  Muslims must either kill, or enslave, the Infidel.